Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. Which direction marks the diameter or the radius of a star on this drawing? a. horizontal b. vertical c. roughly diagonal d. it was suppressed (not shown) to make the drawing simpler Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. Which direction marks the radial distance between the star and the spaceship on this drawing? a. horizontal b. vertical c. roughly diagonal d. it was suppressed (not shown) to make the drawing simpler Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. Which direction on this drawing marks the motion of the spaceship as it circles around the star? a. horizontal b. vertical c. roughly diagonal d. it was suppressed (not shown) to make the drawing simpler Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. Which direction on this drawing marks the passing of time? a. horizontal b. vertical c. roughly diagonal d. it was suppressed (not shown) to make the drawing simpler Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. Which direction on this drawing marks the light traveling from or into the spaceship? a. horizontal b. vertical c. roughly diagonal d. it was suppressed (not shown) to make the drawing simpler Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. Which event marks the turning of this star into a black hole? (WA) a. as soon as the star starts to collapse b. it depends on it's mass c. when it forms the horizon d. when it forms the singularity e. it is relative and ambiguous, as it is one event for you and another for me Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. How is the ticking of the time marked on this figure? a. The times marked on the figure are according to my clock, on the surface of the star, in units hh:mm:ss. The time marked on "TIME" axis is according to your clock in the spaceship. b. The times marked on the figure are according to your clock in the spaceship, in units hh:mm:ss. The time marked on "TIME" axis is according to my clock, on the surface of the star. Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. If I sneeze and my clock shows that one second passed, your clock will show that my sneeze lasted a. one second b. more than one second c. less then one second Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. As star collapses, it attracts me a. more strongly, as mass of the star is the same and I am closer and closer to the center b. more weakly, as the star gets smaller and smaller c. with the same strength as before, as mass of the star is unchanged and I am always on the surface Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. As star collapses, it attracts you a. more strongly only after it turns into a black hole b. more weakly, as the star gets smaller and smaller c. with the same strength as before, as mass of the star is unchanged and your spaceship is at the same distance as before Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. At which moment, as marked on the drawing, this particular star becomes a black hole? At the moment marked as ... (WA) a. 10:59:57 b. 10:59:58 c. 10:59:59 d. 11:00:00 e. some finite time after 11:00:00 f. infinitely far in the future Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. Which moment, as marked on the drawing, in this particular case marks the formation of the event horizon? The moment marked as ... (WA) a. 10:59:57 b. 10:59:58 c. 10:59:59 d. 11:00:00 e. some finite time after 11:00:00 f. infinitely far in the future Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. Which moment, as marked on the drawing, in this particular case marks the formation of the black hole singularity? The moment marked as ... a. 10:59:57 b. 10:59:58 c. 10:59:59 d. 11:00:00 e. some finite time after 11:00:00 f. infinitely far in the future Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. The drawings of the astronaut show me 1 second apart, singing, "la-la-la-la" in front of TV camera. What do you see watching me on your TV? I am singing .... a. la-la-la-la, 1 sec apart b. lalalala, accelerated, less than 1 sec apart c. laaa-laaa-laaa-laaa, stretched uniformly to more than 1 sec between d. laaa-laaaa-laaaaa-laaaaaaaaaa... , stretched progressively more and more e. la-lalal... , accelerated progressively to a stop Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. Suppose that the ship circles at the distance of 300,000 km , so that initially (the lowest figure of the astronaut, at 10:59:57) you see that it takes exactly 1 second for light or radio wave to travel from surface to you. How long does it take for light emitted at 10:59:58 to travel to you? a. still 1 sec b. less than 1 sec, but more than for light emitted at 10:59:59 c. more than 1 sec, but less than for light emitted at 10:59:59 d. infinitely long e. an instant Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. Suppose that the ship circles at the distance of 300,000 km , so that initially (the lowest figure of the astronaut, at 10:59:57) you see that it takes exactly 1 second for light or radio wave to travel from surface to you. How long does it take for light emitted at 10:59:59 to travel to you? a. 1 sec b. less than 1 sec, but more than for light emitted at 11:00:00 c. more than 1 sec, and more than for light emitted at 10:59:58 d. infinitely long e. an instant Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. Suppose that the ship circles at the distance of 300,000 km , so that initially (the lowest figure of the astronaut, at 10:59:57) you see that it takes exactly 1 second for light or radio wave to travel from surface to you. How long does it take for light emitted at 11:00:00 to travel to you? a. 1 sec b. less than 1 sec, but more than for light emitted at 10:59:59: c. more than 1 sec, but less than for light emitted at 10:59:59 d. infinitely long e. an instant Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. Describe how the curved spacetime of black hole, as seen by you, affects the light rays that originate near the hole. (WA) a. black hole stretches the time in which light covers the given distance, so the light rays are tilted toward the time axis b. black hole stretches the time in which light covers the given distance, so the light rays are tilted toward the space axis Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. Describe why is the black hole "black". (WA) a. light from the black hole horizon does not have sufficient escape velocity and falls back into the hole b. light from the black hole horizon can go only toward