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The Mysterious Affair at Victoria (or, the Worms' Mistress)

Part 9 Hardware Engineering Lab - CRF Level 5 Duo felt a surge of adrenalin at the sight of his tall lover, safe and smiling. He resisted the urge to jump into the man's arms, but didn't fight at all when Zechs pulled him close for a quick embrace and a whispered, "Thank God you're safe." Miranda was kneeling next to Kazu's wheelchair. The two were talking, voices low and urgent, so Duo leaned in close to Zechs. "Is this the famous Kazu that I've heard so much about?" Zechs lifted one golden eyebrow. "Why yes - yes it is. And the young lady is, I assume, the fair Miranda?" Duo gave him a thumbs-up and grinned. "I tell ya, blondie - we make a great team. So what's the plan now - in terms of getting these two out of here." Frowning in thought, Zechs stared at the two former employees of Tolv Roos. He took a step toward them and they both looked up at him at the same time. "Sorry to interrupt," he said, voice low and smooth, "but we really should be going. Mister... Kazu? How long ago did Tolv leave?" The dark-haired man reddened and seemed to be finding it difficult to speak again. He dropped his gaze to the floor saying, "K- Kazu... it's just... Kazu... and... he was here... about 15 minutes ago." "D'ya know which direction he was heading when he left?" Duo came forward. Kazu looked up again, his eyes running over the small, braided figure, then moving between Duo and Zechs, as if trying to determine the link between them. "He was... after Miranda. I had sent her up the back stairwell earlier, so I told him that she'd gone up the front. He's probably figuring out right about now that she's not there..." He looked at Miranda. "You were right, you know... he came, and then he left again, without taking me..." His head ducked down as he finished the words. "It doesn't matter, Kaz!" she told him, her voice soft but fierce. "He's not worth your time. He's a killer, and he used both of us. Forget about him!" She looked up, first at Duo, then more closely at Zechs. "So, you're the White Knight, huh? I guess you fit the bill pretty well in the looks department but how good are you where it really counts?" Zechs looked at her, rather surprised. "I beg your pardon, Miss?" She took a step towards the tall blond and put her hands on her hips, a gesture Duo was beginning to recognize as an integral part of her personality. "It's not 'Miss', it's Miranda. I take it *you're* Duo's boyfriend?" Zechs was so taken aback by her manner that he completely forgot to give Duo an annoyed glance. The long-haired boy smothered a growing smile at the blond's reaction to the straight forward, pull-no-punches style of the damsel they had rescued. It was obviously time he stepped in. "Miranda, please - you're putting the guy into shock. He's used to Ladies being lovely and gracious and Gentlemen being noble and chivalrous." Zechs frowned again and slowly moved his gaze from Miranda to Duo. A grin broke out on the American's face in spite of his best efforts. "By the way, his name is Zechs and he's a *prince*, ya know. Noble knight, slayer of dragons, the whole nine yards. Right, Zechs?" he finished, clapping his the blond man on the back. Zechs and Duo regarded each other for the briefest of moments, then Zechs turned to Miranda and said, "I have never in my life been anywhere near a dragon, although I have, in my journeys, made the acquaintance of several other kinds of reptiles. Now shall we all move to the back staircase and take our leave of this place? I believe our time is growing short." With that, he stepped behind Kazu's wheelchair and began pushing it to the back of the workspace. As he was wheeled out of the lobby, Kazu turned in his seat, his eyes wide, a little smile on his face, and mouthed to them the word, "Whoa!" Miranda stood in awe for a moment, eyes following Zechs' retreating figure, before looking over at Duo and murmuring, "You weren't kidding, were you? He *is* a fucking prince!" Duo nodded happily. "Yeah - it took some getting used to, but now? I kinda go weak in the knees when he talks like that..." They followed the two men through the darkened room and Miranda couldn't help but add, "Well, heck - I can certainly see why." *** Back (Eastern) Stairwell / CRF Level 4 The climb would be a long one, and doubling grueling for Zechs and Miranda because they were helping to carry Kazu up the stairs in his wheelchair. He had told them they should leave it, but when Zechs found out that the chair had recorded Kazu's medical data for the past 7 years, and that it was programmed with a series of muscle stimulations exercises worked out over the course of those years, he insisted it be brought up with them. "How long would it take to get all of this reprogrammed? Maybe a good three years - years where your muscles would atrophy. No, it's not so heavy that we can't bring it up with us." So, they four of them climbed, Zechs and Miranda with the chair, Kazu holding two floods to light their way, and Duo, with another flood, running ahead every few minutes to scout the next level, gun at the ready. They were all greatly relieved to find that, even though they were climbing, they were breathing easier than they had in some time. Miranda, walking on the left side of the chair, looked over at Kazu and saw the young man's head hanging low, his eyes glazed over with some strong emotion that she couldn't quite read. She leaned over and said in a low voice, "It's all right, Kaz - we're almost out of here. Once we're safe you can start sorting through everything that happened. But right now, let's just get ourselves to the surface, okay?" He fixed her with a deep brown stare and whispered, "But I should have known, Miranda. I should have stopped him, somehow. I'm a failure and now all of us are in danger because *I* failed." "Don't go down *that* path," a silky baritone cut in from the right. Both Kazu's and Miranda's head turned at the sound of it. Kazu looked a little shocked, once again, to find the blond man addressing him. The ice-blue eyes were kind, though, as the mesmerizing voice continued. "I've spent most of my life with thoughts like that. Every waking hour, and many of the sleeping ones, I kept hearing that same little voice telling me how much of a failure I was, and