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Beautiful Stranger

Part 1 Friday evening This time Relena Peacecraft had a reason to pull out all the stops. Of course, given that she had never really worried about whether she had good reason to think or do something, it probably wouldn't have been different if she hadn't had that reason, but the reason was there, plain as day, and she wasted no time in exploiting it to the fullest. It was 6pm and the Palace of Sank, in the heart of the picturesque Sank Kingdom, was buzzing with activity. Huge quantities of food had been put out in lavish arrays, the royal family's best silver and china had been used, every inch of the palace was shining, in top form, and everywhere one looked there were strands of pink and white ribbon. /Pink and white ribbon - God help us./ Zechs Merquise let out a sigh of great relief just to be getting out of the reception area, which seemed to him to be suspiciously bridal in atmosphere. He wondered yet again about the sanity of his long-lost sister as he headed down to the garages, determined to get Noin to her plane well ahead of schedule. The sister whose sanity was, at that moment, in question, hovered in the doorway of her suite, peering anxiously down the hall at an annoyingly closed door. Behind that door was the greatest prize she had ever won. A prize that made her royal status and the Kingdom of Sank itself look pale and undesirable. But the prize was certainly acting contradictory at the moment. On the one hand, he had agreed to her proposal this afternoon; on the other, after it had all been decided and a date set, he had retreated into an aloof and morose state of mind, having to be reminded of her presence with him and of the bond that had finally pulled them together. /Together,/ she thought, /just as we always were meant to be. From that first moment our eyes met on the beach it was obvious - obvious that he was supposed to be by *my* side, no one else' matter how hard that little hentai tried to keep him away from me ... won't he be surprised.../ She looked back at the door, still remaining stubbornly closed. "Heeeero? What are you doing in there, sweetie? Can I help with anything? Are you hurrying dear?" "Heeeeerooo???" ********** Behind the stubborn door an equally stubborn young man was seated on a windowsill, looking out at the warm summer evening. He had finally done it; he had made the commitment to Relena that she had been wanting from him for so long. He would never return to the little house in the salvage yard on L2, never have to worry about someone finding out who he really lived with, never have to listen to endless chatter and relentless cheerfulness. /Never go to sleep with my hands tangled in his hair. /Never wake up with my arms tight around him and huge violet eyes smiling up at me. /Never sneak into the bathroom after he leaves for work, just to get the scent of him on my skin for the rest of the day./ Heero Yuy shook his head and muttered a curse at himself for being weak. In essence, he was on his final mission, a mission with one simple goal - to stay by Relena's side for the rest of his life. And to forget everything he could about what life with Duo Maxwell had been like. /I can do this. Hell I've done the impossible so many times. I can do it one more time. As long as I never have to see him again.../ ********** The drive to the palace had been a difficult one for Zechs. The more time he spent with Duo, the more he realized just how powerful and heady the boy's beauty really was. Duo's mind was obviously somewhere else and Zechs had made use of the opportunity to glance over frequently at his young passenger. Each glance made his pulse race a bit faster, brought feelings that he had forgotten about, pushed away as too painful after Treize died. Now they were back with a vengeance and he fully intended to do something about them tonight, if he could get Duo to agree. Zechs had great hopes that, with a bit of brandy and persuasion, Heero Yuy's lover could be talked into finding comfort in the arms of his former enemy. /My, my, I really must do something about these tight pants when I get back to the palace.../ ********** /Everything looks gray...not like it should at all...what happened to all the colors? Someone's taken all the colors.../ Duo Maxwell barely noticed the charming landscape that passed by the window of Zech's little two-seater, a replica of a mid-twentieth century model with an ice-blue paint job that matched its driver's eyes. His mind was back on L2, reading a mail message Heero had sent to him from Sank. /I am going to stay longer here. I feel I need to be with her right now, not with you. I don't know when I'm coming back. You can send my things here, or just throw them out. It doesn't matter to me. Thanks. H/ First this, then a video message from Relena, who had never bothered to say anything to Duo, inviting him to a weekend gathering at the palace of Sank. The self-satisfied look on her face had set off alarms all over his nervous system, alarms that had overloaded at the sound of her last sentence. /"Heero and I have some wonderful news."