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My Adopted Unicorn Farm

Welcome to my unicorn pasture, please be cautious & make sure you don't spook any of the unicorns. I would hate for any of them to run off.

This my unicorn guardian, she watches over them for me

This Is My BirthStone Unicorn, Just Beautiful

This Is The Millennium Unicorn

The Dining Room

The Bathroom

Outside In The Pasture

Look Through The Window & You Can See...

Blue Zircon(My Birthstone)Playing The Piano

The Bedroom

Adopt a Unicorn Today(click above)....

Take A Tour Of Camelot

These are my gaurdians unicorns, they enjoy looking over the pasture, & are excellent at letting the other unicorns know if any dragons are approaching

This is Alseid the keeper of the unicorns. She came from The Rising Sun Adoption Center.