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People piss me off, no its more like girls piss me off. They are so confusing. The emotional stress they cause someone is insane.--------------------------------- Something else that pisses me off is people not liking someone who is different to that i say fuck you bc i base my life on being different then anyone else. To the people that talk shit i say, FUCK YOU. If everyone was the same this place would be so fucking boringl. I love to meet new and different people, I'm always exposed to different cultures and learn to respect all the different people. I would love to find a girl that was "different" then me. I know for me the more different a girl is makes her so much hotter then any other and really who wants to be with someone who is just like you are it would be fucking boring.----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When someone pisses you off dont be afraid to beat the fucking shit out of them. Dont take shit from no one bc evently, like myself, you'll keep it in and then blow up when it won't do anygood so keep this in mind when someone pisses you off grab them by the fucking neck and slam thier fucking head right into a wall then they will think twice about pissen you off again. haha------------------------------------- Did you ever find yourself alone have'nt eaten for days and to jump off the edge of the world. Stand on the edge and look down there's nothing. Did you ever just want to jump off a cliff to see if you could fly. Did you ever want to slit your wrists just to watch them bleed? It's kind of a sick thought, but when you actually do it you will be amazed by it for an unknown reason and you will find very exiciting then you'll want to do it again and again till you evently pass out.----------------------------I consider myself someone with out fear. I especially do not fear death. You can't fear death because you will die sooner or later. If you dont remeber anything from this remember this, "LIFE SUCKS GET A FUCKING HELMET."------------------------------------------------Another thing that pisses me off, why the fuck do all of the really nice hot girls go for the fucking assholes. Every girlfriend i had i've treated very well and with the upmost respect and they treat me like shit. The first girl i had sex with cheated on me, what the fuck is up with that??? Girls are just fucking stupid. Girls are fucking selfish pigs and dont give a fuck about anyone else but themselves. "Girls dont like boys girls like cars and money" Good Charlotte