just how horrible my fate would be because of it. It's a dangerous thing to listen to - it can led a person to extremes." The tall man paused a moment and looked thoughtfully at Kazu, making the Japanese man blush furiously. "Let the feelings go," he said softly, "before they have a chance to poison you." Miranda had been so engrossed in what Zechs was saying, and how he was saying it, that she didn't noticed herself drifting over towards the side of the stairwell as she walked. The next moment, however, found Zechs pushed up against the handrailing and a sharp crackling sound coming from his belt. "What was that?" hissed Duo, several steps above them and ready to run ahead and scout again. "Oh, nothing much," Zechs muttered. "Just our only means of communication with the outside world." He looked down at the small lump of cracked plastic and parts that used to be the paging device. Miranda had just begun stammering out her apologies when Zechs stopped her. "No need, Miranda," he said quietly. "To tell you the truth, the stupid thing refused to work anyway. As far as I'm concerned it met a timely end." Miranda smiled back at him, thinking she could see just a flash, perhaps, of gleaming white armor over the lean and graceful body. *** The Map Room - The Victoria Club "There's someone else trying to gain access to this network. I don't know who it is, but it's almost certain he shouldn't be there - or she." Asuka looked up at Noin, a look of profound disapproval on her face, almost as if Noin herself was the unauthorized user. Noin frowned. "Well *that* certainly doesn't make me feel any better." She paced the floor, trying to will her paging unit into activating. /Damn where is that man! Why hasn't he let me know how they're doing... I swear, Zechs, if you get yourself hurt I'm going to be *very* angry at you! And if... well don't even *think* about dying down there because then I'll..." She sighed heavily. The hotel security team had come and gone. The Admiral's body had been taken away and the investigation into his death begun. The local police were not going to be there for at least 30 minutes at the last estimate, and the house detectives had returned from the back hall of the Club with the news that the staircase leading down to the CRF was deserted as was the one floor they could access. Two of the security team officers were down there now, awaiting further event. "Damn!" muttered Asuka, huddling closer to her screen, fingers flying furiously across the keyboard in front of her. She wasn't forthcoming with the cause of the swearing, so Noin didn't bother asking. Instead, she opened her paging device yet again and tried to contact Zechs. It gave her an error message again, but this one was different from the others she'd been getting: "FATAL ERROR: UNIT NO LONGER AVAILABLE." A chill went through Noin. /Dear God - what's happened? Something... something has happened - something that not only made Zechs' pager inactive, but unable to be seen by satellite as well. Something like the device being... destroyed./ She imagined a gunshot through it... or a fist... or a fall. "I have to go!" she said over her shoulder to Asuka. She was holstering her own firearm as she moved through the door. The small Preventer rose from her seat with a perplexed look. "Hey, wait! What if someone calls? I'm not supposed to-" Noin looked back at her in annoyance, trying to stay calm and not quite succeeding. She held up the small paging unit. "Their pager's just gone completely blank. Something's happened to them down there and I need to find out what. So if someone calls... take a goddamned message!" She ran down the long hallway the led to the back of the Club. There were no security officers to be found anywhere. Cursing under her breath, she went through Zechs' description of how they had found the entrance, running past the Reading Room and the Library to the Nairobi Room at the far end of the hall. There was an elegant reception of some sort under way, and the guests were not at all pleased to see a young woman in casual dress come charging through the doorway and out to the garden. Once there, Noin was forced to wade through about 75 additional guests, each one seeming to her to be at least six feet tall and several feet wide. Having jostled enough shoulders to be bruised for a week, she made it the stone wall, only to find a group of soldiers lounging in front of it. "Excuse me, but I need to get at that wall," she said crisply. The men looked at her and said nothing - simply stared. "I said *excuse me*, but I need access to that wall you're standing against!" One of the men gave her a slow smile and winked to his comrades. "What - this wall?" he said, his voice dripping with disrespect. "Keller, this young lady says she needs access to this wall." The man who responded crossed his arms in front of him and leaned back against the sun-warmed stone. "Really? You say she needs to get at *this* wall? Imagine that." A third man walked over to the wall and also leaned against it. "Whadda ya suppose she wants to do against this wall," he drawled unpleasantly. Noin had had enough. It had been a ridiculously long day and it was only getting longer. She had put up with the Mr. Cheerful from L2, the clueless ex-officers of OZ, a self-centered, womanizing admiral, the death of said admiral, a thoroughly cranky Preventer agent, and an ex-lover who had done something brave and foolish and had promptly become incommunicado. It was simply too much for a woman to take and not react. She pulled her gun from it's leg holster, hidden under the graceful sundress, held it at arms length, and cocked it. "I've asked you twice, now get away from that wall or lose the family jewels." The fact that the gun was aimed at their crotches helped her make her point. The men's faces went white at the sudden threat of castration, which had just appeared before their eyes, clad in a garden party dress. "S-she's got a gun... *Shit* she's got a gun!" the one named Keller managed to stammer. The men moved as a group, fairly running from the barrel of Noin's little semi-automatic. Several reception guests gasped audibly as the reason for the mass migration of ex-soldiers became apparent. Gloved hands were held fearfully in front of mouths or clutched to chests. Within 15 seconds Noin had brought the lively