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Scott's Horror House - B


The Blair Witch Project (1999)

This movie was pretty scary. But it was even scarier when I was led to believe that it was all true, but it turned out that it was a hoax. The footage isn't real, but when you watch this movie it's still scary because it seems so realistic. Different, but good.

* * * out of * * * * *

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

I liked part two better than the first, because unlike the original this is actually a movie, not a documentary-type film. In this one it is a group of people who go out into the woods investigating after seeing The Blair Witch Project. It also has some essentially creepy moments and it tricks you many times.

* * * * out of * * * * *

Bride of Chucky (1998)

The thing I like about the Child's Play movies is that Chucky can make you laugh and scream at the same time, and I think the combination is cool. In this installment Chucky gets a girlfriend and they embark on a killing spree.

* * * 1/2 out of * * * * *

The Bride of Frankenstein (1935)

Okay, this movie might not be considered 'scary' by today's standards, but this is a classic. This film had a huge impact when it was released (1935) and it is still a good little movie. It might not be scary, but it's still great.

* * * * * out of * * * * *

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