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Welcome to the Protein Folding and Production site

In this site we will atempt to educate on what protein folding is and how it can affect the human body when it doesnt quite work like it should. We would also like to inform you on projects in which YOU can help to find solutions to the problems created by damaged proteins that have aggregated.

By clicking on the "Proteins" link at the top of your browser window you will be greeted with a description of proteins, how they work and what they do. The "Folding" link will take you to an expanation of protein folding and the probelms that can occur when it goes wrong. If you click "Solutions" you can get an idea of what you personally can do to help fight this problem.

If you have any questions about the site or proteins, or just want to say hello and meet the designers then please click the "Discussion" link at the top of the page and you will be taken to our discussion forums.

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