gathering to a complete halt. Somewhere a subdued voice was heard to murmur, "Does the hostess know?" Noin moved to the door and went through the steps Zechs had outlined for opening the hidden door. As the heavy stone slab moved inward, she turned to face her now-rapt audience. "So sorry to interrupt," she said, waving the gun casually, causing several well-dressed people nearby to dive for cover. "Just pretend I was never here." And with that Lucrezia Noin began her descent to the rooms under Lake Victoria. *** Front (Western) Stairwell / CRF Level 1 "Damn him to hell!" A hand came down hard on the last door in the hallway. This was the last place she could have been. He had completely sealed off the access to the upper storage and holding area levels. He had searched methodically on every level up from the Hardware Lab, but Miranda Centov was nowhere in sight. As Tolv stood, his palm resting against the cold metal of the door, an image of Kazu came to mind. Kazu - beneath him, begging him. Begging for what? Sex, definitely. But something else as well... what was that last - then he heard it. Heard the voice and saw the handsome face, the agony in those beautiful, almond-shaped eyes. "Forgive me, master... forgive me..." "He lied to me!" Tolv whispered into the darkness. "The little bastard laid there and took it and then *lied* to me..." He spun around, furious, his mind working to find a way to regain what Kazu had undone. He would have to die. His beautiful little man would have to die and Tolv himself was so angry about that horrible truth that he couldn't think straight. He breathed in a few times, the oxygen calming his nerves somewhat. Oxygen? He was breathing fairly freely, not the ragged pained breathing that Kazu had shown down in the Lab. /My mask - of course,/ he thought, absently lifting his hand to his face and feeling - nothing. No mask. He was breathing the air that was inside the corridor. He had been in such a hurry to leave Kazu after their coupling that he had completely forgotten to put his oxygen mask back on. It was a stunning blow to realize that, even without the mask, he had been breathing fairly normally for some time. /Air? How did this happen? There should be so little air in here that - Someone got the air supply working again. Miranda? No - she wasn't' able to access any of the computer terminals, I got that much from the readout in the Holding Area. Who, then?/ He wracked his brain trying to work it out. And then it came to him, in the form of a memory. A memory of Victoria Base Academy, where, as an enlisted man, he had done some training with mobile suits. A memory of the first time he had seen a certain young cadet with a body that way tall and strong beyond his years, and thick white-gold hair, always tucked neatly behind his ears, that fell past his shoulders. A cadet who seemed to have completely captivated the beloved officer to whom he was so loyal, leaving him jealous - .hating the boy. Of course. It was obvious. Why hadn't he thought of it earlier, of the threat it proposed? It was Merquise, of course. Zechs Merquise, the last darling of the Specials, who had graduated from the Academy with stunning scores and an academic specialty in computer science. It must have been him... Well, he would pay. He would pay dearly for this little betrayal to the cause. /And if I have to lose Kazu, perhaps he will lose someone he is fond of./ He had reached the opposite end of the hall, and the door leading up to the holding area. Punching in the code, he ran up the steps and, instead of going through the door at the top of the landing, he turned left towards a smaller door half-hidden under the next staircase. Again he punched a code and the small door swung open to reveal a narrow walkway. By crossing it, he traveled from the front, western-facing staircase of the facility to the back, eastern-facing staircase, at the level of the holding area. With any luck, he would meet up with Miranda and be able to dispatch her before returning to take care of Kazu. After he was assured they wouldn't cause more trouble, he would go after Merquise and one of his "friends." *** Entrance passageway - CRF Noin ran lightly down the steps, warding off the cold with her speed and trying with mixed results to keep her flood trained on the floor ahead of her. Reaching the first, storage level, where Zechs and Duo had left the Professor at work, she was met immediately by two security guards from the Club. They had been lounging against the near wall until they saw her, at which point they straightened and tried their best to look as though the were keeping themselves occupied in the line of duty. She felt a small wave of contempt. "What are you two doing? Holding the wall up? Have you found another way in yet or is this just a social gathering? Look lively!" Years of training at this very base could not be erased in so short a span as a year or two. The only things missing, she thought wryly, were her green OZ training fatigues. To her great surprise, her words brought a white-haired head around a corner several meters in front of her. "Noin!" the Professor beamed at her, then beckoned with a withered hand. "Come, come - we're nearly back to civilization, young woman! Do come and see!" He led her into the small computer room he'd been working in and pointed out the status of the electrical and other physical plant systems. "I had begun on the ventilation system and had gotten the air locks disabled, but, then- the strangest thing, really - another user came on (couldn't tell who) and began working on the same system! So I switched to the lighting controls and we're nearly up, my girl! Just another 10 minutes or so and we'll have light in this place again." He leaned in close to her and whispered, rather conspiratorially, "And a good thing, too. These 'security' people are *completely* unqualified for the job. I think *I* have more initiative than they do!" Noin couldn't help but smile at how involved the Professor had become, and knew, when this nightmare was over, that she had to introduce Preventer Asuka Irie to her mysterious unauthorized user. She predicted they would get along famously. "And, as an added bonus," he positively smirked, "I just got the door locks to release!" Noin leaned out of the room and called to the guards. When their sheepish faces