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Hello, and welcome to my Little Spot. If you've visited here before, you may have noticed that things are looking a little different. Yes, I finally got around to putting a new look to my HomeSite. Life has a funny way of getting in the way of playing with my pages! Anyway, I hope you like the new look and some of the cute add-ons. I think it'll work for me, for a few weeks anyway....

Since you're here, I'll fill you on who I am, not that there's all that much to tell! I'm Valerie, I'm over 30 and under 40 - and I'll get to say that for a few more years! HA!! I've lived in New England my whole life--Massachusetts is my HOME!! I'll always be A Damn Yankee! and I love my Boston accent (never knew there was such a thing till I moved far far away... I'm VERY proud of my inability to speak the letter R at the end of words! I eat lobsta and chowda and YES we really DO TALK LIKE THAT, but hey, don't take my word for it... Check this out if ya don't believe me!!

In July 1998, Life threw a curveball my way, and my family and I made an unexpected move to St. Louis, Missouri (henceforth referred to as Misery!) Things here in Misery sure are different! First of all, I am trying to teach these mid-westerners how to speak properly! They do funny things like "warshing" the car, and then drive it "farty" miles-an-hour down the road. Ah well, I guess I sound pretty funny to their midwestern ears!

There are some fun and different things to do here in the midwest. Floattrips and canoe trips are a good summer activity with the kids. Sports fans here are very loyal to their teams in good years and bad... and the St Louis Rams went from having the worst NFL record to winning the Superbowl in 2000. The summer we got here, Mark McGwire of the St Louis Cardinals broke the all-time home run record. And the Blues are always sure to put on an exciting performance! They're not the B's but they're a decent team!

I've been online for waaay too long but hey, haven't we all? I started out on AOL back in early '95. I can blame my son Lucien for talking me into loading the AOL software to the new PC (Yes, AOL--YUCK! Sorry MtMan, Scotia, and everyone else who is loyal to Steve Case and AOL... I do love that little yellow smiley on the AOL IM thingee, but YUCK it remains :) I believe I was addicted to CHAT from Day 1! Oh well, everybody needs to have their escape from reality, right? (Hey! 2 of my favorite perfumes, Escape and Realities... hmmmm!) and this happens to be mine! Online friendship isn't always easy but like any relationship, there's good and bad times. Just watch out for the occasional putz that you're sure to meet from time to time! Although these days I tend to spend my chat time with my far-away family in our own IRC chatroom, every once in awhile, I just GOTTA go and visit the online friends that I've yet to meet in person!

Most of my "free" time these days is spent just doing stuff for and with my kids, husband and dogs. We all like hiking, biking, camping, float trips and stuff like that. Getting to the beach when we get a chance to fly HOME for a week! Working out at the gym, photography (still trying to find a decent picture of myself to put on this page that's not 2 years old :) Occasionally trading Dave Matthews Band concert tapes and CDRs (taping and sharing shows with other fans is legal and encouraged by the band! Selling them is NOT a good thing!). I'll get my showlist posted here soon :) Coding HTML and creating WebSites is one of my few "sitting in a chair" activities. TV puts me to sleep after half an hour. I've promised myself that when this page is finished to my satisfaction, I'll start doing counted cross-stitch again. I haven't done any cross-stitching since discovering the INTERNET!! I wonder if I'll remember how to do it...

One of my favorite hobbies (ummmm... some might call it an obsession...) these past few years is reading about... growing... making culinary creations worthy of El Grande's favor to humanity - Chile Peppers! 1998 was my first year growing my own chiles. I started from tiny seeds Serrano, Jalapeņo, Hungarian Wax and the HOTTEST of the HOT, The Red Savina Habanero[tm]. My babies were bathed in the warmth of a computer monitor left on for days (weeks actually) at a time, were kept in tiny little starter trays to stunt their growth in anticipation of the 1200 mile trek, sailed 10+ feet off the deck down to the ground a few times (thanx to 2 clumsy curious German Shepherds, a "terrible 2"-yr old and our lovely New England windy spring days)... and were generally abused/neglected throughout the summer growing season. None of the Serranos survived :( But the rest have shown their appreciation by blooming and setting fruit like I had only dreamt about. I still have 3 of the original Red Savina's growing in pots. If you like hot~n~spicy fod, Here is where you can get some info about the World of Heat! Make sure you click on my Christmas Red Savinas to get to the Recipe Page! Praise El Grande for smiling down on this most humble nubile chilemaiden. Salsa Twister[tm] anyone?? Eat 'em up yum!

My family consists of human and canine members! I've been involved with dogs in one way or another since I was a little kid! My Mom tells me that I've always had a certain "way" with dogs and most other animals. I can remember playing with so many pets growing up... Star, the beagle-cross... Princess, the Irish Setter... Tasha, the wonder-Labrador... Sheeta, the Burmese (who hated my brother Eric!)... countless other cats who didn't make it to the other side of the road in time. (Now we all know better and we keep our kitty friends inside and safe!)
I lost my Jazzmin to complications of bloat in December 1998. Creating Jazzmin's Memory page in the first few days after her death helped me to deal with it. Feel free to visit her memorial page, especially if you have ever loved a furry friend. The guestbook is open to read or leave a note in if you like. Now my home is shared with only 2 dogs... Old Misty, who has been with us for over 12 years now, and Chance a special standard poodle who was "lucky" enough to be dumped on the street by the puppymill that he was born in. You can also go to my DogDaze Page to read about Misty and get lots of info on dogs, training, crates, and other dog links.

Well, I guess now you'll want to see a picture. Someday soon I hope to get a newer picture of me for this page, but for now, this will have to do!

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