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The Homepage of Bird

Hello and thank you for being so bored you had time to visit my page. Since you're here you might as well learn a few things about me. As you can see, I have finished my master's degree in history. Yay!!! I am currently working on a PhD at a school in Texas. I teach at a local community college, however, beginning next year I will also be teaching at the school where I am enrolled. I specialize in 19th century intellectual and religious history, with most of my work being in southern religious history. For hobbies, I love to travel and see new places, but I tend to stay away from the trendy tourist spots. When time permits, I work out fairly regularly. I love cold beer and good cigars. Hmmm, other than that I'll guess you'll just have to ask.

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My Favorite Web Sites

Another Pic of Me
Two New Pics of Someone Cute
Two Pics of Someone Cute !!!
A loving tribute to the greatest man I've ever known.
Not sure how to title this page
A Good Bud of Mine
My Georgous Nieces
Some Friends of Mine
One New Year's Eve
Another New Year's Eve
Some More Kewl People I know
Clemson University Go Tigers!

My Favorite things about Angelfire.
