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Have you ever dreamed of Dragons, Unicorns, Pegasus, Menators, fairies, Nomes, elfs, etc.... Well I'm here to tell you that your dreams were not dreams but merely a covered up visit to the beautiful world of Fantasium. Yeah I can hear ya' now...this is all made up, and maybe it is but it's a good story so read on if your interested......

Long ago in the land of Fantasium, where songs, and thoughts, and love are tangible...Where it feels like Joy wraps around you like a blanket and time has no affect upon you, there was a great War. Fantasium almost lost, and would have been wiped out forever had it not been for Princess Arianna, The Twins you see at the top of the Page,Pherium and Marium. They look a little vicious but just as loving and sweet as anything can possibly be. I can not possibly put a picture of the Princess on here, her beauty is too strong to even put into a picture, she was half human with long flowing white hair, ice blue eyes, her skin shimmered and half pegasus with wings that seemed to glitter and catch the hint of a rainbow as they moved. Very amazing creature, she was so quick that human eyes could not see her move if she willed it, and so powerful that no power on earth could move her without her consent.

Fantasium only exists to those who are open-minded and believe that there is a peaceful land where all things are possible. You know as children we all believe in unicorns and bogeymen, well they do exist, but for some odd reason we a made to believe that this is not so as we grow older. I'm telling you now. I'm in my early 20's and I will always believe in the unbelieveable because I've been there and I've seen it all.