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WCW Mayhem
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sunday, November 21, 1999

-Match 1-Tournament Semi-final
Jeff Jarrett vs. Chris Beniot
winner: Chris Beniot
Rusti's notes: Good match...surprise ending...I figured Jarrett would win for sure

-Match 2: Cruiserweight Title-Loser pays winner $25,000
Evan Karagias vs. Disco Inferno
winner: Evan K.
Rusti's note: The only thing I have to say about this match is: Why did we need Madusa at ringside looking like a streetwalking emu?

-Match 3: Hardcore Title
Screamin' Norman Smiley vs. Brian Knobbs
winner: Norman Smiley

Match 4: Mixed Tag-Elimination
Revolution vs. Filthy Animals
winner: Revolution

Match 5: Hang It Up
Curt Hennig vs. Buff Bagwell
winner: Buff Bagwell

Match 6: Semi-final Tournament Match
Bret Hart vs. Sting
winner: Bret Hart

Match 7
Vampiro vs. Berlyn
winner: Vampiro

Match 8
Total Package vs. Meng
winner: Meng

Match 9-US and TV Title
Scott Hall vs. Booker T
winner: Scott Hall

Match 10
David Flair vs. Kimberly
No contest

Match 11--I Quit Match
Sid vs. Goldberg
winner: Goldberg

Match 12: World Title
Bret Hart vs. Chris Beniot
winner: Bret Hart