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Welcome to my page. I know its not as good as other Color Guard web pages but Im trying. I am Elizabeth Abbott and I am the Second Sophomore Leutinent of The Williams High School Color Guard. Our nickname our band has giving us are the Flag Fags. But that hasnt stoped us from being the best part of the band we can. This year (1999-2000) we consist of 10 Flags, 4 freshman and 6 Sophomores. (our school is only an 9-10 school) Even though we only have 10 people we work just as hard as the other color guards. Well enough of this. I will have some pictures up soon and I will have some of our moves and maybe the songs that we marched to up here. I hope you enjoy. BYE!! sign my guestbook

And always remember,

Learn about our Color Guard

1999-2000 pictures
Marching moves
Marching songs
