All about me

I'm pretty sure it was Shirley Manson who said "when I grow up I'll be stable" yeah right! I'm an adult: so I guess that makes me a grown up. as for stability: BAH! it's all a big lie. I don't think i've ever met a stable person. and I for one am about as stable as a three legged chair. Basically there are a few things to know about me: 1. I am female (obviously) 2. I live in Australia: Currently Brisbane, I hope I have the courage to move to Melbourne in the very near future and 3. Brunettes, not Blondes... oh yeah!

So here are a few photo's of me: Enjoy :)

Me smiling.. something I've taken quite a liking to doing recently

Showing off my new 'do

Smiling again

P J Harvey hair

smiling... again

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