Odds & Ends


The Orpheus Process-by Daniel H. Gower
In a university laboratory a monkey named Lazarus swims on a tank of violet amniotic fluid, his eyes wide with terror-or rage. Moments before, Lazarus had been executed with a .22 pistol. Now he is moving through the abyss between life and death. Miraculously, he will be born again.

Dr. Orville Helmond has made the greatest discovery of our time: a method of re-animating the dead. But when his own daughter is senselessly murdered, grief and desperation drive him to experiment on human beings.

Like Lazarus, Helmond’s daughter will rise again. But she is changed. Hungry, empowered, she will spawn a furious uprising of the dead. Dr. Helmond must make a new discovery: How to kill his own undying daughter once and for all.

Home Delivery: Short story in Stephen King’s Nightmares & Dreamscapes
A pregnant woman on an island must defend her unborn child from the father, who comes from the ocean as a zombie.


The Undead:
In this comic zombies run the world.

Nosferatu 1922
A comic based on the story of Nosferatu.


Zombie Zoo-Tom Petty

Doin’ the Zombie-Chubby Checker

If you have anything to add e-mail me