came around the c corner, she started barking orders. "You, the tall one - take the north end of this hallway. One of those doors should lead to a stairwell. And you -" she eyed the smaller of the two, "take the southern corridor and do the same. Have your weapons drawn and be prepared to encounter an armed suspect. Now go!!" With great satisfaction, she watched as the two of them showed the first hustle she'd see from them. "Professor," she asked, "can we get any more specific on where they are? Would any of the tracking monitors this place has tell us?" The elderly man looked first at her and then the computer screen. "Right now," he ventured, "the system is set up to recognize the bar codes on badges, but if you can give me a second it should be no trouble to get to its controls and set it to heat-sensitive mode." Noin nodded and the gray-haired man went straight to work. She had wandered out into the corridor near the computer room and was contemplating going back to the staircase to radio Security and give them a dressing down for not doing enough when the Professor called to her. His voice held a hint of panic. "Noin!" he said hoarsely as she ran into the tiny room. "We have to stop them! They're headed right for each other!" "Professor - calm down and tell me what's happening," she said, forcing calm into her own voice. He pointed to four fuzzy points on a black grid. They were moving slowly but steadily up the screen. Another lone point was on the same vertical line but moving down from the top of the screen. The old academic held up three fingers. "Zechs, Duo, and Tolv, because of their military involvement all have extensive data recorded on them and are what we call "known targets." They can all three be identified with heat-trace technology alone. These two," he pointed to two points out of the four-point group, "are Zechs and Duo." Noin gave silent thanks that Zechs was obviously alive and able to move. "This one," and here the professor put a finger next to the lone point, " is Tolv Roos." It appears that Zechs and Duo may have Miranda and another person with them, although I don't know how that second person could have been down there without any of us knowing it." He shook his head. "Not important - what *is* important is that they are coming up this staircase and Tolv is coming *down.* The lights aren't on yet so they won't be able to see him until they're right on top of him. We have to stop this somehow!" "Where is this stairwell?" she demanded, adrenalin starting to race, making her itchy for movement. "There's a small door near the northern stairwell, it'll lead you to the eastern end of the building where that staircase is." The professor's face had gone pale and his breathing was labored. "Noin, you have to go - now! I don't know if you can reach him in time, but you have to try. Perhaps coming up on him from behind will give you enough advantage to stop him." "I'm on it," she murmured. She was out of the room in an instant, cursing the fact that more support personnel weren't down here. She called back to the professor to radio in a message to security, but she didn't have much hope that it would come in time. Pushing on the last door in the northern hallway, she found herself in a darkened stairwell. A few searching beams of her flood and she had found the small access door the professor had mentioned. She was through it and starting across the catwalk-like passage in a heartbeat, her breathing ragged more from fear than from exertion. /Zechs... oh, dear God, Zechs... heads up, Caro... He's coming your way.../ *** Back (Eastern) Stairwell / CRF Level 1 There was no one in the hall on the top level and Tolv was just about to enter the stairwell when he noticed the control panel opposite the starirwell door begin to flicker and then glow in the dark of the hallway. /Someone on the outside is into the network - damn! Damn you to hell, Merquise! You'll pay for this.../ He was just about to go through the door when he looked back at the panel and had an idea. He walked up to it, punched in his ID code and then the key sequence for the personnel monitoring system. It took only a moment and... there they were. All four of them, surely, coming up the stairwell right into his arms... He smiled softly and then, on a whim, checked the status of the lighting system. He was shocked to see it counting down to reset. Another three minutes and the warm-up sequence would be engaged. With the lights flickering, he could gain an advantage. With them fully on, that advantage would disappear completely. /It's the next three minutes or nothing/ he thought grimly to himself, then stepped through the door into the stairwell. *** Back (Eastern) Stairwell / CRF Level 2 "I think we're almost there!" Duo whispered into the darkness behind his back. He could hear the others moving steadily behind him and every once in awhile directed the flood towards the floor in back of him. It allowed him to see enough of Zechs tall figure to know that he was safe, but wasn't enough light to blind anyone. /We just might be able to do this, Zechs. Get these people to safety and then disappear - somewhere no one will ever be able to find us. What I wouldn't give for more than just single nights with you. How about *two* nights in a row, you and me, bed, a room, locked door.../ The thoughts were so very, very pleasant, he couldn't resist lingering in them for just a moment. But he brought himself back to reality quickly. He was in scout position, after all - if he messed up, everyone could be in danger. Playing his flood along the floor in front of him, he saw that he was nearing the top of the particular flight of stairs they'd been climbing. He called down softly, "Zechs? We're close to the top. I'm gonna take a little run up there to see what's around, 'kay?" "Be careful, Duo," came the low reply. He began running, his feet hitting the ground with the quiet of a true, stealth-trained soldier. He began scanning the landing above with his light, beginning with the left had side and trailing it over to the right. As he reached the top of the landing his heart gave a leap - the huge lights over the stairwell had just begun to flicker wildy. The flicker caused the entire area to be bathed in what was, essentially, an intense strobe effect. It temporarily blinded Duo, who didn't see the tall figure come around the landing's inner wall. The next thing he knew he was being grabbed and turned around, powerful arms crushing him backwards against a man's tall, muscular body. A hand was immediately clamped over his mouth, the arms tightening like steel bands as he fought with everything he had to get free. "Well, well," a soft tenor voice spoke, close enough to Duo's ear to make him shiver. "What have we here, hmm? I do believe you must be Merquise's little toy - just as Merquise was Treize's." A cold, round object was jammed against the braided boy's temple and Duo froze. "That's right, dear boy, best to stop fighting. It won't take long, I promise. We'll just wait for your friends and your lover to join us so they can watch you die. That's more polite, don't you think?" With every part of his body Duo wanted to scream downwards, /Zechs!! Stay away!! He's here!!