/ What had he done? How had he offended Heero so much that the taciturn pilot would turn to Relena for comfort? He had to know. Had to name the sin, so that at least he would know the reason for being in Hell. /Maybe I'm over reacting - he did say he didn't know *when* he was coming back. That might mean he *is* coming back, just doesn't have a date for me. The news could be something political, something to do with Relena and her Absolute Pacificism...maybe...maybe.../ Duo had spent his life making the most out of horrendous circumstances, seeing the storm cloud's silver lining. It was one of the things he did best and it had helped his fellow pilots get through the war. But it was failing him now. When he needed it most, on this seemingly endless drive to the palace of his greatest rival, to hear something that Heero couldn't tell him on his own, he was losing his ability to see the light. All things now were moving into darkness. ********** Relena was making the rounds of the guests, making polite conversation with every one of them on exactly the topic they seemed to enjoy the most. She was clearly in her element now that the threat of war was gone. Her ideals had held up well and she appeared supremely confident in the future. She had her arm through Heero's, and wherever she went, Heero was brought along. Always her first words were to introduce him and give him a possessive little pat, her blue eyes shining at him, just as they had when he had first been brought to Sank, during the war. He remembered that day well, coming out of Noin's plane to see Relena on the tarmac below, her chin in her hand, that same smile on her face. /I suppose I should have known then that I would end up here. I should have just agreed to work with her and fight for her then. It would have saved an awful lot of unnecessary entanglements. But I'm here now, that's what counts. I'm here and I'll do whatever I can to make Relena happy. She deserves that much at the least./ The reception was in full swing and Relena was chatting with someone from the Far East Pacifist Council, her arm still clinging to his, when Heero happened to let his eyes stray to the large doors at the far end of the reception hall. Standing there, looking over the crowd in front of him, was Zechs, obviously talking to someone behind him. He seemed to be gesturing for the person to come into the room, a suggestion not yet taken by the individual in question. A bit more persuasion by the Duke seemed to work and from behind him a smaller, slender figure appeared. /Duo.../ His mind wasn't working well. He felt dizzy and the bright and lavish reception had taken on a surreal air. He tried hard to get enough air into his lungs but all of the loud, chattering people in their suits and dresses seemed to have taken all the air in the room, leaving nothing for him a stuffy, sweet-smelling poison. He pulled his arm out of Relena's grip and headed for the terrace doors at the other end of the room. "Heero?", Relena called to his retreating back. "Hee-ro!" She excused herself from the Far East delegate and followed Heero outside into the sultry night air. He was leaning against the terrace railing, looking for all the world as if he would collapse any moment. "Heero! What's wrong, sweetie? Are you sick? Talk to me Heero!" Heero turned to her and spoke, slowly and with great effort. "Duo is here, Relena. Duo is here...he's in there with Zechs. Why is he here, Relena? Why...?" His voice trailed off, losing it's energy. Relena smiled at him. She hadn't realized that he would react this way. She had imagined nothing more than a grunt when the two of them saw each other. "I invited him, Heero. We have big news to tell and I thought that, well, since he had been your best friend, you would probably want him to hear it in person, to celebrate with us." Heero was still struggling with the first thing she had said. "You...invited him?" "Yes, sweetie, because I thought you would want him to know about our wonderful news right away. You