Uncovering the Mystery Behind Man's Best Friend
( in his many shapes and forms )

A Scottish Terrier - Our offical mascott in honor of one of the writers - Scottie!

To start off, here is some information about the Eight Different Groups of Dogs as defined by the American Kennel Club
Not all breeds are listed, because there are so many, we just chose the most popular ones (In our humble opinions)
All photos and information are from the AKC Website

Breed Groups
Terrier Dogs
Working Dogs
Hound Dogs
Toy Dogs
Sporting Dogs
Non-Sporting Dogs
Herding Dogs
Miscellaneous Class

Man Meets Dog A book by Konrad Lorenz

Famous Dogs

The Canine Map Dog Genetics

Playing God And Then Some... On Dog Cloning

Pavlov and Dog: the Man, the Canine and the Saliva

Dogs With Jobs

What to Consider when getting a dog

Pros and Cons of different breeds

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