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Very Interesting....
  • Coleman and Emma went to New York for their honeymoon and she lost her diamond ring in the Hudson River. She pointed at something and it fell off.  Also, she lost her second diamond ring in Tennessee in the grass and it was never found.
  • At the R.C. Carlisle home, the back room had a rope bed. When a summer storm came up, all the children would gather on this bed since there were no metal springs. Grandma Emma would tell the children ghost stories to help keep their minds off the thunder and lightning.
  • One childhood memory of Margaret Kennedy Blakely, is of eight to ten hoes standing beside the fence idle because it was Sabbath. She was told that it was a sin to lift a hoe on the Sabbath Day.
  • Skeletons....On the floor of one of the buildings behind the R.C. Carlisle home, were parts of three skeletons. We were told they were the bones of slaves. Uncle Jimmy Washington Renwick used them. One other rumor was the Uncle Marcellus Renwick brought one skeleton back from Paris, France.  Perhaps some truth in both.
  • Emma's father, John Simpson Renwick's will states, "It is my will and desire that all my pictures in frames shall be allowed to remain in the parlor as long as any one of my descendants shall own the house."
  • Emma's wedding dress was made of cream colored alpaca. Her dress is still in the family.