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(based on the song by Collective Soul, music & lyrics by E. Roland) Author's Notes: "Listen" is written from both Heero and Duo's points of view. It takes place at Yodobashi High School in the JAP sector, beginning the morning after "Smashing Young Man" ends. Key for punctuation: "..." - character dialogue /.../ - character thoughts ^...^ - song lyrics ***


6:15am - Yodobashi High School Quadrangle It was the smell that woke him. In the night, the wind had shifted - not that he would have noticed. He had been wrapped in warm arms, enjoying the sensations of rising pleasure and satisfying release, only to start building the feeling up again. Somewhere in that sweet cycle he'd fallen into a deep sleep and even the chill in the morning air didn't rouse him. But this... this was the smell of mobile suit fuel and melted steel. Of burning asphalt and charred bodies. It was a very, very, familiar smell and he hated more than any other. He squeezed his eyes closed for long moment and then grimaced and sat up suddenly. "Aw, man, where *is* that coming fr-" Then he remembered. It would be from across the water, where a materiel storage facility used to be. Now of course, it was a ruin of bombed out buildings and dead soldiers. And he was responsible for at least half of it. Duo put a hand to his head and ran his fingers through long, silky bangs. Gradually, he came to the realization that he was naked and outdoors in some kind of public place. There hadn't been a rule in the student handbook that specifically prohibited nudity on school grounds, but he had a feeling that the principal, Takamura-sama, would probably frown on the practice. /Why am I out here? And out of my clothes...?/ He got up his courage to look around and saw Kenji Oyamada, dressed already, standing by the long willow branches and staring out at the Quad. "Kenji..." he murmured. The handsome Japanese boy turned and smiled at him. "Hey!" he said softly. "You're up. I was just making sure that no one came by. We've got about 2 hours until class - plenty of time to get back and get a shower and some breakfast." The night and its complexities were coming back to Duo. They were flooding him, actually, crashing over him like a wave and he was starting to feel more than a little uneasy. He stood abruptly and took Kenji's arm, turning the other boy to face him. "Kenji - last night, what happened... between you and mean... well, I'm.. . I'm not sure what to do about it..." Kenji was still smiling as he let his gaze run up and down Duo's slender body. Well, if you want my opinion, the first thing *you* should do is get dressed! Not that I'm not enjoying the view..." he winked at Duo. The long-haired pilot looked down at himself and reddened. "Heh heh - guess you're right. Don't know if this school is ready for the "real" Duo." He only had the flimsy clothes he had been wearing last night, but at least they covered the crucial parts. He braided his hair quickly, feeling distinctly uncomfortable being in a public place with it down, and turned once more to the dark-haired boy across from him. "Kenji - we need to talk about this... about what happened. I didn't mean... that is, I'm sorry to have been so... *needy* last night. I feel bad about doing what I did to you.: "Well, in the first place," began Kenji, turning away from the edge of the willow, "you don't need to apologize for being 'needy.' Everyone needs friends, and I'm glad I was here when you did need someone. And in the second place..." Kenji's cheeks reddened a bit, "it wasn't just you doing things to me. It went the other way too and I wanted to do everything we did." He stopped speaking for a moment and stared at the American boy. "Nothing happened against my will, Duo. In fact... whenever you want that again..." He was staring at the grass now, his face flushed a delicate pink. Then he laughed softly and looked up at Duo again. "We should get back in before those fitness freaks from the running club starting swarming over the place. I'll see you in homeroom, and we can eat lunch together, okay?" He walked halfway through the long branches and then stopped and called back over his shoulder, "Duo? You were my first. Thank you. It was amazing." He stared at Duo for a moment, his dark eyes soft and shining, then disappeared. Duo smiled a little, watching his figure until it became too obscured by leaves. /I sure wish Heero was a little more like you.../ he thought ruefully before wrapping his arms around himself for warmth, and beginning the walk back to the dorm room. *** ^ Hey... you're now thirsty Walking in the desert all alone Hey... you're now searching Lost in isolation from your soul ^ /Never again. Do you hear me? What happened was unforgivable and you really should die for it, but the mission is still incomplete. So just get a hold of yourself you pathetic excuse for a soldier. Put your goddamned hormones away and get the job done. ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME??