html> CBS Radio Mystery Theater - RealAudio streaming Show of the Week
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Note (seriously): before emailing your questions, please read the FAQ below.

"Come in..... welcome!"

This is an unofficial fan site, maintained by an RMT fan just like you. The CBSRMT Show of the Week is intended to:

CBSRMT Show of the Week

This week's show:
download it (.rm), stream it (.ram)
Note: either the stream or the download may be disabled, depending on what server we're currently on. Try both and be sure to read the FAQ before asking questions.

"And now, a preview of our next tale...."

The current queue. Next week's show at top. End of the queue at the bottom.
  1. 0081 Sunset to Sunrise, requested by Anthony.Akins
  2. 1087 Private Demon, requested by schultzben
  3. 1102 Nightmare in Gillette Castle, requested by schultzben
  4. 0363 Stay Out of Dutchman's Woods, requested by chopin1264
  5. 1121 The Murder of Caesar, requested by schultzben
  6. 1090 Let George Do It, requested by tmeeks
  7. 1163 The Frog Prince, requested by schultzben
  8. 0307 The Widow's Auxilliary, requested by res07gzf
  9. 1171 The Heel of Achilles, requested by schultzben
  10. 0105 House of Seven Gables, requested by danger567
  11. 1192 The Voices, requested by schultzben
  12. 1235 Left Hand of God, requested by mepshansen
  13. 0059 Frankenstein Revisited, requested by schultzben
  14. 1197 Diogenes, Inc, requested by schultzben
  15. 0545 Queen of Cats, requested by danger567
  16. 1201 The Head Hunters, requested by schultzben
  17. 0130 Beach of Falesa, requested by danger567
  18. 1214 Waking and Sleeping, requested by schultzben
  19. 0426 Children of Death, requested by danger567
  20. 1228 Penny for your Thoughts, requested by schultzben
  21. 0960 Watchers of the Living, requested by Ginrobgiorgi
  22. 0256 Intermediary, requested by danger567
  23. 1312 Change of Heart, requested by schultzben
  24. 1218 Death and the Dreamer, requested by droids
  25. 1146 The Legend of Alexander Part 2 Assassination, requested by b3i5l3l5
  26. 0363 Stay out of Dutchmans Woods, requested by Champ0u812
  27. 1013 the Gulliotine, requested by tfejr57
  28. 0263 Till Death Do us Join, requested by tfejr57
  29. 0001 The Old Ones Are Hard to Kill, requested by k8iw
  30. 0313 the Poisoned Pen, requested by res07gzf

RMT newby?

Never heard of CBSRMT? Check out this 60-second promo (69K downloadable Real media) for a good idea what it's like.

CBSRMT Database

Show data courtesy of the free RMT Database Project.

Building an RMT collection

Many of us have the complete series (1400 shows) in .mp3 format. The set fits on 22-28 CDs, depending on the collector. Collectors build their collections by trading CDs through the mail and downloading from newsgroups.

The .rm files for the Show of the Week are made from the .mp3 files; the mp3s sound a good deal better. I do not post the .mp3s because they are about 5x larger, and the extra bandwidth causes the site to get pulled within hours. This way the site usually lasts a while. In addition, the streaming lower quality of the .rm files makes it so the files are only useful for personal enjoyment of fans.

The CBSRMT Show of the Week encourages fans to buy RMT shows directly from Himan Brown if/when he starts selling them. I don't expect it to be anytime soon. :-(


  1. How should I bookmark this site?
    Bookmark rather than the actual site URL, as the hosting site changes regularly.

  2. Why hasn't the show changed in a long time?
    It changes every week. If you didn't bookmark the URL indicated above you are looking at an old site.

  3. How often does the show change?
    1x/week, usually over the weekends.

  4. How do I save the file from the download link. Depends on the browser and server. You may have to:
    You may have to rename the file to (whatever).rm.

  5. Why can't I stream?. Depends on the server; some servers will not send the proper MIME types which can confuse some browsers and media players. Try downloading instead, or try another browser.

  6. Why can't I download?. Depends on the server; some servers will not send the proper MIME types which can confuse some browsers and media players. Try streaming instead, or try another browser.

  7. I downloaded the file but don't know where I put it. Where is it. There's not a great deal I can do for you on this one. You might want to be more aware of where you save things on your hard disk.
    Note that if you're downloading the .rm files to collect them, you're probably going about it the wrong way. Mp3 files are how collectors trade/collect RMT.

  8. Can I request a show?
    Show requests will be honored if possible. Some will not be possible (ie, was previously Show of the Week on this site, really bad audio, etc.). Please request the show by shownumber and title (there can be multiple shows with the same title). "That show where a guy gets killed" is not good enough. :-) If you need help ID'ing a file, see the RMT Database for help tracking it down. Please limit yourself to a show or two in order to avoid hogging the queue. Understand that there are already several months of requests in the queue ahead of your request. Note that when I pick shows I usually pick the ones with clearer audio. So shows that are picked by listeners may be more variable in quality.

  9. Why all the banners/ads?
    It's the cost of being hosted on free servers.

  10. Why does the site say bandwidth is exceeded?
    Some free servers limit bandwidth, and may require the site to be offline for a short time.

  11. Why does the site URL change?
    The bandwidth consumed by listeners can make the Show of the Week site unwelcome on some servers, so it has to move periodically.

"Until next time... pleasant... dreams..."
(yes, that is a working email address)