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This is a sexual assault information page made by California State University San Marcos Students created for California State University San Marcos students. This was made for a Women's Studies 101 class project and all information on this site was carefully researched and credit was given when needed.

What Is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is any forced, unwanted and nonconsensual sexual contact or activity including touching, kissing exhibitionism, and intercourse — anal, vaginal or oral. Sexual assault is a crime of violence, the purpose of which is to overpower, control, and/or humiliate another person. It is a crime of violence using sex as a means of assault. Sexual assault is a brutally destructive attack on the victim's sense of personal integrity and competence, as well as their basic trust in others.

Sexual assault happens to more people than is generally thought. For every case reported to police it is estimated that ten more go unreported. At some time in their lives about one in two females and one in three males are victims of one or more unwanted sexual acts. These acts include being exposed to, being sexually threatened, being touched on a sexual part of their body, attempted assault, or assault. About four in five of these unwanted sexual acts occur when the victim is a child or youth. One in four assailants is a family member or a person in a position of trust; about half are friends or acquaintances and about one in six is a stranger. While most assailants are male there are studies which reveal more females offended than previously thought; most females offend against children and youths. (Information provided by

Who Does It Happen To?

Most instances of reported sexual assault occur to women between the ages of 14 and 25; however all people are potential victims regardless of their sex, race, class, religion, occupation, or physical appearance. Seventy-five percent of sexual assaults occur at home or in a vehicle and the attacker is most likely someone the victim knows (Information provided by

Myths and Facts
Saftey Tips
What To Do If You Become A Victim
Guess the Rapist Game
Cal State San Marcos