First off, I'd like to thank The Jolt Master, runner of The Pokemon Tower. In a way, I consider him the assistant manager of this site. He has helped by giving me html codes to make this site work, gave me advice, and most of all, supported me. Also, another huge thank you to you for letting me use the and banners for this site and also designed "The Best of The Castle Award" banners and also for letting me use the flashing Christmas lights during December. ^_^

My second thanks is to all the writers at this site. Without you, well, there would be no site.^_^ You all rock and are starting to make this site become popular. So thank you!

Last and not at all least is the readers. You have made this whole site possible. You read the fics, you laugh, and you even sometimes review. So thank you!

Combined with all these people, this site I hope will make many people around the world happy. So thank you all! ^_^