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Hmm. Say maybe you're wondering "what the crud does 'randomidity' mean?" To be honest, it's a word I made up. Yeah, that's right. Made up! It means "the state of being random". And if you've known me for any amount of time you know how random I am (usually when I'm under the influence of Starbucks, or surrounded by hyper people. Or for no good reason at all).

So basically what I've done is thrown this place together. Why? Especially sinse I already have eight or so websites. Well, why not? I'm bored, and I know how to put one together, and it's a great way to waste time. I could have some graphics up, but I figure my friends will be the only ones who come look and they won't care. Also, I hope it'll just kinda be a fun place to roam around. So don't be scared, roam around!

~*~Funny Pics~*~My Friends and Such~*~Me!~*~Reveiws~*~Rants and Ravings~*~Pleasant Dreams~*~Quizes~*~Penguins!~*~Fun Stuff~*~Cabin 503~*~Care Bears~*~Links~*~

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Opened for business on April 23, 2003!

Updates! Yeah I have those here!

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