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Other Characters

This are some other main characters that i missed.


This is buffys boyfriend in the 4th season and for part of the 5th.

Charles Gunn/J. August Richards

Charles Gunn was born in the badlands—an area the police wouldn’t go—of inner-city Los Angeles where he looked after his sister Alona from a very young age. Although he had a few brushes with the law, given his long rap sheet, Gunn fights to keep the streets safe in his neighborhood like he was some kind of urban Robin Hood. In his teens, Gunn rose to the ranks as the leader of a gang of street-fighters who protect their turf from vampires using guerilla warfare tactics. Possessing the mind of a military strategist and the strength of a back-alley brawler, life in the ghetto hardened Gunn. He first crossed paths with Angel in 2000 in a case of mistaken identity; he observed Angel roughing up a blackmailer and then tried unsuccessfully to dust him. Eventually, Angel won Gunn’s trust, but unfortunately not in time to save Alonna from being turned into a vampire. Gunn had no choice but to stake her, a decision that haunts him to this day. It was this loss that forced Gunn to question his own motives and become more receptive to Angel's help, realizing he can’t do everything alone. After assisting Angel on two more cases, months passed before Gunn saw him again, not to mention meeting Cordelia and Wesley for the first time. Although he treated his time with Angel Investigations as a “side-gig,” Gunn eventually became a full-time member of the gang. Although at first skeptical, he was touched by Cordelia’s willingness to give her life for him and his respect for Wesley was earned when he took a bullet for Gunn. Although his partnership with Angel Investigations has strained his street-gang ties, Gunn continues to do his best to honor both his past responsibilities and his future as an invaluable member of Angel Investigations.