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My Duckies!!

Names: Precious,Killer,and Jake
DOB: Jake~05/23/1992 (deceased)
Precios & Killer~04/12/1998
Breeds: Jake is a mallard and the other two are white ducks
Jake is the last duck I have out of three ducks we hatched from eggs..and Precious and Killer are two ducks I got from the jockey-lot..Precious and Killer are mean because my brothers would hit them on the beak and run from them-so they bite and when they bite they DON'T PLAY!! It's hurts! We use to have them at our house but we took them to my grandmas pond..since Jake was alone..the last duck drown(it got its head caught under a root under water)..And when we took Precious and Killer down there Jake was SO happy because the last duck that died was white and when he saw them two he went took awhile for them to like Jake at first my grandma siad she'd have to stand their while Jake ate otherwise the other two would run him they all three will swim together in the pond...And Precious and Killer will let ME touch and pet them but when they see my brothers they swim off into the pond..(LOL!)-their smart..)Jake is a beautiful mallard but he won't let no one close enough to him to get a picture..All the pictures have names on them except the last one thats a "baby picture" of Jake, Malla, and Snowie- {Snowie was the white duck the drowned and Malla was a mallard that flew away within the first week we took them down to my grandmas pond...}

NOTE: Jake died over the summer(2001) I think in July-he had been hurt and was limping on his right we don't know if it was wild dogs that went down to the pond or Precious & Killer...

Wasn't I cute? LOL! the two mallards are in front and the white one is behind them..