
The following role-play was written by Jamie Green. My e-mail is and my AOL name is HotBoyQt69. So let's get one thing Straight I'm Number 1 and this is my layout.. If You steal it what am I gonna do?? But if I find ouT cuz sum1 always tells me.. What I can do.. is HACK YOUR SHIT.. so I suggest you dont take this or my roleplay.. If this roleplay offends you in neway please email me at my other address I will get back to you as soon as possible.. Later
People Used People Mentioned Record Achievements
Steiner, and a few others WWF Raw is War 2-1-0 Slammy Award Winner, WWF Champion, Appeared on Byte This

.:[- Foreword -]:. After Raw was over and DX had just beat the crap out of Big Poppa Pump Scott had sustained an injury to his knee and will be walking funny for a while due to DX and the cowards that they are.. It will al be settled at Souled Out when the nWo will take their revenge out on D-Generation X but until that time comes Smackdown will have to do when the nWo, Chris Jericho, Scott Hall, and Scott Steiner take on Bill Goldberg, Chris Benoit and Rikishi in a main event 6 man tag team match.. Will the nWo yet again come out the winners in this match??

.::(-Scene-)::.The scene opens up at a neary bar somewhere in Kentucky. The scene shows a door as the cammera slowly fades out on it as you can hear a bunch of noise going around and bottles being thrown against the door. The door slowly opens as it shows a bunch of guys running around. Then it shows 3 backs sitting down with nWo T-Shirts on. The cammera man walks over to the three men Scott Steiner, Scott Hall and Chris Jericho

.:[- Mark Loyd -]:. Umm hey nWo.. How are you guys?

.:[- 'WWF Champion' Scott Steiner -]:. What?

.:[- Mark Loyd -]:. I said how are you guys doing?

.::(-Scene-)::.They all just look at the guy.

.:[- Scott Hall -]:. Hey Chico.. Who are you?

.:[- Mark Loyd -]:. Umm I'm the new WWF Interviewer Michael Cole is sick and I am filling in for him.

.:[- Chris Jericho -]:. Oh poor Michael Cole. I feel so bad for that guy.

.::(-Scene-)::.They all just start busting up

.:[- 'WWF Champion' Scott Steiner -]:. Yeah right that guy is a pussy who is always following me around. Hey Mark if you wanna be cool with the nWo dont follow us everywhere like Michael Cole does.

.:[- Mark Loyd -]:. Well hey do you guys have any comment on your match on Smackdown with Goldberg, Rikishi, and Chris Benoit?

.:[- 'WWF Champion' Scott Steiner -]:. What are our thoughts? Well Mark those jobbers dont stand a chance against us. They think they can walk around and try to steal our thunder? Our spot light? Hell I'm the World Wrestling Federation Champion do you think somebody like Chris Benoit can steal my spotlight? That guy is a one tooth missing jobber and that's all Benoit will ever be.

.:[- Scott Hall -]:. Hey as far as that fat ass Rikishi goes he thinks he can back his ass up on me? Hell Chico aint nobody gonna back shit up on Scott Hall. This is going to be a one way ass kicking from the nWo. You dont mess with the nWo chico.. You cant beat the unbeatable.. We are th ellite in this federation and I think it's time everybody remembered that once again.

.:[- Chris Jericho -]:. Ya know something Scott.. I could'nt agree more these jery's think they can beat us. They actually think they can stand a chance against the new World order.. Hell Goldberg thinks he's going to make us feel the spear. HA HA! How lame is that.. I just wish he would shut the hell up! Goldberg I will make sure that you get your ass whiped Y2J style and it will be a beating you will never ever forget.

.:[- Scott Hall -]:. Hey fellas let's go.

.::(-Scene-)::.The nWo gets up and just walks past Mark Loyd like they never saw him as the scene fades to a commercial.

Commercial Break

.::(-Scene-)::.The scene opens back up as it shows Scott Steiner walking down the halls alone.. Scott is wearing his black jeans with his sun glasses on looking the way he normally does. He walks down to Buff Bagwell's locker room as he opens the door..

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. Hey man I'm ready.

.:[- 'WWF Champion' Scott Steiner -]:. Alright man it's about time those people that have tried to make us look bad pay for their misteaks.

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. I'm totaly with you bro let's do this.

.::(-Scene-)::.Scott and Buff exit the locker room and head down to The Renegads locker room where it shows a sign that says Torrie Wilson on it with a huge star under the name.. They start whispering to each other.

.:[- 'WWF Champion' Scott Steiner -]:. Look at this stupid thing. She thinks she's a star.. Some big breasted bitch.. She thinks I tried to get with her? That's total bullshit. Why would I want her?

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. Your right man. So what of she has a hot ass and perfect boobs..

.::(-Scene-)::.Scott looks up at Buff.

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. Oh dude I'm just saying..

.::(-Scene-)::.Scott shakes his head as they count to three. Scott puts his fingers up 1..2..3 All of a sudden they barge in on Torrie busting the door down. Torrie screams as Buff runs up behind her and grabs her. Buff restrains her as Steiner looks at her.

