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Wild About Jesus

"Teenagers have something no other part of the church body does. It's something like Timothy had- they arent willing to believe there's something they cant do. Tell a teenager he cant dye his hair green and he'll say, "Yeah, right." If there's a Christian teen seeking the heart of God there's nothing that's going to stop him." -Tom Gill a Youth Minister from elsewhere.

1 Timothy 4:12- "Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity."

This, of course, is a Christian youth page. The Calvary Baptist Youth, also known as WAJ youth (Wild About Jesus). On here you can find the current events or things we'll be doing with the youth group pretty soon. You can find pictures...and maybe even one of you! And you can sign the guestbook too. We'll be updating the events and such as often as we can. And we'll be adding pictures on here as we get them.:)

"The ultimate act of courage is to love the people who do you wrong." -unknown

Check it out!!!!

World Changers Misson Trips!
Think the devil made u do it??
Centrifuge Trips!
WAJ Retreats!
Highway To Heaven!!
Feel like you don't belong??
A Little Piece of My Mind
Check out some of these pics!!
A note from our awesome youth pastor!