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General Robert E. Lee

The War Between The States - some call it the Civil War. I think Civil War is too nice a name for it. This war had families literally torn apart, some fighting on the Northern side, some on the Southern. Let me say to begin with, there were many men fighting because they believed they were in the right..on BOTH sides. The Northern army believed the South had no right to secede from the Union. They believed in keeping all of the States within the Union at all costs. The Southern army was firm in their stance that they DID have the right to secede and consequently drew up their own Articles of Secession, and their own Declaration of Independence. If you happen upon this site and do not know many details about this war, please consider reading up on it. Particularly if you are American. I've heard it said that the ones who win the war are the ones who write the history of it. This is so very true. There are many fine books published that show the full scope of this war in fine detail. However, in the South, the small bit that is taught to our children is all from a Northern slant. They tend to leave so much of our history out of the material our children read. It is up to us to make sure our traditions as well as our history is not forgotten, but passed along to our children so that they may not forget either. So many people will bring up the issue of slavery as the main reason for this war. President Lincoln used this very effectively for his own purposes. Take note that when he issued the statement that all slaves were to be freed..he stipulated "in the southern states". Interesting to see he didn't free any slaves in the northern states until much later in the war. Economic concerns were a huge part of the conditions leading up to the war. There were so many factors involved I would be hard pressed to list them all here. Our men fought for their cause and lost many lives in the midst of it all. They were defending their homes. I can only imagine what it was like having an army taking over their lands, their livestock, burning their homes, destroying all they held dear. Let us never forget the turmoil of those times. Let us never forget those who fought for this, our dixie land.

Carmack's Pledge to the South
-by Edward Ward Carmack, former Congressman from Tennessee-
(excerpted from a speech he delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives)

"The South is a land that has known sorrows; it is a land that has broken the ashen crust and moistened it with tears; a land scarred and riven by the plowshare of war and billowed with the graves of her dead; but a land of legend, a land of song, a land of hallowed and heroic memories.

To that land every drop of my blood, every fiber of my being, every pulsation of my heart, is consecrated forever. I was born of her womb; I was nurtured at her breast; and when my last hour shall come, I pray God that I may be pillowed upon her bosom and rocked to sleep within her tender and encircling arms."

The South - A land heavy with the scent of magnolia, jasmine and honeysuckle, laughter on the levee, friendly smiles, moonlight on the river, fireflies sparkling in the sky, soft spoken drawls and musical dialects. A storied land of romance and chivalry. I am thankful to have been born in South Carolina, where traditions and customs still stand strong. ~Jeanie~

Sites you might find of interest:

*General Robert E. Lee-Biography
*PLPOW-Point Lookout POW Organization
*Civil War in South Carolina-A site of history, regiments, battles and people
*Elmira, NY Prison Camp Online Library-Details on Elmira Prison Camp
*Bonnie Blue Flag-Lyrics
*An Address by an Ex-Confederate Soldier to the Army of The Republic-Address by Maurice Thompson (1844-1901)
*Civil War Reader-books on Civil War
*Southern Crossroads-Southron Voice (it's meant to be spelled that way~smile~)
*The History Place-A Nation Divided
*Outline of the Civil War-Just what it says, pay special attention to causes leading up to war
*Crisis at Fort Sumter-Large interactive program
*Women soldiers of the Civil War-Women who served in the war for North and South
*Memories of The Blue and Gray-Poem by Henry Lynden Flash (1835-1914)
*The South-Poem by Abram Joseph Ryan (1839-1894)
*The Moonlit Road-Ghost Stories and Strange Folk Tales of the South

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