.:[- 'White Thunder' Scott Steiner -]:. Well Torrie.. It seems you've been saying alot of shit about me.. Ya know I really dont appreciate that.

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. Yeah bitch youshould'nt be saying shit to my boy like that!

.:[- 'I'm in Deep Shit' Torrie Wilson -]:. You guys better let me go before I get all The Renegades to beat you u including my boyfriend Rock..

.:[- 'White Thunder' Scott Steiner -]:. Oooooo he Rock.. Now I'm really scared. What baout you Buff you scared?

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. I'm shakin bro I'm shakin!! Hey Little Miss Attitude in cae you did'nt notice my man over here beat the Rock.. He damn near killed him at Wrestlemania so go ahead and get him.

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Well Torrie you are gonna be first on the Buff and Steiner Hitlist.. Now doctors say this isnt gonna hurt a bit.. But I'm not a doctor and neither is my associate Buff over here but this is going to hurt.. Do it Buff.

.::(-Scene-)::.Buff holds her still while Scott walks over to the oppsite side of the room and grabs a chair..

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Ok when I say move you move Buff. kay.. 1..2..3 MOVE!

.::(-Scene-)::.Buff let's go and moves out of the way as Scott slams a chair over Torrie's head knocking her out cold.. She falls and hits the ground as Buff and Steiner point and laugh.

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. Oh daaamn Bitch you just got knocked out!!

.::(-Scene-)::.Buff and Scott just laugh as they walk out of Torrie's locker room.. They start talking on their way out..

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. That's one down bro.. Who's next??

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. Umm let's see we have The Game's girlfriend Trish Stratus..

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Your right! Hunter has pissed me off way to many times and I say we hit him where it hurts. Trish Stratus..

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. Hey man what are we hittin all these girls for?

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Because it's funny

.::(-Scene-)::.Buff looks at Steiner..

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. Oh Yeah!

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Let's go get her..

.::(-Scene-)::.Buff and Steiner walk down the halls.. About 5 minutes later they creep up to Trish's locker room as they whisper..

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. Alright now what??

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Alright I can hear her giggiling to herself. She must be siting on her new dildoe..

.::(-Scene-)::.Buff laughs silently..

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Alright let's go on the coutn of 3..

.::(-Scene-)::.Steiner and Buff count to three slowly.. 1...2.........3! They bust down the door to find that theres nobody in there..

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. What the hell? oh hey I think I hear the shower running. She must have just got in.. Let's go.

.::(-Scene-)::.Buff and Steiner quickly walk into the bathroom as they see Trish bent over in a towel.. Steiner quickly grabs her and puts his hand over her mouth.

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Dont make a sound or I'll snap your neck bitch!

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. Well what do we have here?? The Game's girlfriend.. She's lookin pretty good isnt she?

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. She's lookin pretty good from back here man.. She smells nice to.. I can see why Hunter likes this woman

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. What should we do with her??

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Good question.. Hmm. Well What should we do with you Ms. Stratus

.::(-Scene-)::.Trish looks up at him with fear in her eyes.

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. I got it.. Buff hold her..

.::(-Scene-)::.Scott throws Trish over to Buff. Buff holds her.. Scott picks a pastic bottle of hairspray.. And walks over to Trish.

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Hey Hunter. I got your little girlfriend right here.. Pretty little thing huh Buff?

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. yes very pretty. Dude I can almost see down the back of her towel..

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Good View?

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. Hell Yeah!

.::(-Scene-)::.The two start laughing

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Hunter you wanna mess with me? You thought you were pretty slick putting Austin over me for the pin and having your little gay buddies beat the living hell out of me.. Well it's my turn to get you back.. This is how The Real Game is going to work.. Hold her up Buff.

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. I got her man!

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Alright when i say get out of the way you get out of the way cool?

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. Alright man.. I'll count it off. 1...2...3 GO!

.::(-Scene-)::.Scott slams the bottle over Trish's head as she falls to the ground with a big THUMP!

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. Holy shit man I did'nt think you'd actually do it! You could have killed her

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Is she moving?

.:[- Buff Bagwell -]:. No...

.:[- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner -]:. Good

.::(-Scene-)::.The two laugh as they walk out of Trish's locker room as she is left laying flat on the ground... The scene fades to another commercial.