two were pretty close, weren't you? For boys, I mean?" Heero was staring back at the reception hall, an expression she couldn't read on his face. He seemed to struggle with something for a moment, something almost overwhelming, then turned abruptly and walked back inside. Relena hurried after him. Duo and Zechs were sipping drinks and standing by the great hearth at the north end of the room. As Heero approached them, Zechs reached up and casually brushed a lock of hair out of Duo's eyes. Heero fought down a suddenly vicious urge to lunge at the taller man. /I can do this. I am in control and I know what I'm doing is right. I belong here and there is nothing he can say to me to change my mind, so what harm is there in seeing him...talking to him. None. No problem at all here, really. In control./ Heero reached the edge of the large hearth rug and Duo looked up. Their eyes met, violet to deep blue, and Heero found himself frozen to where he stood. Duo was stunningly lovely, as always. He wore long black trousers, a loose white cotton shirt, unbuttoned enough to allow a hint of his nicely-muscled chest. Over the shirt was a loose black vest with an intricate pattern of indigo stitching on it that made his normally large violet eyes look huge. Even so, as breathtaking as he looked, Heero could tell that Duo had been through hell. He blocked out a small voice calling to him from somewhere inside his head and nodded to Duo and Zechs. "Duo. I didn't know you were coming to this. I understand Relena invited you." The long-haired boy managed a familiar, lopsided grin, and said, "Heero - yeah I guess I'm here for the weekend. How's Relena?" "She's doing very well," he replied, knowing he was the only one there who knew how false the disarming grin had been. ********** Heero was not doing well. It would have bad enough that Duo was here, when he had wanted nothing else but to never see the long-haired boy again. But Zechs...Zechs... /What's gotten in to him? He hasn't left Duo's side all evening. Look at them over there, drinking sifter after sifter of brandy.. .giggling...Zechs sitting so close to him...their knees touching.. .their eyes meeting and locking...Duo blushing? Why does this even bother me? It's not him I 'm going to be with... let Zechs have him, and good luck - he's gonna need it!/ The crowded room had been hushed and Relena Peacecraft assumed her place, in front of her people and her guests, who were all on their feet. Heero was again attached to one slender arm, the other absently stroking the sleeve of his suit jacket. "Thank you so much for coming to our little gathering. Heero and I appreciate it more than you can know. Don't we, Heero?" Heero looked at Relena and then nodded to the people crowded around the small dais he and Relena stood on. /You can do this. It's right and you know it's right. It's what you've really wanted, you just refused to believe it. This is the right one. Her. Not him./ Relena was talking. He had missed part of what she had said. "Because of that, Heero and I wanted all of you to be the first to know - we're getting married!" A large cheer and a round of applause broke out among the well- wishers. The crowd moved closer, reaching up to shake Heero's hand and to congratulate the happy couple. Relena was beaming. She looked around at the group, acknowledging the wishes, until her eyes fell on Duo's. Her smile became a bit more arch and she mouthed slowly, "He's mine now." Duo read the message perfectly and, as Heero looked over at him, ran for the doors. ********** The night air was warm and somewhat humid, but it felt as brisk as winter compared to the reception hall. He had run and run and run, not seeing anything, not knowing where the hell he was going, only going away. Away from the pain and the shock and the betrayal. It had been the worst thing Heero had ever done to him. Far worse than the punches he had endured, or the bruises given by a lover who had trouble accepting the feelings he had, even in bed. No, this was nothing like those little insults. This was lethal. And so, so personal... /Help me, God. I want to die. I've lived through a lot and never asked for this. But this is too much for me to handle. Please, Dear Lord, don't leave me here to live with this. I want to be with Father Maxwell and Sister Helen, with Solo, with my parents, whoever they were. Let me be with them, please. Not here, God, please - anywhere but here.../ The world was spinning out of control and he felt a sharp stab of fear overtaking him when the arms caught him. Strong arms that held him tightly