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S. Farooq  
(Reader in Geology)

Department of Geology
Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh - 202 002 (India)

Tel: 91-571-2721150

Geology Resources
(Link Page)

If you have a site devoted to geological interests of any kind, and desire to be linked from my pages, please feel free to send an e-mail to me. The same goes for requests on what should be seen here, what should not, and any other pertinent comments or questions.

Mail all requests/inquiries to

My thanks to all  who have sent in links. I shall be thoroughly revising my website soon. The General resources will be reorganized and an Education and Software section will be added.

Geologic Surveys of the World

Geology of India 

Stratigraphy of India

Geological Sciences Catalogue from India

Department of Mines & Geology- Home Page

University Department of Geology, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India

USGS Open-File Report 97-470C - Geologic Map

Diamond properties, geology, exploration, mining, use

Geological Survey of India

History of Geological Survey of India

Geology of India- A Profile and Map

Surface Geology Maps for North Central India

Map India 2003 Geology & Mineral Resources A GIS approach in ...

Geology of India

University Department of Geology, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India

What does the India-Asia collision zone tell us about rates of ...

Doctrate in Environment & Geology Or Job opportunity in Geology

Global Seismic Hazard Map, India

Geology Virtual WWW Library - Universities and Research ...

Khoj - Directory for geology

Department of Geology, St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, India.

GSI - Country Profiles - India

AndhraNews.Net - GSI Maps and Earth quake studies

PEPP Archived Report- GSI- The Bhuj Earthquake

Geological Survey of India(GSI) -TRAINING Institute -- amidalla

Ministry of Mines

Directory of official web sites of Government of India

India's Contribution to the World's Mineral Production

Role of the Government of India

Contribution of the Public Sector

Contribution of other Government Organizations



Mining Resources

Remote Sensing

Hydrology and Environment



This website is hosted by

S. Farooq

Department of Geology

Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh - 202 002 (India)

Phone: 91-571-2721150
