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Stephy A La Mode!


Poetry Corner

Steak Alexandra — A recipe for success
Tonight I crave meat,
A delicate treat
When bloody, good fun's on the menu.

A steak would be nice,
Quite thick, and with spice
To flavour my animal's sinew.

I'll julienne carrots
Margarita my drinks
And even Martha-fy desert!

But to top it all off,
Alexandra the steak!
And you'll have a meal that's quite pert.

Steak Alexandra,
A delicacy
A dish that just cannot compare

Steak Alexandra,
So sweet, so artsy
You stand back in awe and just stare.

So if you crave sustinance, high-class indeed
And feel just a little bit lonely,
Then Steak Alexandra's all the company you need!
So throw out that year-old balongna . . .

And get yourself some of that FINE Steak Alexandra!!

Copyright 2003, Kat K.