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Help on using the interactive SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic)

Maps on this website





·    Hold the control key and click to zoom in at the mouse pointer location.

·    Hold the control key and click-and-drag to select an area to zoom into.

·    Hold the control and shift keys and click to zoom out.

·    You can also use the zoom commands in the context menu (right click).  



·    Hold the alt key and click-and-drag with the mouse to pan the map.

·    When the scroll lock is enabled and the map area  has the focus, the arrow keys may be used to pan the map. 


Using the contextual pop-up menu

Right-click in the map area to open the contextual pop-up menu. This will reveal the commands and options for interacting with the map.

Links: If you bring up the context menu over a link, you can choose Open or Open in New Window to activate the link.

Quality: You can disable the Higher Quality option to cause the SVG image to display more quickly, but with lower quality.

Searching: Click Find to open the find dialog box. Here you may enter the text you want to search for, make choices about matching whole words only, case, and the direction of the search. The find command works with transparent, obscured, or moving text. The entire document is searched, regardless of how much of the map is currently visible. The result of the search is highlighted, and panned (but not zoomed) into view.

Copying: The Copy SVG and Save SVG as commands let you copy the map to the clipboard and save the map to a local file. The copy command places the map as it currently appears onto the clipboard in both Unicode and raster formats. Note that this differs from the Save SVG as command, which makes a copy of the original map. When text is selected, the copy command changes to Copy Selected Text


For more information on SVG or the Adobe SVG Viewer, please see the SVG area at

This website is hosted by

S. Farooq

Department of Geology

Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh - 202 002 (India)

Phone: 91-571-2721150
