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St Serf’s School, Primary 5, 1957

Back Row: Margaret Duffy, Ann Dysart, Violet ?, ??, Barbara ?, James Sommerville, Willie Wood, Henry Gill, Ann Rae, June Mackie, Lily Bryce, Yvonne Davidson

Third Row: Miss Young (later became Mrs Fraser), Petrina Robb, Dorothy Robson, Maria Wisniewski, ??, Margaret Ferguson, Dorothea Henderson, Helen Dickson , Anna Borowska, ??, Margaret Love. (but - I,m told) fourth from left is Joyce Brownlee

Second Row: Ann MacArthur , Ann & Janet Aitken, Karen Reddick, Anne Russel, Yvonne Michie, Marian Reynolds, Janet Thomson, Irene Muir, Ann Burns

Front Row: John Lang, Norman White, Scot Nielson, Dugald Carstairs, Walter Jardine, George Douglas, John Hall, Billy Ballingal, David Mackie, Matt Ingles.-

Catherine Cookson and Joyce Duff should also be there, but are not

Picture sent by Jim Somerville on Saturday, 28 April 2001 - some additions by Dugald Carstairs - 08 June 2002 (with the help of Henry Gill) and George Douglas identified himself and confirmed the identities of several others (02 February 2002) - updated again by June Mackie with more names (May 10, 2007) -