/ Heero winced for the briefest of moments before returning to his familiar scowl. Almost without feeling he murmured to himself, "Heero no *baka*, you idiot..." He hadn't slept at all. After chasing Duo out of the room, he had paced for nearly an hour, his mind so confused that he didn't know what else to do. It was as though a struggle had been going on for control of his thoughts. At some point, the scale was tipped to a particular side and he had calmed himself. He had gone back to the laptop to look another time at the file directories he would be cracking that night after Duo had gotten him into the Lab. /Duo.../ It was only one word, one name, but it seemed to have so much power... A good hour had passed before he realized he's been sitting in front of the computer, staring at nothing, doing nothing - nothing but thinking about Duo and what they had done that evening. After all the killing. /He makes it better,/ a soft voice was saying. /He gives something back to me when I think it's been ripped away. But what could it be? A perfect soldier has nothing to lose./ He had gone around and around with that voice for a couple of hours, by turns staring at the monitor screen or staring out the window. /Where is he? He should come back, the baka. He better not have pulled a runner on this one. Not with that lab to break into.../ The door opened softly. He turned abruptly and saw Duo, poking around the edge of the door, looking warily out from under his overly long bangs. Heero said nothing to his roommate. Just turned back to the laptop. "I'm - I'm comin' in, 'kay?" The familiar drawl threatened to draw the voice out once more but Heero clamped down on it. "Where were you - all night." Heero's tone of voice was a flat as ever and he kept his gaze locked on the decision trees displayed on the screen. Duo felt a wave of anger. /No apologies, no statement of regret, no "Hey, Duo, I know it was *so* uncool of me to *throw you out* last night and I *swear* it won't happen again." None of that. Just, "Where were you?" Well, to hell with the cold bastard! He doesn't have any right to know and *I'm* not going to say a word. Nope. Not a word./ "It's none of your business, so just leave me alone," he said petulantly. Making a face at Heero's back, he frowned and walked over to his side of the room. Sitting on his bed, fuming, he took off his damp clothing and looked at Heero out of the corner of one eye. Immediately his frown started to slide into a pout. The unnaturally silent atmosphere of the room seemed to have no effect on the Japanese pilot and that made the long-haired boy's heart sink. /Just a freak accident, I guess - last night. Maybe he was just rattled by the fight at the base. We had a pretty big kill ratio... naw - when did that kind of stuff ever bother Mr. Stone Face? It was an accident and there's nothing more to it./ He told himself that he accepted the fact and then wrapped a towel around him and headed for the showers. Heero Yuy just wasn't worth the trouble. *** ^ Well, the bullets you bite From the pain you request You're finding them harder to digest ^ /Relieved. That's what I am. Relieved and very happy that he didn't mention anything about last night. I thought for sure he come back all gooey and tell me that he loved me and other useless crap. He's a better soldier than I gave him credit for./ Heero had turned around in his chair when he heard the door close and now he stared at the back of it, as if he could see the boy who had left if he looked hard enough. What he *did* see was Duo's black clericals, hanging from the hook on the back of the door. In the pale yellow light of the morning, they seemed to glow a rich, blue-black. Slowly, almost fighting against his own movement, Heero stood up and walked to the door. He watched in fascination as his hand reached out for the black cloth. It hung in the air for a moment just above the priest's shirt and then grabbed at it, pulling the garment off the hook. Swiftly, before the decision could be reversed, he brought the dark thing to his face, and inhaled deeply. The scent coming from it was pure Duo. A soft, soapy smell with the tang of his shampoo added, and underneath... a kind of sweet musk that came from the boy himself. His legs felt weak all of a sudden, and his hands were trembling. He sat down on his bed, holding the crumpled shirt in his lap, and wondered why he couldn't make his heart stop pounding. Then he closed his eyes and was suddenly back in time - last year, when he had had to sabotage a base inside of that Colony. It had all gone so well, until he had misjudged a placement for one of the explosives and the Fed mobile suit he'd been aiming for had collapsed onto a civilian apartment building. The one the little girl had lived in... with her puppy, Meri. He hadn't cried. He was far to skilled to have done anything so weak. But the remorse had been overwhelming. And he had made the crucial mistake of letting the two men see him bury the puppy. He could still hear Dekim Barton's words to Dr. J: "He's completely worthless to me like this! What if something like this were to happen in an *important* mission? What if he broke down and starting feeling guilty about what you asked him to do? Where would we be then?" J had said