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Two Guys Plant Cell Site


Welcome to the Two Guys Plant Cell Site where you will learn about the PLANT cell!! The organelles that we will show you are chloroplasts, cental vacuole, mitochondria, golgi body, nucleus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, cell membrane and the cell wall.

1. Nucleus: The function of the nucleus is to be the control center. The nucleus also contains genetic material, such as DNA and RNA.

2. Golgi body:It's the "post office" of the cell and modifies and packages protiens made by ribosomes in the RER.

3. Central Vacuole: The central vacuole stores food and water, pumps out extra water, and sequesters distasteful substances.

4. Cell Membrane: It is the barrier that controls the passage of materials in and out of the plant cell.

5. Cell Wall: The cell wall is made of cellulose and cannot be digested by the human body. It is a thick outer layer that gives strength and rigidity.

6. Mitochondria: The "power house" of the cell is the mitochondria. It creates ATP which gives energy to the cell.

7. Chloroplasts: It has chlorophyll and enzymes in it and it is used in photosynthesis.

8. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: The RER is covered in ribosomes and is where protiens are made. It is also cosidered the "Tubular Highway".