the singularity c. light from the black hole horizon takes infinitely long time to move away and stays forever on the horizon Consider a star collapsing into a black hole. You observe it from an orbiting spaceship, while I am watching it closely sitting right on the "surface" of the star. I will experience that in a short time star collapses and I am a history (and there will be no final and all of you get Incomplete). What do you see? a. that in a short time star collapses, and I am a history b. that in a short time star collapses, I am a history, and you think "I should have taken oceanography instead." c. that my fall is forever frozen on the horizon d. nothing, it is a black hole! Which of these three objects contains a stellar mass black hole? (WA) a. b. c. d. all e. none Which of these three objects are results of supernova explosion of a supergiant star? (WA) A: B: C: a. A and B, b. A and C c. B and C d. all e. none This set of pictures is offered as one evidence that a black hole has been "seen." What was the interpretation that led to this conclusion? (WA) a. object within the box can't be a normal star, as stars of such high mass should be visible in optical telescopes; it's intense X-ray emission probably comes from a hot accretion disk around a stellar mass black hole b. object within the box has luminosity like 100 or so galaxies, while flickering indicates a maximal size of about a half light year, which means that it must be as compact as supermassive black hole with accretion disk c. object within the box is a star whose light was briefly focused or lensed towards us by a traversing stellar mass black hole This set of pictures is offered as one evidence that a black hole has been "seen." What was actually observed? (WA) a. object within the box pulls on it's binary component like a massive star, but was not visible in optical telescopes, only in X-rays b. object within the box has very high, flickering luminosity c. object within the box had one time, short brightenning in all colors This set of pictures is offered as one evidence that a black hole has been "seen." What was the interpretation that led to this conclusion? (WA) a. object within the box can't be a normal star, as stars of such mass should be visible in optical telescopes; it's intense X-ray emission probably comes from a hot accretion disk around a stellar mass black hole b. object within the box has luminosity like 100 or so galaxies, while flickering indicates a maximal size of about a half light year, which means that it must be as compact as supermassive black hole with accretion disk c. object within the box is a star whose light was briefly focused or lensed towards us by a traversing stellar mass black hole What does this picture show? (WA) a. a giant galaxy with jet of particles due to the central black hole explosion b. a giant galaxy with jet of particles radiated by the central black hole c. a giant galaxy with jet of charged particles guided away from the central black hole by its magnetic field d. a pulsar with jets of light (the lighthouse model) e. a stellar mass black hole with jet and accretion disk This set of pictures is offered as one evidence that a black hole has been "seen." What was actually observed? (WA) a. object within the box pulls on it's binary component like a massive star, but was not visible in optical telescopes, only in X-rays b. object within the box has very high, flickering luminosity c. object within the box had one time, short brightenning in all colors This picture illustrates revolution of stars around the nucleus of one active galaxy. Stars in all galaxies do that, what's the point of this particular case? (WA) a. here some stars are approaching, while others are receding from us b. ithe orbiting velocities are large, implying that in this case we do not see separate stars c. the nucleus is bright in this case, we don't see the supermassive black hole there d. the orbiting velocities are large, implying a huge mass in a small region at the center e. the velocities of the stars show that they are falling on the supermassive black hole located at the center of this galaxy These pictures are offered as one evidence that a black hole has been "seen." What was actually observed? (WA) a. object within the box pulls on it's binary component like a massive star, but was not visible in optical telescopes, only in X-rays b. object within the box has very high, flickering luminosity c. object within the box had one time, short brightenning in all colors These pictures are offered as one evidence that a black hole has been "seen." What was the interpretation that led to this conclusion? (WA) a. object within the box can't be a normal star, as stars of such high mass should be visible in optical telescopes; it's intense X-ray emission probably comes from a hot accretion disk around a stellar mass black hole b. object within the box has luminosity like 100 or so galaxies, while flickering indicates a maximal size of about a half light year, which means that it must be as compact as supermassive black hole with accretion disk c. object within the box is a star whose light was briefly focused or lensed towards us by a traversing stellar mass black hole Which of these images illustrates what is believed to be the mechanism that explains the quasars? (WA) a. b. c. Which of these images illustrates what is believed to be the mechanism that explains the peculiar appearance of the giant elliptical galaxy M87? (WA) a. b. c. The left frame on this image shows the nucleus of galaxy M84. The right frame shows the distribution of velocities with which stars within the blue rectangle on the left orbit the central region. How were these velocities measured? (WA) a. Hubble law b. Doppler effect c. Gravitational bending of light The left frame on this image shows the nucleus of galaxy M84. The right frame shows the distribution of velocities with which stars within the blue rectangle on the left orbit the central region. Judging from the shape of the curve on the right, what would you say? (WA) a. stars closer to the nucleus move faster b. stars farther away from the nucleus move faster The left frame on this image shows the nucleus of galaxy M84. The right frame shows the distribution of velocities with which stars within the blue rectangle on the left orbit the central region. This distribution allows astronomers to estimate... (WA) a. the age of the galaxy b. the number of black holes in a galaxy c. the mass of