nothing, so Barton had continued. "Now you take him back to that lab of yours and retrain him. I want to see NO EVIDENCE of such weak, useless feelings and behavior. He's a *soldier*. Doctor - he doesn't need to be human. Now get rid of the feelings or we scrap this one - understand?" Dr. J had not said anything for a long time after that, but they *did* go back to the lab and that's when the training that had been difficult and painful before became nothing short of hell. There had been a sadistic trainer, not J, someone else. Everyday, before the horror began, he would say the same thing: "Just look at you! Your pathetic! You can't keep anything under control anymore can you? And you know WHY? Because you let yourself slip - JUST ONCE. That's all it takes. Now let's get started. Hour after hour, day after day, first watching the killings on the vid screen, then being in the same room as they were killed, hearing the sounds they made as they died. Then, finally, killing them himself, in countless different ways, over and over and over again... Suddenly he felt sick. He buried his face in the soft cloth he still held and slid down to the floor, curling up in a tight ball as he did so. /What's wrong with me? This would never have bothered me before... but now... it's getting so hard... so very hard to keep the thoughts away... to keep the boy in his place.../ The Boy, in fact, had not returned to his place after last evening's events. He now stood just a short way from the Soldier, not in control as an equal, but no longer locked away in his dark and cold cell, far below consciousness. He had become a powerful presence with strong yearnings, desires only partially filled. He wanted that wonderful scent, the memory of Duo's lovely face, his warm kisses, to push everything else out. It wouldn't happen, of course, the Soldier would see to that. But standing just behind the Soldier's rigid back, the Boy imagined it and even that brought some small comfort, and allowed Heero, eventually, to get up again. *** Duo stood in the shower, letting the hot water run over his stiff muscles. It was bad enough that it was the day after a fight - he was always a little beaten up after using Shinigami. Couldn't really call yourself a decent pilot if your mech didn't get to that level. But he had also spent the night on the ground and that had only added to the misery. But the heat from the water, combined with the memory of Kenji in the moonlight were doing wonders. /He was so good... can't believe I was his first. He just seemed to know what would feel good and he wasn't afraid of anything. No holding back, no inhibitions, so passionate.../ Passion... it hadn't belonged just to Kenji last night. He had felt it himself and in - /Ah God! Why can't I just put that behind me? It was nothing to Heero, absolutely nothing./ But a part of him just couldn't believe it. Heero *had* felt something, something raw and primitive and it seemed to be focused on *him*, on *Duo*. What was he supposed to do with that? He turned off the water, dried himself off and walked back to the room, lost in thought. The whole thing was really puzzling and it seemed a problem beyond his ability to solve. His *was* trying to solve it, though, and because of that he didn't notice anything when he walked into the room. He went into the small half bath that each room had and stood at the sink, meaning to brush his teeth. He was completely unprepared for the arms that wrapped around him from the back. "Ahhh!" He cried out and tried to turn, fearing that they'd been discovered, but when he looked up at the mirror it was Heero's darkly beautiful face he saw in back of him. Duo froze. Heero had not moved his arms from the tight embrace, one hand around Duo's waist, the other around his chest, pinning his arms tightly to him. Duo stared at Heero in the mirror. The Japanese pilot stared back, never moving his eyes from Duo's face. "How are you doing this?" Heero said abruptly, his voice just above a whisper. "Do - doing what?" Duo breathed. "Making me feel things. Things that don't serve any purpose. Tell me what you're doing." "I... I'm not doing anything Heero" Duo held the other boy's gaze. "I just - wanted to be your friend, or whatever else you might want me to be..." "What I want -" Heero began. Duo waited. What I *want -*" he tried again, his gaze at Duo's reflection getting more intense. "Yeah?" Duo whispered, trembling a little now. "What *do* you want, Heero?" For a moment, Heero said nothing. The he slid both hands up to Duo's shoulders and turned the long-haired boy around to face him. /That scent again... even stronger now. One slip... one slip.../ "I want to stop wanting you," he whispered his reply to Duo, holding him by the upper arms and giving him a little shake. "But... ah, don't say that, Heero - because... I want you, too..." He broke off looking at Duo's eyes. They were too deep - could drown in there... Heero's hand came up and a calloused thumb ran over the full lower lip before the dark-haired pilot pulled Duo close. Both boys leaned closer still, wary but with desire practically singing in them. Heero slid one arm down and circled Duo's waist, the other cupping his head. Duo let his hands wander up the cool skin of Heero's arms, clutching at the sleek muscles near his shoulders as their lips met. A soft whimper came out of Duo as he opened his mouth to Heero's probing tongue, wanting the invasion. Wanting Heero even more. It was a long, deep kiss and when it was over Heero pushed Duo lightly into the outer room, until he was backed up to his bed. One more light push, and Duo was falling onto the mattress, Heero laying atop him, staring into his eyes. /This can't be happening... not this... not this much... oh God, I want him so much!