/ But he could do and say absolutely nothing. Worse, he could hear the sound of their footsteps, his sweet, unknowing friends, and the man he'd fallen in love with, coming up the last few steps to certain death. Storage Level - CRF The professor watched the physical plant screen as the last part of the reset sequence complete itself. Right on cue, the vast banks of lights on the ceilings of the facility began to flicker, signaling the beginning of the warm-up phase, that would last about 5 minutes. That, at least, was a very good thing. He frantically keyed in the location of the heat-sensor grid and felt a wave of sickness move over him as it appeared on his monitor screen. Tolv and Duo were nearly on top of one another, and the other three were within 5 meters of them. Noin was too far behind to have prevented their meeting. He put his head in his hands as he sat, waiting for the Club security men to arrive from the world above. For the first time that afternoon, he fingered the gun Zechs had left on the small table. /If they're not here in three minutes,/ he thought, /I'm going down there myself... Noin... Noin, hurry.../ *** Back (Eastern) Stairwell / CRF Level 2 Miranda nearly dropped her side of the wheelchair as the flickering began. Zechs dropped back a little and shifted closer to the stair's hand rail to handle the extra weight and murmured, "It's all right - this is good. It means the lights are coming back on, probably." She smiled over at him in wan relief, just as Kazu's voice came through the eerie, strobe-lit darkness. "S-someone's up there.. with Duo!" he hissed. Zechs' head snapped up and he saw two figures, silhouetted against the sharp strobes of the warming light fixtures. "Duo!" The name was torn from him, involuntarily, as he took in the image of Tolv Roos with his hand over Duo's mouth and a gun to the boy's head. The hand was removed and tightened around Duo's arms as Tolv purred, "Milliard... how I was hoping against hope we would meet again. I wouldn't advise moving if you want this pretty thing to live." He prodded the barrel of the gun into Duo's temple and the American winced." Zechs wanted desperately to charge the last few stairs a grab his small lover from the man, but he was holding Kazu up and he knew Miranda couldn't hold him on her own. Letting go at this point would mean a horrible fall down several flights of stairs for the young Japanese man. Their balance was so perilous at that particular point that he couldn't even reach down for his gun, and now that Tolv's attention was focused on him, any slight movement might bring Duo's death. "Let him go, Roos!" Zechs said fiercely. "You won't be able to get out of here alive if you hurt anyone else, so just let him go!" "On the contrary, Milliard. I believe my plan to be a sound one. And I so wanted you to be a part of it. I see you have my own little friend with you there." Kazu's face had gone pale. "Tolv - no, please... not him! He had nothing to do with any of this, really. If you want to kill someone, then kill me, but let him go..." "I fully intend to kill you, my dear Kazu. You lied to me, didn't you? While you laid back and took it like the good little whore you are - you lied. Well, it was all for nothing, little man. You will die, and Merquise's little whore here will die and, of course, our fair young Miranda will die as well. "You bastard!" Duo growled, "How dare you-" The sound of the trigger being cocked back silenced him. "One more word from you, little slut, and I'll be sure to send Merquise to his death as well, in a horribly painful and humiliating way. Now, Milliard - I'm going to kill your toy here, but I do think you should know why he's dying - that way you can suffer more, yes?" Miranda's arms were shaking badly from the weight of the chair. They had been taking brief breaks at the landings on the way up, but they were past due to have one, and she was finding it hard to hold on. Kazu looked over at her, and then to Zechs. "Please," he whispered to the blond man, "just let go of me! I'd rather go that way than be killed by him, really! Just let go of the chair - then at least you'll have a chance to take him out." Zechs kept a well-trained gaze on Tolv. "There is no way in hell I'm letting you fall down five or more flights of stairs-" he murmured to Kazu. "I'd recommend quiet," Tolv interrupted, "or his death will come sooner." He looked briefly at Duo and then Kazu. "This is ultimately all your fault, *Captain* Merquise. You were the one who deserted OZ and betrayed His Excellency. It was *your* threat that brought him into Space, where he died. So *you*, Merquise, are going to suffer most from this. Because of you and your interference with this project, I have been unable to avenge his Excellency's death. You were once known for putting fairness above all else, Captain. But you have prevented justice from being delivered in this instance. And to make matters worse, I'm also going to have to kill my sweet plaything there. Now, I think it only right that you lose your plaything, too. That's *fair*, isn't it?" Zechs looked pleadingly at Tolv. When he spoke his voice was hoarse. "Roos - please... if you think that way than let him go and take me, for God's sake. Please, Roos. I'll do anything you want me to and I'll die in any way you dictate, just please, please... let him go." Miranda, her face a closed mask of pain, buckled under the weight of the chair as her arms slipped off of