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'Allo all you evil people! This is Ash's site of DOOM! And also where I shall uncover the conspiracy of Doritos. ^_~ Yeah, I'm crazy. That's what they allll say. ^^ Hah. Egypt says I'm paranoid. I think she sucks. She says poo on me. I say she sucks poo. Take that Egypt. :p Hah. Yeah, well, this is my site. Check it out. Oh Gawd... Egypt scares me. Peace out.


8.18.03 - Workin' on putting up links and stuff... hopefully I'll get part of the Rants page done today...

8.17.03 - Arr, I'm just starting this page. I improved the banner. ^^ Like it? Yeah, well anyways... I'll be finishing up the main page (this page) and adding other stuff... like links, my junk, pics... ^^ Hah. Well, keep visitin' for more newz peeps!

Linkies.... ^_~ The Dorito Conspiracy (And others, too!)
Pictures of anything and everything...
Poems, stories, etc...