/ The American's arms came up to encircle Heero's neck and he pulled him down for another long kiss. He could feel the lean body relax on top of his as the kisses continued, the two of them gradually exploring each other with their hands and tongues. Heero was fascinated by the deep warmth he found nuzzling the tender spot between Duo's neck and shoulder, while Duo's hands were buried in Heero's hair, not believing how silky it felt sliding along his fingers. Heero's hands became more bold. He ran them down the length of Duo's bare chest and across the terry cloth wound around his hips. He was pressing his own body against Duo's as he did, and making small growling noises in between the kisses that followed his hands. Duo closed his eyes and arched up into each kiss and caress until he was writhing on the bed and whimpering softly. Heero was stretched out full-length against him again and now battle-roughened hands pushed the towel aside to gain access to the tender area between Duo's legs. Another deep kiss, and Heero was stroking the inside of Duo's thighs, making the long-haired boy buck and gasp. Then a slow caress of balls and shaft while Heero's lips were giving him bruising kisses all up and down his neck. It was too much... far, far too much, and Duo began to cry out his release, only to have Heero cover his mouth again. So he cried out into Heero, over and over again as the writhing gave way to soft, rhythmic thrusts against Heero's hand. Duo heard Heero groan and the kiss was broken. His own hand was being pressed against Heero's erection as the Japanese boy first nuzzled his neck and then bit into it softly with just enough force to hold Duo in place as he flooded their hands with seed. *** * ^ And the answers you seekAre the ones you destroyYour anger's well deployed ^ It had been difficult to clean up, dress, and eat all in the space of 40 minutes, but they'd done it and now they were walking from the cafeteria to their homeroom class. Instead of the usual loud chatter and calls of "Ohayo!", the students seemed somber this morning, most crowded around the walkway by the water. Duo followed the stares out across the straight and saw the smoking ruins of the depot. A part of him had to smirk. /We got those bastards good last night. That should shut 'em down for awhile!/ He glanced over at Heero and found him staring back. Duo gave him a small wink, a silent acknowledgement of a mission complete and well-done. The slightest hint of a smile came back. The next moment the students in front of them were looking the other way, over to the circular drive at the very front of the school. A large car was pulling up, the largest car Duo had ever seen. It glided to a stop and the back door opened revealing a teenaged girl. "Hey," Duo murmured, isn't that the girl...?" Heero had frozen in place. His eyes bore into the creature now walking towards them as he breathed, "Relena." A flash of irritation ran through Duo. /Yeah, I've seen *her* before... with Heero, that night at the dock... Heero had been about to kill her and I stopped him... Yeah, you stopped him and she yelled her head off about it. Making it out that *I* was the one causing trouble... stupid girl. Yeah, and at the hospital, too - running after us and screeching at him out the window... could have gotten us killed with *that* mouth... now she's here again, chasing Heero *again*. Damn her! Driving up in that boat and now -" His thoughts were interrupted by the unnerving sight of the girl in question walking slowly towards them, blue eyes intensely focused on Heero, a somewhat possessive gleam in her eye. /Well, only one thing to do about this idiot,/ he thought to himself. Putting on his biggest smile, he waved lightly to her. "Ohayo, ojousan!" he called out, walking just in front of Heero, who seemed unable to move. "Excuse us, please," Duo continued. "We have class now!" He grinned and waved again, then kept walking. /C'mon Heero... just put one foot in front of the other.../ Heero had felt himself pinned by the intense eyes, the predatory look on that half-pretty face. The he heard Duo's voice calling a greeting to her and he felt he could breathe again. He turned to see Duo heading off to their classroom, slender body moving with such grace, making his long silky braid sway behind him. /Duo... thank gods for Duo.../ He smiled again, turning his glance back to Relena who had stopped several feet away when Duo had spoken. /Yes, Relena - with him here, I think I can escape even *your* little hands.../ Then he fixed his eyes on the long, gleaming braid ahead of him and put one foot in front of the other. ** *** Even with all the talk in their classes about the depot attack, the morning went fairly smoothly. There were several comments about "those barbaric rebels" who had done it, and not a few testosterone-laden promises to "get the bastards" by various male students. Duo said nothing, much as he wanted to, but each frightened speculation, each bitter complaint, strengthened his resolve in what he was doing. /They really do have no idea what this is all about... as far as they're concerned we're a bunch of low-lifes threatening their precious way of life. Yeah, I could tell *them* a thing or two about life - life on the Colonies, that is.../ It was noon and he was back in the kumi classroom. His thoughts about the war were threatening to push him towards a bad mood when he felt a warm shoulder press up against him. Turning, he saw Kenji slide into the seat next to him. "Oi, Duo - you look pathetic. Sitting over here, all alone..." Then, softer, he added, "You okay? Hmm?" and unobtrusively reached under the desk and squeezed Duo's hand. The black thoughts scattered and Duo smiled back at the cheerful, handsome face beside him. "Oh yeah," he grinned, "I'm fine! I was just practicing my Heero impersonation! How'd I do?" Kenji laughed. "Too well, man, much too well." Across the room, Heero watched the two of them laughing together. From the moment they had kissed last night he had begun feeling protective about the American pilot. Now that feeling was bordering on possessiveness and he didn't like feeling so strongly about something that had no relation to the mission. /Heero no baka,/ he chided himself and looked back down at the chemistry homework he was pretending to work on. /It's nothing, nothing at all. Just some quirk of evolution. Makes men get possessive after sex - protecting the genetic investment. That's all there is to it. Hard to completely eliminate biology, but I'm determined./ He scowled more deeply, staring at the meaningless equations and the formulae he already knew. /Of course, *he's* not feeling possessive is he? He should be feeling the same thing. But then again, I'm not flirting right in front of him... idiot./ He slammed his book closed. It wasn't working. He had to find out why. And Duo Maxwell would be the one to give him the answers. He gathered his books up, stood, and headed towards the door, scooping Duo up by the arm as he went. The braided boy gave a yelp as he was dragged out of his seat. The boy next to him looked stunned and reached out a hand. "Duo?" he called after them. But the next moment they were out the door and down a small side hall. Heero, still grasping Duo's arm, spun him around and pushed him up against the wall. He glared at his fellow pilot and growled, "Explain yourself." Duo, with a look on his face that clearly questioned Heero's sanity, stammered, "Wh - what? What are you doing? Let go of me!" He pulled his arm away and rubbed the bicep where Heero had grabbed. "Look, I don't know what *your* problem is all of a sudden, but -" "You!" Heero hissed. "*You* are my problem! You're too much trouble. You take too many risks that have nothing to do with why we're here. And you're getting way to friendly with that boy. So get serious. We're in a war, Duo. This isn't just another fun day at high school." Heero began to walk away but was stopped short by a small but powerful hand grasping his arm. "Now wait just a minute, Heero" Duo drawled back, his voice tinged with irritation. "You have no right to say I'm too much trouble. Just you take a look at that base over there, huh? Take a look at that and *then* tell me I'm 'too much trouble.'" Heero fixed him with a deadly glare but Duo just crossed his arms in front of himself, leaned back against the wall, and returned it with a self- confidentsmirk of his own. "So, Heeeee-ro - tell me what the *real* problem is. Are you thinking about that stupid missy who showed up this morning? Got a crush and can't concentrate? Hmm?" /Dear God, let him say no, please, please, please, Heero - say no!/ If it had been anyone else in the world who had said those things to Heero Yuy at that particular moment, they would not have lived to see the next. But it was Duo, and for some reason Heero could not comprehend, the rules were different for Duo. So he unclenched his fist and kept his eyes focused on the stupid grin Duo wore as he said, "That boy - what does he want with you? Why is he always around you? And when did he start calling you "Duo"? Not Howard-san, Not Duo-kun, just Duo? When did you two get that close?" Another grin from the braided boy and the bemused reply, "Why Heero - anyone would think you were jealous talking like that. Are you?" A loud groan escaped Duo as Heero slammed his fist into his stomach. "You need discipline," he muttered, and turned to go, which led him to collide with Kenji Oyamada, who was looking none too happy. * indicates the start of a scene taken from the series ** indicates the end of a scene taken from the series

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