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Hi Neighbors,

Welcome to the Hawkcreek Community Bulletin Board. Remember the old neighborhood general stores? The kind of place that always seemed to have a group of characters sitting around a pot-bellied stove, playing checkers all day? It seemed that each of these places had something else in common...a beat-up old cork board, prominently displayed, full of notes and messages about the local neighborhood. It seemed a little quaint at the time, but looking back on it, the whole idea held a certain charm.

Well, this is intended as a current day, cyber version of that old cork board. A place where everyone can post messages to their friends and neighbors...a 21st century General Store Bulletin Board..

Please feel free to post anything and everything that you like........Have something that you'd like to sell? .....  Looking for a good baby-sitter?  .....  Just want to find out what your neighbors think about something? ....Grab an unused thumbtack and stick your note on the board!!!

Just one thing...the idea here is that everyone keep it friendly.This is intended as a place that everyone can have fun with, not a place to air grievances.

For those of you that aren't familiar with message boards, just click on the "Post your Comments" button below. Please leave a message, even if it's just to say "Hello", so that everyone will know that you've been here.

Please bookmark this address and come back often.

Have fun!!!