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Sit on my face, and tell me that you love me...
Fairly recent, practising raising one eyebrow whilst looking quizzical. Probably wasn't in the best of moods, shall we say.

Aye, this is me with my freshly bleached hair, mmmmm... I plan to dye it red sometime in the future, probably around Christmas time, as it seems festive. Er, yeah.

Me. Standing in what appears to be a pond.

Nah, it's not a pond, that's the area in front of the Other Stage at Glastonbury this year. Yeahh... Heh, it was so much fun, you wouldn't believe. There was a massive thunderstorm at around 6 in the morning, everything was postponed, and we spent the next four days trudging through the thickets mud imaginable. Some days we were so pilled we just wanted to roll around in the stuff. Textures, you know.

A bunch of Witches. Also known as L, M and myself. Bear in mind that we're very intoxicated, wearing various ballgowns and are clearly disorientated... *coughs*

L, M and Me. The dynamic trio. Most of my diary circulates around them so it's only right for people to be able to associate faces with names! Makes things easier. And more interesting. I'm just shallow, that's why I like photographs, but oh well!

Morning After rituals at El Cottage.

On awakening, one must wrap oneself in a duvet, and, without washing or anything ridiculously hygienic (and therefore un-cottage-like) like that, one must don the Brian slippers and hence forth into the sunshine, to spark up. Mmm, tabs - you will think. Yes, yes you will. L (wearing very attractive bright green stripey top), M (hanging around our necks, practically passing out) and Me (avec le duvet and Brian slippers)

The Lushness.

Kev (er.. yeah, the one that night in that tent), myself and 'Pudsy bear' (I don't know myself, so don't ask). These chaps were fine gentlemen to us, giving us free access to their fine stash, lending us their clothes and generally being very loving and accommodating. They were a very good part of Glastonbury. Although they did provoke the mini-fits of later days.


M and I attempting (as per usual) to look extremely sensual, mature and seductive. As usual, we're failing, but having a whale of a time anyway! Back when I had very dark hair. Interesting how it changes, eh?

The best picture I have ever taken.

J and R. One of the final Glasto days. Fucking brilliant picture, especially as R is drinking our staple - vodka and squash from a muddy bottle. Just the kinda refreshment a girl needs! Aren't they adorable.

Some of the crew.

After the History/Sociology/Psychology night ooot.

"Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife." :- Groucho Marx
generated by Thoughts, confessions, Deep meaningful musings, and the like.

Those who feature in my deep, meaningful musings and the like.

Oooh. Me, me, me.

My Space on MSN, photos and the like. Very exciting.

Went here for the second time in July

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