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GoldFollies Wreaths

Welcome to our handcrafted wreath shop.  All of our wreaths are done by loving hands.  The following pages are just a sample of our work.  These samples can be bought. Just click the add to cart button on the wreaths page. We use Paypal on this site. Paypal is free to join and to use. We can and will do custom made wreaths.  Its up to you and your imaginations as to what we put on the wreath.

Since each wreath is handmade they are one of a kind.  You won't see any of our wreaths in retail stores.  Unlike fresh pine wreaths that must be discarded after the season, these wreaths you can use year after year.


9" Wreaths

12" Wreaths

24" Wreaths


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For custom ordering click on the button below...In subject line please type "Custom Wreath" the base of the email please specify the type you would like and we will get back with you ASAP...If you would like to order one of the ones on our pages...Please click on the add to my cart button...there you will be directed to paypal for payment...any problems please email us...

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