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February 24, 2000 Edition 1

Is the new generation of fans "ruining" wrestling?

That's what some people think...That the new generation of wrestling fans with our thirst for "excessive" violence are ruining the sport. I, for one, don't believe that. You see, some of the older generation of fans who remember the good 'ole arm drag and headlock days of wrestling say that because of the "bloodlust" of the new generation, more forgein objects are being used and more wrestlers are being injured. In esscense, we, the new school of fans, are putting the guys in danger with our wanting of excitement, of chair and table shots, senton bombs off the tops of cages. I don't believe that for a minute. If wrestlers are getting hurt I believe the federations are to blame. If the feds feed us more excitement and violence we are going to become used to it and demand more and more. If the feds toned down the use of forgien objects, sure maybe they'd lose some of the fans who only watch for that kind of stuff, but the rest of us who could live without it would stick around and get used to the new way.

Now, I'm not going to lie to you and tell you I don't like the chair shots, and table shots and other things like that, because I do. I like the added excitement that things like that bring. That doesn't mean I am a horrible person and I don't care about the guys. I don't like it when the guys get hurt, but there are risks to everything and there are grown men who know very well the risks they are taking and I hope they have enough sense to know when not to do something. I trust them to make the right decisions and know how to take care of themselves when they are out in the ring. Accidents do happen though, but they can happen no matter whats going on in the ring.

My point is, wrestling has changed and I'm pretty sure that the change is permanent. Sure, it may leave some of the old time fans longing for days gone by, but they'll also have to accept the change or turn their backs on the sport they profess to love. To me it's better now, but hey, that's just my opinion. All I know for sure is that I love wrestling the way it is right now and I'm sure I'm not alone in that.

Until next time,