and a voice, soft, low, murmuring his name, telling him it would all be alright. His knees collapsed and he reached for the arms and the broad chest that seemed the only solid thing in a world now tilting at a sickening angle. "Help me," he whispered as the blackness came up, "Zechs, help me..." The tall and elegant man who had caught him whispered back. "Oh yes, sweet boy, I'll help you. You won't know any worries or pain or sadness. It will be heavenly, I promise..." ********** "You did this on purpose?" Heero growled. "I had no idea he'd react that way, Heero! I didn't know he was so unstable! I'm sure he's fine - Zechs went out to look for him. If anyone can talk some sense into Duo, it'll be Zechs. He may be a bit of an ogre when it comes to Noin, now and then, but he seems to be really good with men." Heero could not believe the words he was hearing. "I need some air. I'm going for a walk." Relena looked over at him, her eyes pleading. "Don't worry. I'll be back," he said softly. ********** If I'm smart then I'll run away But I'm not so I guess I'll stay Heaven forbid - I'll take a chance on a beautiful stranger... Duo was aware of moonlight and warm, strong arms. A heady scent in the air made the whole scene a little like a dream. But the man holding him was real enough. Where was he? How had he gotten here? Why did everything seem to have a faint glow around it? He tried hard to think clearly about these questions, but couldn't muster the will to do it. He felt relaxed and...happy. There was something right on the other side of that - but he knew he didn't want to go there. "Have some more, Duo, it's good for what ails you," the low, smooth voice spoke again. Duo turned in the man's arms and glancing briefly at a proffered brandy snifter, and then looked up at the speaker. The intense blue eyes of Zechs Merquise met his and the handsome, elegant face broke into a warm smile. Duo had to smile back. He found himself fascinated by the beauty in the older man's features. A man's beauty, so different from that of boys. The only men he'd ever been with were goddamned ugly; the kind where you just keep your eyes shut and hope it's over quickly. But Zechs...surely no one would ever shut his eyes on Zechs. "How are you feeling, Duo?" Zechs asked. "A little dizzy, but I like it. How come you're here, Zechs?" Duo looked around him. "Wherzis?" Duo's words were a little slurred and the Duke of Sank made a mental note to slow down on the brandy. "It's a garden on the palace grounds. It's always been my favorite. I'm glad I could show it to you." Duo's gaze swept the small, compact garden. High hedges on the sides blocked the view to the rest of the grounds, giving it an intimate feel. Huge bushes of night blooming jasmine poured perfume into the air. He and Zechs were sitting on a low stone table in the center of the garden. "Oh, iz bootiful, Zechs. Jus'" Duo put his finger lightly on Zechs' lips and grinned. "No Duo, you're the beautiful one," Zechs replied, kissing the tip of Duo's finger. "Me? I'm nothing, man, I'm ugly as sin. Can't even get my own boyfriend ta stop chasin' girls. Howzat for misery, huh?" "You've been hurt, Duo. He hurt you and he isn't even sorry about it. It seems that all he cares about now is Relena. He's a scoundrel as far as I'm concerned." "Really, Zechs? Ya think so? But he doesn't want me, ya more more stupid, worthless Duo...," the young pilot's voice trailed off as he looked up at Zechs through long, chestnut lashes, his voice not more than a whisper. "Why duzzin' he want me, Zechs? Why?" "Because he can't see something beautiful right in front of his face. He's blind, Duo. He can't see you for what you are...but I can." Zechs was staring into Duo's eyes, his gaze not wavering, until Duo was staring back. They stayed that way for a moment, coming to an understanding between them, an understanding that didn't need words, only eyes. When that understanding was complete, Zechs lifted Duo's chin and moved closer to cover Duo's mouth with his own. I looked into your eyes, And my world came tumbling down You're the devil in disquise - That's why I'm singing this song... Somewhere inside of him, Duo felt a shiver of surprise at the warmth and insistence of Zechs' kiss. His eyes were closing, his mouth opening to Zechs' persistent tongue - finally giving in to the gentle invasion, wanting the intrusion, longing to be plundered. Zechs did not disappoint. He pressed harder against Duo's lips, his hands moving over the vest and shirt until the boy was exposed from the waist up. As he moved his lips to the