Commercial Break

.::(-Scene-)::.The scene opens up inside the WWF arena, just days away from Raw is War. Hundreds of fans have gathered inside, just seeing the various superstars come out and give promo's, much to the delight to the fans. It's a normal setting, minus the commentators, minus the lights, and minus the thousands of fans, just five hundred or so accomodate. They've all been pleased with what they've seen so far, a fair few superstars have taken the time to walk out, say something about the upcoming WWF PPV, and leave, making the smallish crowd a buzz. WWF banners hang all over the place, and while most of the fans won't be able to attend, as Raw is War was sold out weeks ago, however this is just something to give them before hand. The small mini titantron comes on as fans will soon know who it is... All of a sudden Sirens are heard all over the arena as the fans start to go crazy!!! The Sound of Scott Steiner's music blasts out loudly over the PA system as all the fans scream and yell, making the vast amount of fans rise to their feet. The fans are now starting to boo at the top of their lungs as Scott Steiner is not the fan favorite here in the WWF. The crowd still rise to their feet, chanting and cheering some more, along with the music. 'The Big Bad Booty Daddy' Scott Steiner appears on the front of the ramp wearing his usual attire, his head chain with a pair of his trademark sun glasses and a pair of black jeans and his WWF Championship around his waiste, he stares out into the fan section, as small as it may be they're all extremely vocal. He stands on the top of the ramp with Midajah by his side.. Then He raises his arm to a huge array of boos and flexes his huge muscles, he holds the pose and then kisses his arm, and starts to walk swiftly down the rampway. He walks down slowly as the fans who have pushed their way to the front row.. Steiner walks down the ramp as some fans start yelling at him.. Steiner does his trademark sign with his arm and tells them to "Fuck Off!". Steiner continues to walk to the ring as he approaches the stair case. He lets Midajah walk up the stairs first as she climbs in and then Steiner walks up after her.. Steiner climbs into the ring as he walks slowly over to the turnbuckle and climbs on it.. He gets on the ropes and begins to flex his huge muscles as the fans start booing but the ladies ofcourse yelling at him.. He climbs off the rope and walks up to Lilian Garcia and grabs the microphone from her, Scott paces the ring a little bit as he takes off his WWF Championship belt and hands it to Midajah.. Midajah grabs the belt and puts it over her shoulder as Scott attempts to talk.. As soon as Steiner is about to talk the fans interupt him.. With chants of "Asshole".. Steiner just shakes his head as he try's to talk over the screaming fans..

.:[- 'WWF Champion' Scott Steiner -]:. Everybody shut up! Before I do to you what I did to Torrie Wilson and Trish Stratus! yeah you all saw what Big Poppa Pump and The Buff Daddy did to those bitches! They had what was coming to them especially that bitch Torrie Wilson who I never even thought about asking out! Ya know something Triple H it's funny how you think you can beat my ass but all those other times you have attacked me when I was off guard! Not once did you face me man to man. You hit me from behind like a little bitch! Speaking of bitches that brings me to another who goes by the name of Chris Benoit. Chris were you ever a wCw Champion in wCw for more than a day? I wont count that one time you won it for about 10 hours until they stripped you of it. You know what Benoit you are nothing! You arent even in my level of play. Hell Triple H isnt even my level of play. And speaking of Jobbers that brings another one to my attention. Goldberg. Goldberg thinks he is Championship material. (Scott holds up his WWF Championship) And you know what Bill Goldberg.. You just remember one thing when you step into the ring with Big Poppa Pump you will realize when BIG POPPA PUMP COMES TO TOWN! ALL THE HOOCHIES COME AROUND! And you will be one of my hoochies after I beat your ass and make you my bitch Goldberg! And next is Rikishi that fat ass fudgepacker needs to watch what he says about the nWo as well. Rikishi brags about backin his ass up like he is the man. Boy you better sit that fat ass down and keep eatin those nutrigrain bars cuz that's the closest you will ever get to eating out a woman! I cant see how any lady in the back would wanna get with you anyway I mean look at you. 6'3 500 pounds. hey I gurentee you Fat Ass that you wont get the chance to give me that stink face of yours. Rikishi Goldberg and Benoit maybe you all should make a stable and called it Jobbers R us because you all sure as hell look like jobbers considering you guys get nowhere in the WWF! I can gurentee all of you guysone thing. That the United States Champion.. The I.C. Champion, and the World Wrestling Federation Champion will give you guys an ass whoopin you wont ever forget! And when Big Poppa Pump makes a promise he keeps it and Big Poppa Pump will make sure he gives all of you an ass whoopin you will remember. Now this goes out to all my freaks and hoochies out there..

"Big Poppa Pump Is Your Hook Up"

"Holla if Ya Hear Me!?!"

.::(-Scene-)::.The fans start to scream as some of the fans boo. Mostly all the fans boo.. Scott Steiner's music plays while added sirens are played in the back and on the WWF-Tron, you see people getting beat up by the police, a video Scott Steiner put together himself. Scott Steiner throws down the microphone as Lilian Garcia slides in and picks the microphone up and quickly enters by being afraid of Scott. He leaves through the second rope and he holds open the rope for Midajah and he picks her up and puts her on the ground and he jumps off the apron. He walks up the ring ramp as even more fans throw trash and throw him dirty looks and he stops at the top of the ring ramp and he turns around and says, 'BIG POPPA PUMP: THE WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION CHAMPION WHETHER ANY OF YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" and then he and Midajah go through the curtains as the scene fades to a commercial..


Kurt Angle

The Rock

Chris Jericho

Steve Austin


Kurt Angle

The Rock

Chris Jericho

Steve Austin