A Holistic Theory of Behavior
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Section Number: 0000; Title: Home/INDEX

This is the version of the index file that you get to when you come in to the site using the redirect address. It is different because this version was set up on a Macintosh computer to be read from a CD by both Macs and Windows computers. It may not work well with all combinations of browser and computer, so if you find a problem send an email to karl@eklund.com and I'll try to solve it. You can get to the main index by clicking on Home here or on any page.

If you are reading this for the first time you might want to look at the Preface because that explains what this is and why it is being published in this way and under the same kind of "copyleft" as Linux.

If you are already familiar with the book, use the links here to get to the particular subject you are interested in.

This is a shortcut to the newly added Appendix 4 dealing with Cultural Identity. In the near future I hope to have an appendix on the Garifuna and, later, incorporate this into Appendix 3.

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