damp and sensitive skin on the side of the boy's neck, his hands wandered down to the little nipples on Duo's chest, stiff with longing in spite of the warm night. "Nnnnn...Duo," Zechs breathed, "So lovely, little one, so lovely..." He squeezed the boy's nipple as his lips moved to nibble Duo's earlobe. Duo gasped, the little movements of Zechs' mouth and fingers making his heart race, his breathing quicken. / good...his hands, his mouth, God ...I think I want him... want to lose's so good ...he's so good...and, ah...yes...there... right there...harder Zechs, harder.../ Zechs gently pushed Duo down onto the cold stone, moving his erection over the boy's own, pressing, rubbing through the cloth that separated them. Duo was panting softly, his eyes closed, his head turned to the side with the long braid hanging off the table. /I think I've always wanted to take this braid out...wanted to see him vulnerable, ready to be taken...ah gods he tastes so good...more...need more.../ He had Duo's braid half unraveled when he heard the boy whimper, a tiny sound somewhere between desire and frustration. Zechs looked down at Duo and whispered, "Do you want it, little boy?" Duo moaned, never taking his eyes off Zechs, gripping the older man's arms in his hands and arching his hips to get more friction. "Nnnn...nnnn...ah, God...I need it...need it...please...ah ...gotta have it...please???," his violet eyes were huge, pleading with the Lightning Count, asking to be taken. "Oh, Duo...." Clothing was removed in a quick, frustrated struggle and now nothing was between them but warm night air. Zechs lifted Duo's legs to his shoulders and eased to the warm, secret entrance. He paused there for a moment, rubbing ever so gently, teasing the boy, enjoying Duo's whimpered pleas for more. He leaned over and took the boy into his mouth, sucking gently and rhythmically. Duo couldn't take anymore. The only parts of him left on the stone were his shoulders, everything else was arched, pressing upwards into Zechs' warm, welcoming mouth. /Ah, God!...nnnnn....further in...further...ah...yes...that way... there...there...Dear God!...ah!!!/ Duo's cries and the warm liquid rushing into his mouth was enough for Zechs. No more teasing, this little boy was going to be taken, right here, right now. He thrust up inside of Duo, shocks of pleasure running through him at the boy's tightness, his heat. He had always been too long for most boys, but little Duo took all of him - a feeling he'd never before experienced. He knew he wasn't going to last long, not with this incredible feeling, so he began long, slow thrusts, pushing a little more when he felt Duo against him. The boy was moaning, writhing beneath him, and Zechs could see he had gotten hard again. The older man withdrew slightly, searching for the place inside of Duo that would render him helpless. Ah... there it was... Duo's moans turned to cries, his fingers digging into Zechs' arms. The feeling of being pumped by the thick staff inside of him was too much to bear and he came again, desire so intense he thought for a moment he might not live through it... ********** Heero heard Duo's voice - a cry. Was he in pain? Hurt? Where was he for gods' sake? It had been an hour since Heero had begun looking for him, under the guise of taking a walk, and he had found no sign of the braided boy, or of Zechs either for that matter. The cry had come from the east end of the grounds, and Heero fought the urge to run as he headed in that direction. He didn't notice Relena, who had spotted him from the Rose Garden. Another cry led them both to the entrance to the Hidden Garden, surrounded on all sides with dense hedges, a small opening offering the only entrance and exit. Heero had broken into a run at the sound of the second cry, and came around the hedge breathlessly, into the heart of the garden. He was stopped there, completely frozen in his tracks, when Relena came up behind him. "What is it, sweetie? Is everything alright? What's going o-" The passionate couple on the table in front of them were oblivious to their audience at first. Heero felt like ice. Zechs, holding him like that, moving...on top of him... /Duo...Duo.../ His head was turned, facing away so Heero couldn't really see his face, but the way his body responded to Zechs' invasion was clear. He was enjoying it...wanting it... "Duo!... No!!!... Duo!!!!!" It wasn't until Zechs looked up at him, a soft smile of satisfaction on his lips, that he realized he had screamed the words out loud.

to Part 2

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