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Anti Yahoo Child Porn

Hi and how are you doing?? The object of this website is too try in a small way to remove some Child Pornography and a well know company.. Yahoo This is the company that allow`s users to openly trade images of child pornography. I am also told that some users use webcams to show their kids..They have got to be sick assholes and personally if they are strapped down I would happily pull the switch and burn the bastards. Contrary to belief that it seems to be mostly males. I think there are many more females participating in the trade of this sick shit... I will also try to capture some images of the rooms in action and some of the sick requests. It makes me mad as hell to sit there and see the shit going on and cannot do anything about it. This is just a small effort from a father of four kids that thinks it`s time for him to try and do something to stop it. Just download a copy of yahoo messenger...Choose chat..then look down the list for fetish..get a room list for users..You will find some of them there i.e. Perteen.. Preteen on cam..etc. I am also aware that there will be people that use this to find the rooms. I dont see a way round this. But I cannot use that as an excuse not to try and make public what is going on un-checked... If they are indeed trying to stop it, then why ignore requests from people such as me and larger organizations. They will not even acknowledge a complaint. I am mailing some of the larger companies that use yahoo`s services to see if their efforts will help. Making them aware of what a company that they provide profit too is doing .I consider that if they do nothing, then they are condoning this sick trade and I will be putting their names on this site as well. I am talking about some large companies..I do have to be very careful however not to leave myself open to and legal comebacks. But even so it would be a way to get it to go public if I indeed did get any legal action taken against me. I have nothing so they wont get anything anyway. If you support me and my small effort tell me. I dont mind if the pervies use this to mail me nasty emails. Blocking that shit takes only seconds.. They are all gutless, nameless freaks who need a sharp shock..Say 12.000 volts on the top of their brainless heads. If you want to mail me any comments.. Yes it is Yahoo.. But they have the ability to monitor my email. They are welcome to ..Not a bad thing I dont think.. Thanks for your time...