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AIM on IRCHow to use AIM on IRC!
  1. If you don't already have a screen name with AOL get one here.and click on aol instant messanger.
  2. Then if you have a aim screen name click here.
  3. Once you are in the chat server to get on AIM type /msg aimserv signon "your screen name" "your password."
  4. Once you are signed on AIM(if to many people arent on) to chat to a person they must be on your buddy list you can add someone by typing "/msg aimserv add_buddy "buddy's name."
  5. When you get some people on your buddy list to send instant messages to them type "/msg aim-"buddy's name" "message."
  6. If you need any further help go to the chat server and type "/msg aimserv help" or cantact me here