it. It started sliding backwards down the stairs and Zechs lunged at it, catching it and Kazu just before they tumbled over to fall. Unfortunately this had the effect of pinning Zechs against the handrail, unable to move without letting go of Kazu. "No, Captain..." Tolv's voice was soft and smooth. "You'll suffer a lot more if you watch him die first. And that's what this is about now - making *you* suffer... I'll have to kill Kazu - and that will be agony for me. So you must go through agony, as well. Now - watch closely..." Duo felt more than heard the tall man's finger pull back the trigger and he looked for the last time at Zechs. "I love you," he whispered and saw Kazu look at Zechs, then try to pry the blond man's fingers loose from his wheelchair. Then, quite suddenly, there was a quiet click from somewhere behind him and a familiar voice. "Let him go now, bastard, or your brains will be all over this stairwell." Lucrezia Noin was in a very bad mood. "My dear lady," Tolv purred, "if you do that, you will no doubt distribute this young man's brains along with mine." Having said it, he chuckled. It turned out to be a most unfortunate thing to do. Angry as she'd never been before, Noin grabbed Tolv's wrist, pulling it and the gun away from Duo's head, and delivered a tremendous chop with the butt of her gun to the a small nerve bundle at the back of the man's houlders. His arms were momentarily paralyzed, causing him to loosen his grasp on Duo. The boy fought fiercely to get away and had almost gotten free when Tolv recovered and grabbed him again, pulling to the left towards the handrail, dragging Duo with him. Noin stuck at him again, trying to get him to loosen his grip on the braided boy, and he swayed forward, his stomach hitting the rail hard. As Noin watched, Tolv tumbled forward over the handrail in a sort of sickening slow motion brought on by the strobing lights. His hands still gripped Duo. The American screamed as he was dragged over the side and Zechs, unable to move countered with a scream of his own. "DUO!! NOOOOOO!!! The only thing that saved the two of them from the 7 story plunge to the floor of the facility was the fact that Duo had managed to get one hand around the railing as he was pulled over. Now, he dangled above the chasm that was the northern stairwell, with Tolv Roos' arms around his neck. "Let... go.. ." Duo managed to get out. The arms had tightened and he was having trouble getting enough air. His hand was slipping with the extra weight from the former OZ soldier. Just as they lost contact with the rail, Noin reached out and grabbed Duo's wrist with one hand, aiming the gun at Tolv with the other. "Let him go and go to hell you fucking demon!" she yelled. Tolv snarled back at her. "I'll just take him down with me to cushion my fall, so go ahead and shoot, Lieutenant!" Noin withdrew her gun and thought for the briefest of moments and stared down at Duo. He looked almost ghostly in the flickering light. His wide-set eyes were huge and trusting, staring back at her, as if he knew somehow she would think of something. /It's the dream... Duo is going to die, unless I do something to get him out of harm's way... And that much I know I *can* do for him... and for Zechs./ With an air of infinite calm now, she leaned back over the railing and looked at Tolv. "It's *Miss* Noin now, soldier. I'm not fighting anymore." With that she dropped the gun, wrapped her other hand around Duo's arm and started pulling with all her strength. As she looked down at the boy, Noin saw Tolv's arms begin to shake violently, the aftermath, no dount, of the nerve bundle being stunned. Suddenly and with no warning at all, Tolv arms slipped from around Duo's neck. Noin believed she would always remember the absolutely stunned expression on his face as he fell into the light-pulsing blackness of the 7-story stairwell. "TOLLLLLLLLLLLV!!!!!" Kazu grabbed the railing and pulled himself out of his chair. The chair itself slid backwards and tumbled end over end down the stairwell for several flights. The Japanese man was just starting to pull himself over the railing towards the place Tolv had fallen when Zechs' arms came up around him, tight and strong. "I didn't save your life to have you do this!" he hissed in Kazu's ear, as he stared over the handrail at Duo, still dangling in mid-air. His hand still gripped Noin's, which were shaking with the effort. "Hold... on...Duo!" she managed to say though teeth clenched with the effort of holding on to the boy. Duo looked at her, his expression soft and sad. He grinned lopsidedly anyway and said, "Sorry to spoil your rescue - but I... I can't... keep this up... anymore." They regarded each other for a brief moment, then Duo whispered, "I think he loves you." Noin's eyes went wide. Imposed on Duo's face was the scene from the street in her dream. The black car, she understood what it meant now, was just about to reach Duo, and the easiest thing to do was, as she did in the dream, move aside and let it hit him... But no - she wasn't going to let him die a second time. She wasn't going to live with Treize haunting her for Zechs' sake. And she absolutely refused to try to get Zechs back by letting this maddening boy fall to his death. Taking a deep breath, she pulled one last time with everything she had. But Duo's strength had met its limit, and his fingers began their sliding off of hers. "Duo, NO!!!!" she screamed as the contact between began to break. Just at that second, she saw a strong hand reach down several inches farther than she could, and grasp Duo's arm, sharing the weight with her, taking part of the responsibility for the boy's life - helping her give him another chance. She looked up to find Zechs standing just to her right, his face intently focused, staring down at his lover. She looked back to see the young man in the wheelchair Zechs had been struggling with, now sitting on the landing just behind her, with a woman by his side. /When was he able to do that?