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Scott's Alaska Adventure

    While with PHI a challenge came to management concerning the extension of PHI into the Alaskan domain.  Ships were easy to get up there it was getting the right PHI people, Alaskan types, that could adapt to the many challenges that were to be put forth to them.  There would be little in the line of backup and many decisions would have to be made, in the company's best interest, that would stretch anyone's limits of decision.  As the call went out many were interested but few had the grit to take on such a task.  Scott was one of those few that PHI management was looking for and thus began Scott's Alaskan Adventure.

    Having been raised on Long Island Scott was familiar with snow and ice but in Louisiana those were a rare commodity indeed.  It had been a long while since Scott had seen an iced over pond but in May of that year memories of Long Island winters began to spring forth.  About 40 miles outside of Fairbanks, on his way to Chena Hot Springs, Scott had a taste of Alaskan climate that few get to experience.
    Nestled between the famed Alaskan town of Nome and the Kaiyuh Mountains to the east was the city of Unalakleet.  Scott had now become accustomed to his surroundings and was had become somewhat at ease with the various situations he now found himself in.  A beard was grown as was the custom for the men of the area.  His flights to Unalakleet often allowed him time to rest but real rest was always interrupted with the continued glance for stalking bears.  That chopper had to ready for instant departure from the area.


    Probably Scott's most memorable Alaskan adventure was to the famed Mt. McKinley National Park on Memorial Day.  The various animals in the park are protected and knowing nothing of hunters most are unafraid of the people they meet there.  With that in mind the animals sometimes become curious of these strange visitors and often times will come in close for a good look and smell of their intruder.  That curiosity will often times provide the more adventurous with one of those memories of a life time that always seem to bring a smile to one's face when remembers many years later.
    With the Alaskan winter knocking at the door the flight operation concluded and Scott returned to the lower 48 as the people there call them.  Many memories still remain though, the reward for those willing to take on the more demanding challenges of life.

The End
