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Affiliated Orders of the Church of Cyric

History of the Orders

During the period of time when Cyric was insane (due to his reading of the Cyrinishad) he ordered the creation of a fighting order, the Company of the Ebon Spur, in his name. He appeared in visions to two priests, who were to be the ones to establish admission standards for the order, and gave them both different directions on how to go about doing it. The two priests, Most High Haroun and His Deadliness Jabbar, were constantly at odds with each other as a result.

Haroun commanded a group known as the Black Helms, while Jabbar commanded an equally large group called the Purple Lancers. Together, thier troops formed the Company of the Ebon Spur. They were Cyric's shock riders, an elite cavalry from Amn who plunged into battle mounted on war bulls. Jabbar and Haroun were known as the Dark Lords.

Both commanders did eventually kill each other as thier forces, along with those of allies, stood poised to storm Candlekeep in an attempt to regain the Cyrinishad. With both leaders dead, the Company of the Ebon Spur fell into complete disorder. The troops under the command of the two fallen Dark Lords began fighting with each other, many of them not surviving the conflict.

When Cyric regained his sanity, he began rebuilding his fighting order, as well as establishing various other orders to further his cause in the realms. While the orders are still in thier early stages, and many have yet found a suitable leader, there are some members who have taken it upon themselves (with the approval of the church) to take charge of thier respective sects. These men and women are the new Dark Lords.

Some of the orders have become well established, to a certain extent, while others still have no one, central leader. Each of these less organized of the orders does have a Dark Lord in command of it, and once they fully establish themselves, those Dark Lords will have to compete with each other for the right to retain the title.

Each of the orders are growing in power every day. With the return of thier god's sanity, they've become much more focused. The occassional assassination of a higher ranking member by a subordinate to gain power is to be expected, as it is in the Church, but thier is much less inner strife overall. Indeed, they will very soon become a real threat to the enemies of the Dark Sun.

The Orders

The Company of the Ebon Spur

This order remains much the same as it was upon its initial creation. The largest change is that it is no longer composed solely of cavalry troops. The two original sects still exist, though thier roles have somewhat changed. The Purple Lancers still act as Cyric's shock riders, or cavalry. The Black Helms now act as Cyric's shock troops, working in concert with the Lancers.

Member Info:

The Black Helms are composed primarily of fighters, though thier are members of other classes found in thier ranks. Black Helms must be of at least 3rd level. (3rd level in main class for multi-class members, current class for dual-class members). There are no other major requirements.

The Purple Lancers, like the Black Helms, also consist primarily of fighters, with members of other classes found throughout its ranks. Purple Lancers must also be of at least 3rd level (as above). All Purple Lancers are required to be proficient in riding whatever mount is most suitable for thier area (war bulls in Amn, war horses most everywhere else, etc.).

The Knights of the Dark Sun

Cyric's knightly order isn't yet very large, but it is growing at a slow but steady rate. This order is still in the process of constructing fortresses and training facilities for new recruits, some of which are drawn from other orders. Many of the knights are also used to gaurd certain temples of Cyric in areas that are considered dangerous to the clergy.

Member Info:

This order consists of fighters (multi- & dual-class included) and crusaders (dual-class included) of at least 6th level. Members of lower level are considered initiates and/or squires, and do not gain any benefits of membership until reaching 6th level. All members of this order must be proficient in the use of long swords (specialization is encouraged, when possible).

Knight of Cyric

Crusader of Cyric

Order of the Hidden Blade

This order consists of rogues and assassins (single-, multi-, and dual-classed). They are among the most secretive of Cyric's servants. Members of this order have proved thier usefulness many times over to the Church of the One True Way. They serve as assassins and spies, as well as serving a number of other functions. Thier primary use to Cyric is in establishing thief and assassin guilds throughout the realms, as well as subverting worship away from Mask, the god of thieves.

Member Info:

The Coven of the Black Sun

This order consists of mages, specialist wizards, and other magic-users faithful to Cyric. While most of its members aren't as openly active as some of the other orders, it retains its position as one of the most formidable of the orders. One of the largest and strongest sects of the Coven of the Black Sun lies within Thay, among the Red Wizards.

Member Info:

The Dark Navy

The Dark Navy consists of members of many classes. Though not very large at the moment, Cyric's navy is growing in strength in the waters along the Sword Coast and in the Sea of Fallen Stars. There are rumors that they even have a stronghold hidden within the Pirate Isles. Other rumors suggest that they have a base of operations near Skullport, and are kidnapping people to use as labor to construct new ships for their fleet.

Member Info:

The Order of Dark Terror

The smallest of the orders is composed of dragons and other naturally magical creatures with reason to venerate Cyric. The dragons, for the most part, lord over the other members of the order whenever given the chance. Many of the lesser creatures are found in small groups, accompanying higher-up members of the other orders, or serving as gaurds for various temples. Though many of the dragons are truely concerned with little more than thier own schemes, some of them are quite active and cooperate heavily with the other orders and the church, some even going as far as allowing certain Dark Lords or Knights of the Dark Sun to ride on thier backs into battle. Very few members of this order are of anything but evil in alignment.

Member Info:

There are no restrictions to this order aside from the members being beings of substancial natural magical ability that venerate and/or worship Cyric. There is no restriction to class level, for those creatures capable of taking on a class.

The Dark Lords

The Dark Lords are, as stated earlier, the commanders of the various orders of Cyric. They are individuals who are more powerful than thier fellows, or are at least better at using the power they have to maintain thier positions. All Dark Lords get a +4 reaction bonus when interacting with other worshippers of Cyric.

Symbols of the Dark Lords

These symbols of station are granted to those individuals found worthy, by the Church of Cyric, of the title of Dark Lord. The church is responsible for the creation of these items.

The Company of the Ebon Spur

The Dark Lords of the Company of the Ebon Spur each carry a scepter as thier symbol of station. The lord of the Black Helms carries a scepter crowned with an iron starburst, while the lord of the Purple Lancers carries a scepter crowned with an iron skull. Together, the crowns of the two scepters form the holy symbol of Cyric. This is symbolic of the two sub-orders' dependance on each other.

Black Helms

Purple Lancers

The Knights of the Dark Sun

The Dark Lord of Cyric's knighthood is given a magnificent long sword, by the church, as a symbol of his/her stature. It is a black-bladed weapon with a cruel, serrated edge. It functions only for the Dark Lord of the Knights of the Dark Sun. If anyone else should attempt to use it, it will behave as a Cursed, -2 Long Sword.

Order of the Hidden Blade

The Dark Lord of the Order of the Hidden Blade recieves two black-bladed Daggers of Venom from the church as the symbol of his/her authority. Each dagger has the symbol of Cyric engraved numerous times on its hilt. Both daggers are capable of casting Dark Aura 1/day (7th level).

The Coven of the Black Sun

The head of the coven recieves an amulet that is made in the image of the skull and starburst. It allows the wearer to cast Dark Aura 2/day (7th level) and Fire Lance 2/day (wearer's level). It is rumored that the Red Wizards had a hand in creating this item.

The Dark Navy

The head of the Cyric's Navy carries a wicked black scourge as his symbol of power.

The Order of Dark Terror

The lord of the Dark Terror is given the ability to manifest the image of Cyric's holy symbol within 60ft of him/herself at will. The symbol can cause Fear 2/day and Dark Aura 2/day (7th level).


The Shattered Castle
The Church of the One True Way