/ "On my count," Zechs said quietly. "One, two, three!" They both pulled as hard as they could and slowly brought the American up to the railing and back over. Duo sank to his knees as they set him down on the steps. Zechs was kneeling beside him instantly, completely enveloping the boy with a powerful embrace. Duo arms were too weak to return the embrace, but he breathed heavily against Zechs' neck, then burrowed his face into the man's shirt. "Bunny," he whispered. "Oh, Bunny..." Overcome with relief, Miranda blinked tears away and hugged Kazu tightly. "It's gonna be okay!" she said to him. "It really will be okay!" "Yeah! Yeah... well... sort of," Kazu replied, trying to smile at her, his own face damp and tear-streaked. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off of the pair embracing by the railing. He leaned his head over on Miranda's chest and began crying softly. "I loved him, you know. Tolv. I really did love him, even though he was so bad..." "I know you did, Kaz. I know..." *** Zechs' and Duo's Rooms - The Lodge at Victoria It had been several hours since they had heard the sound of help echoing down the stairwell towards them. The local police had finally gotten free from the trap that their HQ had become. The two remaining Preventers, both men, were with them, and were charged with going down to recover Tolv Roos' body. Asuka had overridden Tolv's lock on the elevators, so the rest of the journey to the surface was fairly uneventful. They picked up the professor on the way up. The old man was fairly leaping for joy at the sight of them. He threw slightly withered arms around Zechs, then Noin, then Duo, then back to Zechs again. "Thank God!," he was heard to mutter. "Just... thank God!" Now, everyone was trying to repair themselves. Noin had talked to the representatives of Club security and the police, as well the two Preventer agents. She had a lot to say to them about how their organizations were able to deal with the crisis, and she was determined that none of them would leave until they heard her out. "This will be very, very cathartic for me," she had told Zechs as she walked into the Map Room with them. "And then I'm going back to my rooms, taking the hottest bath I can stand, and sleep for several hours. I expect you and Duo for dinner at 8pm and," here she eyed Zechs with a rather fierce expression, "I will *not* take no for an answer." She headed through the door to the room and turned one last time. "Nor will I tolerate lateness, so make your 'plans' accordingly." In her wake, Zechs could only blink at the heavy, wooden door. "Yes, Miss Noin," he murmured, then smiled. Kazu and Miranda had given statements to the police. Miranda had handed over the Worm's source code to Asuka Irie of the Preventers, who was, even now, analyzing it's structure. The two of them were were provided with a room in which to rest; actually the lodge had offered two rooms, but Miranda had insisted on one. They were now taking a much needed nap. Duo had been taken to the Club's infirmary, where a doctor had given him cortisone shots in his elbow and shoulder and wrapped his aching right arm. He was given an injection of a painkiller, and was now a bit lightheaded and could be found on the bed in his rooms, braid undone, rolling around and giggling over nothing. Zechs stood at the window, hands in his pockets, staring out at the savanna, currently being drenched by rain. "C'mon Bunny! Get over here and make the room stop spinning for me, kay?" More giggles. Zechs turned from the window, and looked at his young lover. Duo was laying on his back diagonally across the large bed with his head hanging over the side, long silky hair spilling into a heap on the floor. He was looking at Zechs upside-down and blinking wide, violet eyes. Lifting his good arm up, he held up a slender forefinger and beckoned to Zechs with it. That was simply too much for the blond to resist. He walked slowly over to where Duo lay, careful not to step on the lovely pile of chestnut gold, and tilted his head, regarding Duo with a slightly bemused expression. "Do you happen to realize how utterly silly you look, kitten?" Duo tried to put on a face of profound insult, only to break into a new fit of giggles. Zechs sighed and bent down, sweeping up the mass of silky hair with his hands and laying it on the bed. Then he knelt down and kissed Duo's lips lightly. The long-haired American gave a heavy sigh and rolled over onto his stomach, looking up at Zechs intensely. "So, blondie," he grinned, "are you gonna act like a Prince - or a lusty, boy-ravishing scoundrel? Hmmm?" He punctuated this by wiggling his eyebrows up and down a few times. Zechs regarded the adorable face, shimmering eyes, and soft, yielding mouth. He took in the sight of long, loose hair, slender but powerful muscles, and the way Duo was wriggling against the bed. He let out a ragged sigh and whispered, "Well I'm not a prince anymore, kitten - so that must mean..." The rest of his sentence was covered over by Duo's warm, eager mouth. *** Noin was soaking in the large, white bathtub her suite afforded. She had sprinkled lavender bath salts into the water and was drinking in the heady aroma coming to her through the steam. She could feel several tired and tense muscles starting to relax and wished only that her mind could do the same. /Zechs... I really wish you were here right now... to talk everything over, like we always did in the past... Trouble is I know where you are... and what you're probably doing... Damn! Why do I keep seeing that boy's face... hanging above that chasm, saying those words, "I think he loves you." He thought they'd be the last words he'd ever say, and we came too damn close to that being true... But - why did he say that? He didn't have to... didn't have to leave me with that... could have just as easily told me that Zechs despised me./ She stared at the ceiling of the bathroom. /Or maybe he couldn't... / Suddenly, she remembered him the year before, on the ship, as they prepared to face Mariemeia's troops. An impish face, a wide, disarming grin, and the words, "He runs, he hides, but he never lies! Duo Maxwell!" She hadn't taken the little motto seriously, but now she felt she'd been wrong not to do so. And she also felt that, now that she knew why he gave her those words, meant as his last gesture on Earth, she could recognize that one good thing, at least, had come out of the horrible events in that stairwell: it was now her fervent belief that Mr. Duo Maxwell was a rare and honorable individual, indeed. *** Miranda woke to the sound of thunder and the smell of rain-drenched grass. The skies had opened up over Lake Victoria and the entire guest