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My Information

Ryan Waggoner
College of Charleston
Height: 5'11

Hey y'all. This is a picture of me at my High School Graduation in May of 2001.

This is about how I keep my hair as of late. I started shaving my head because I'm already starting to go bald. I'm only 21 for Christ's sake and I'm going bald! GEEZ!
This was a picture of me during the brief time I spent attending Furman University in Greenville, SC. I got bored one day and thought it might be fun to dye my hair black... could this be a reason my hair started falling out? It sure did burn during the dying process.
The middle picture is the most recent picture of me. I'll try to get a new photo up around Christmas after I've lost some more weight so I can look sexy... or something. I've put on your typical college weight so I'm a little bigger than I'm used to.