the nucleus of a galaxy The left frame on this image show the nucleus of galaxy M84. The right frame shows the distribution of velocities with which stars within the blue rectangle on the left orbit the central region. Judging from the color coding of these velocities, what would you say... (WA) a. the stars in top part of the rectangle, as they orbit the nucleus, move kind of toward us? b. the stars in top part of the rectangle, as they orbit the nucleus, move kind of away from us? Which of these images illustrates what is believed to be the mechanism that explains the X-ray source Cygnus X-1? (WA) a. b. c. The left frame on this image shows the nucleus of galaxy M84. The right frame shows the distribution of velocities with which stars within the blue rectangle on the left orbit the central region. If you have some other galaxy with a more massive nucleus, the stars at the same distance from the nucleus as here must ... (WA) a. move faster b. move slower c. no difference in the speed The left frame on this image shows the nucleus of galaxy M84. The right frame shows the distribution of velocities with which stars within the blue rectangle on the left orbit the central region. Such distributions often show that the mass of the nucleus within the rectangle, whose long side is about hundred light years or so, is up to 100 million solar masses, in some cases a trillion. So what? (WA) a. the period with which the stars orbit that mass is so short that it must correspond to extremely compact, collapsed object, such as black hole b. so many stars should explode as supernovae, producing numerous stellar mass black holes whose jets should be visible c. this is too much mass, or stars, for such a small space, they are probably crashing into a giant black hole This scientist (WA) a. provided a new mathematical techniques that proved how a sufficiently small star can never become big again but must collapse to an infinitely dense point b. studied collapse of a simple idealized star to a black hole c. noticed that sufficiently small star has such a strong gravity that it would hold its own light d. discovered the mathematical solution in general relativity that was in time recognized to describe the simplest black hole e. discovered that the smallest known stars can't have masses above certain limit, which implied that those more massive would crush under their own weight This scientist (WA) a. provided a new mathematical techniques that proved how a sufficiently small star can never become big again but must collapse to an infinitely dense point b. studied collapse of a simple idealized star to a black hole c. noticed that sufficiently small star has such a strong gravity that it would hold its own light d. discovered the mathematical solution in general relativity that was in time recognized to describe the simplest black hole e. discovered that the smallest known stars can't have masses above certain limit, which implied that those more massive would crush under their own weight This scientist (WA) a. provided a new mathematical techniques that proved how a sufficiently small star can never become big again but must collapse to an infinitely dense point b. studied collapse of a simple idealized star to a black hole c. noticed that sufficiently small star has such a strong gravity that it would hold its own light d. discovered the mathematical solution in general relativity that was in time recognized to describe the simplest black hole e. discovered that the smallest known stars can't have masses above certain limit, which implied that those more massive would crush under their own weight This scientist ... (WA) a. provided a new mathematical techniques that proved how a sufficiently small star can never become big again but must collapse to an infinitely dense point b. studied collapse of a simple idealized star to a black hole c. noticed that sufficiently small star has such a strong gravity that it would hold its own light d. discovered the mathematical solution in general relativity that was in time recognized to describe the simplest black hole e. discovered that the smallest known stars can't have masses above certain limit, which implied that those more massive would crush under their own weight This scientist (WA) a. provided a new mathematical techniques that proved how a sufficiently small star can never become big again but must collapse to an infinitely dense point b. studied collapse of a simple idealized star to a black hole c. noticed that sufficiently small star has such a strong gravity that it would hold its own light d. discovered the mathematical solution in general relativity that was in time recognized to describe the simplest black hole e. discovered that the smallest known stars can't have masses above certain limit, which implied that those more massive would crush under their own weight Is every star going to end up as black hole? (WA) a. yes, every one b. no, only those stars that have mass like our Sun c. no, only some of those stars that have mass several times bigger than our Sun d. no, only those stars that have mass several times smaller than our Sun We see pulsars because of ... (WA) a. intense X-ray emission from a gas infalling from a companion star b. concentration of hot gas and plasma near magnetic poles of a neutron star c. intense emission of energy in all wavelengths from a gas and whole stars infalling onto cental supermassive black hole The observations show that our Galaxy has a 6 million solar mass black hole at its center. Why we don't see our own Galaxy as a quasar then? (WA) a. because this is not what quasars are about b. our Galaxy does look like a quasar, but we don't see it as such because we are inside c. our Galaxy used to be a quasar, but now there is nothing close enough to the central black hole to fall in We see quasars because of ... (WA) a. intense X-ray emission from a gas infalling from a companion star b. concentration of hot gas and plasma near magnetic poles of a neutron star c. intense emission of energy in all wavelengths from a gas and whole stars infalling onto cental supermassive black hole We can see some of the stellar mass black holes because of ... (WA) a. intense X-ray emission from a gas infalling from a companion star b. concentration of hot gas and plasma near magnetic poles of a neutron star c. intense emission of energy in all wavelengths from a gas and whole stars infalling onto cental
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