register of the Victoria Club was no doubt huddled within it's comfortable sitting rooms and bars, enjoying the many striking hearths available, and taking advantage of the forced rest as a chance to catch up on gossip with old friends and enemies. /This is quite a place/ she thought as she lay against the fluffy pillows. I suppose Duo and Zechs must be used to accommodations like this.../ Then she smiled and made a face to herself. /No, not Duo, surely! I can't see him being approved of by the staff or the patrons - and Zechs... well Zechs clearly wouldn't accept any place that wouldn't accept Duo. I wonder where they'll be going...? The door of the room opened slightly, and she called out, "Kaz? Is that you?" His dark head peered around the door at her. "I... I didn't know if you were... decent." She could see a blush from across the room. She laughed loudly. (God it had been a long time since she'd done that!) "Decent?" she retorted. "Kazu what century were you born in for heaven's sakes?" Having just made fun of him, she felt it necessary to wave him further into the room. He came in, expertly maneuvering the chair so that he was next to the bed, facing her. /He's so adorable. And putting on such a brave face given what's happened today... / He had told her a little of what had gone on between he and Tolv earlier in the day. There was likely to be much, much more he hadn't told her and that would have to be all right. She wanted to give Kazu lots of things, but above all, she wanted to give him time. "How are you doing, sweetie?" she asked. He tried to smile. "Oh, I'm okay... well, actually I'm horrible, but..." She reached out her hand and held his tightly. "Wanna change the subject?" she said. He nodded. She gave a wry smile and ventured, "So - where are you gonna be off to after this, partner? Given, of course, that Mr. Prince is likely to be occupied indefinitely." He looked startled for a moment, then blushed furiously. "Well, I... that is, I..." he stared at one corner of the ceiling, not able to meet her eye. "Now I feel really stupid..." "Why?" she asked, her brows knitting. Whatever had she done in just these few minutes? "I... I thought..." he stammered again and then hung his head and put slender hands up to his cheeks. "I thought you might want to go somewhere together, but I was obviously wrong. I know you wouldn't want to go somewhere with me, and I'm sorry I was so presumptuous, I didn't mean to be-" His torrent of apologies was stilled by a calloused finger on his lips. Miranda regarded him, a look of long-suffering patience on her face. The she leaned over, moved her finger, and kissed him softly. "Tell me, Kaz," she said after breaking the kiss, "I know how you feel about men, but how do you feel about women?" He held her gaze with an open mouth, cheeks reddening again. "I... don't honestly know, Miranda. I've never been with one I liked... before now." She grinned at him and brushed blue-black hair out of his eyes. "I think a vacation together would be a great idea. Let's talk about where we'll go over dinner." They both smiled then, and breathed in the scent of rain-washed air. *** The Kigali Dining Room - The Victoria Club The place settings were lavish, the table linen snowy white, and candles glowed all around them as Noin, dressed in deep purple silk, ushered Zechs and Duo to one of the Clubs secluded tables. A serious-looking young man in white shirt and black trousers slid up without their noticing him and deposited wine and glasses on the table. "Thank you, Noin, for asking us to be your guests. This is beautiful, really." Zechs smiled softly at his old friend. He was looking particularly good tonight, Noin thought, with a loose white linen shirt and impeccably pressed dark blue trousers. He had forgone the jacket that she knew went with the ensemble, and his hair, gleaming almost silver in the candle light, spilled down the back of his shirt while at the same time staying neatly tucked behind his ears. She had always marveled at how he managed that. His partner in crime, the slightly giddy Duo, was equally lovely in his tight black pants, black turtleneck, and deep red vest. She filled their glasses and held hers up towards them. Here's to you two," she said, giving them a small smile. "Whatever have we done the deserve a toast?" Zechs murmured into his champagne. "You've solved the Victoria Club mystery. That, in and of itself, is enough to toast to." "Don't count yourself out of that, Noin," Duo said. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be alive right now!" He winked at her and lifted his glass in a tiny salute. She paled a bit at his words, the dream still very nearby, but she smiled back at him. Her eyes drifted to Zechs as she said softly, "I would never stand by and let you die, Duo. You're far to important to have that happen." Zechs' face was all softness and gratitude. Duo grinned and looked up at Zechs as Noin moved to the small serving table left by the waiter. "Please sit down," she called over her shoulder, "I'll bring over some appetizers." Once they were seated, Duo pulled Zechs in close and whispered, "Hey, bunny! I think she's starting to like me a little!" Zechs kept his eyes on the menu as he replied softly, "Of course, kitten. Noin is a highly intelligent woman, and one who simply cannot hold grudges against innocent people." He sipped from his wineglass as Duo eyed Noin. "You know, Zechs, I wonder if she'd like to take a trip with sometime - you know, go on vacation or something, the three of us." Zechs put his wineglass down with great care, closed his menu and turned to look at Duo. In his calmest voice he murmured, "Don't push your luck, kitten - don't push your luck." "Here you are," Noin said as she put down two plates full of dainty h'ors doeuvres. "Enjoy them." Duo looked up at her and blinked. "But, Noin - there's only two plates... where's yours?" "Back at my table with Miranda and Kazu. I reserved this spot for you two, so you could enjoy some time together. I'll talk to you tomorrow before I leave. Have a wonderful evening." With that, she walked gracefully away into the main dining room. Zechs and Duo stared after her for a moment and then Duo looked up at Zechs. "I think I'm beginning to see why you like her so much."

to Epilogue

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