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Welcome   To My   Official   HOMEPAGE











    Youth is an invaluable present for our life and the future still stay  far from us... Because of my love to my life, I'm looking for one main meaning of that love... Trusting and hoping are always truths... They are small but they're real, seems far but pretty near...  They are exactly the love from me to you.  But I believe that who finds it, will see it.  Who knocks on it, can open it like a secret heart still gets a way to come.

    I'm loving and trusting, I'm living and hoping that music is the way to my heart, for my life.

    When I love someone so deep inside my heart, I have so many feelings about that person, I understand that I will open up my hand for the beautiful love of us. I have learnt why the star 's shining brightly in the blue sky, I wish for my love like a butterfly, I wish it could fly far away from this earth to the paradise, I wish it would let people know how much I love  you, one love so flat but much spice inside it. Thee ! my gurl, have ya known that this feeling would never die in meeh, it's just because of thy love. Let everyone feel the MAGIC OF IT. 

       Hi guys, how ya doin'?  I'd appreciate a lot for ur visitin', u like the design of my homepage?  Actually, it's not either kool or does suck, rite?  But anyway, I'm proud of it, 'cause wat u do on ur own is always the best of THE BEST.  SWEAR GOD LIKE THAT ! HA HA.  

     Dear all of my friends who have been visitin' my site, I LOVE YA ALL so so much, no matter how FAR or NEAR, friendship would never be separated, TRUTH ! 

     Guess wat I gonna do in this summer?  Volunteer in St. Luke hospital, It'll be so tight !  Besides I did sign up for the YMCA CAMPIN' INCLUDING WORKIN' OUT THERE EVERY WEEK.  My goal in summer will be PASSING THE ROAD TEST and GET THE DRIVER LICENSE.  If i passed it, that'd work out for meeh a lot.  

     I also want to take some music classes, such as for SINGIN', and PIANO to improve my skills.  WOW ! BUNCHES OF STUFFS TO DO IN FUTURE.  

CLICK HERE ! to view my NEW PICS !

    First of all I want to say thank u to mommy, who taught and trained meeh a lot.  Without dad, I know it's harder for ya to handle the family, but it's amazing that u made it.

    Second of all, I want to thank to my grandpa, grandma, uncles, aunts, and cousins, that support my family a lot during the time my dad left us.  THAT'S WHY I ALWAYS FEEL HAPPY FOR THE GREATEST RELATIVES WHOM I GOT.  Thank u very very much !

    Without friends, I 'd be nothing. I'm the luckiest guy, because I felt happy for wat u did to meeh, I'd appreciate it !  By the way, I 'd like ta let ya know that u can see all my friends' pics in MY FRIENDS.  Hope ya will like it!

                                             ONCE AGAIN, thank u very much for visiting the site.