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Here is a list of all members, their current ranks, anything I wanna say about them, and anything they want said about them. If you are a member of this clan and want something next to your name, contact either myself (SotM-Leviathan) or SotM.

We currently have 33 members in total (Including Allied Clan Leaders Cloud7K and R_A)
1. SotM - Leader guy - "Likes long walks on the beach and..." something else... I think it was moonlit dinner and whores or something.
2. SotM-Snibborg - 2nd in Command - "!mailmem I mean" "I so just mailed I mean to everyone"
3. SotM-Zephyr - Other 2nd in command - "Whatever happens... happens."
4. SotM-Bot - We have a bot. He does neat stuff. Elite Dunno how a bot made elite.. but it did. Owned by Snibborg.
5. SotM-Bot2 - We have two bots. This one does some neat stuff too. Elite Dunno how another bot, who's logged into Diablo II, made Elite... but this one did, too. Also owned by Snibborg
6. SotM-Soney - Elite - "I let my gameplay do the talking.... you wanna play, then bring it on."
7. SotM-Col.Klink Private 8. SotM-CaPoNe - 1st Class
9. SotM-breath16 - 1st Class
10. SotM-Chaos - 1st Class
11. SotM-Awaken - 2nd Class
12. SotM-OTAKU - 2nd Class
13. SotM-shadowSoul - 2nd Class
14. SotM-Bean - 2nd Class
15. SotM-Butcher - 2nd Class
16. SotM-viper8807 - Private
17. sotM-gilly - Private
18. SotM-Penguin - Private -"Your Insanity is driving me Crazy."
19. SotM-Dragon - 1st Class - "God... grant me the power to accept the things I cannot... for it is too late to turn back." - Anyone else confused by that? (Mr. Bloody perfectionist, here)
20. SotM-Cutie - Private - She's a cutie.
21. SotM-psychic - Private
22. SotM-Ecky - 2nd Class - "Smoke more." He has a habit of typoing his own name.
23. sotm-sexy - Private - I have no clue who this person is...
24. SotM-Teptis - Elite - "Learn as if you were to live forever; but fight as if you" - <---- My favoutire quote
25. SotM-Koala - Private - "If ignorance is bliss, then I'm the happiest person in then world."
26. SotM-Squirrel - Private
27. Sotm-BlueIce - Private
28. SotM-Templar - Private
29. SotM-Sirius - Private
30. SotM-KrazMarine - Private
31. SotM-DrKsOuL - Private
32. R_A - Clan R_A Leader
33. Cloud7k - Clan FF7K Leader

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