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The complete discography

Track listing unknown
Hot wire my heart
unknown format
test pressing
quantity unkown
Bear West Recording Studio, San Francisco, CA.

One of the 'holy grails' of CRIME memorabilia, the test pressing of the first single. Alluded to in Ugly Things "14, little is known of the "Hot wire my heart" test pressing, not even the number of copies in existance.



side 1: Hotwire my heart
side 2: Baby you're so repulsive

Hot wire my heart
Crime music: sac 0188
1000 black vinyl copies with picture sleeve
Bear West Recording Studio, San Francisco, CA

One night in mid-1976, CRIME rolled their equipment into the Blue Bear Recording School, located a few blocks from their rehersal space.  Much to the disbelief of the recording engineer, CRIME romped through both tracks and proclaimed that they wanted to record both songs "live" in the studio.  With nothing else to do, the engineer turned all the knobs on the sound board up as far as they would go and let the band get on with it.  He left the sound booth during the recording of the second track.  Although Ricky Tractor screwed up the intro to Hotwire my heart, the band could not afford any more studio time to re-record the track.


Track listing unknown

test pressing or acetate
quantity unknown
Mills College Recording Studio, Oakland, CA.

Referred to in a Search and Destroy interview from 1977, nothing is confirmed about this disc except its format.



side 1: Frustration
side 2: Murder by guitar

Crime Records: no. 777
1000 black vinyl copies
200 - 250 copies with picture sleeve
Mills College Recording Studio, Oakland, CA

Following Ricky Tractors' departure from the band, CRIME recruited Brittley Black to fill in on drums.  Frustration was recorded in early 1977 (anywhere between April and June) with Novak handling production duties.  The single was released sometime around July 1977.

The "Frustration" picture sleeve has the same shiny printed surface as the Teen Idles "Minor disturbance" EP and Agnostic Fronts' "United blood" which scratches very easily.  Therefore it is unusual to find a copy with a mint condition sleeve.  Copies of the "Frustration" single seldom come up for sale and ususally command a higher price than "Hot wire my heart",  regardless of the condition.  Copies with the picture sleeve sold quickly at the time and had become much saught after not even a year after its initial release.  A larger number of singles were available without the picture sleeve and were distributed in a white paper sleeve.  According to a published CRIME discography (Ugly Things Issue 14) the "Frustration" single was reissued by Spirit Records of San Francisco in 1992, however this is untrue.  A cache of 70 to 100 unused "Frustration" picture sleeves is located in the San Francisco area.

CRIME demo tape

side 1: Crime wave
           TV blue

CRIME Demo tape
Unknown number of copies
His Master's Wheels

Both tracks were recorded sometime in 1979 at His Master's Wheel and were produced by Eliot Maser.  It was put out as a demo cassette that made the rounds to radio stations and record comapnies. The exact number of copies produced is unknown.  It is thought that two other songs were also recorded at the same sessions - "Piss On Your Dog" and one other unknown track although only "Crime Wave" and "TV Blue" were included on the cassette.  "Piss on your Dog" was originally entitled "Prisoner Dog" but because of the way Frankie sang it, fans believed it to be 'piss on yer' instead of 'prisoner' and the error was perpetuated by the band.


 side 1: Gangster funk
 side 2: Maserati

Gangster funk 7"
Berkeley-square records: bsq-001
1000 black vinyl copies with picture sleeve ( some with lyric insert )
Date unknown, Different Fur Studios

The first release on this Berkeley new wave label which also put out releases by other contempory bands including the Nuns.  CRIME were originally on a retainer to B-square but the label eventually ran into cash-flow problems and began to pay the band in drugs before the label eventually called it a day.  Existance of a test pressing for this single has not been confirmed.


 side 1: Gangster funk
 side 2: Maserati

Gangster funk 7"
Special Edition
Berkeley-square records: bsq-001
Quantity unknown, black vinyl with picture sleeve (white label, with special edition marked on folded sleeve and label)
Date unknown, Different Fur Studios

At first considered to be a bootleg, the authenticity of this release has been confirmed by Johnny Strike. Folded paper sleeve appears to be printed from preliminary artwork used for the regular sleeve. Vinyl was pressed with the same stampers used for the regular issue. No one can quite remember why the special edition was produced - test pressing or promo copies have been suggested.  Numbers are unknown (I have seen 2 copies), but rest assured it is extremely rare.


side 1: Hot wire my heart
side 2: Baby you're so repulsive

Hot wire my heart
1000 regular black vinyl 7", 1000 numbered blue and cream 
Spirit Records: ft 002
Bear West Recording studio, San Francisco, CA

San Francisco indie label Spirit Records reissued the first CRIME single as a limited edition of 1000 stickered and numbered copies on blue or cream colored vinyl.  A regular edition on black vinyl also exists.  Unlike the original issue which featured the same cover art on both sides of the thin paper sleeve, the reissue containes liner notes by life-long CRIME fan Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth on the reverse.  Sonic Youth included a cover of "Hot wire my heart" on their 1987 "Sister" LP.



1 Murder By Guitar
2 Crime Wave
3 Real Good Time Together*+
4 You Ain't Nothing+
5 TV Blue+
6 Feel The Beat
7 Cadillac Faggot+
8 Rockabilly Drugstore
9 Rat Rhythm+
10 I Don't Care+
11 Jo Anne+
12 Instrumental Instrumental
13 Frustration

* Originally by Lou Reed
+ Previously Unreleased

Cadillac Faggot
CD-R only
100 hand numbered CDs: 1-20 purple, 21-40 blue, 41-60 green, 61-80 orange, 81-100 red

In early 2001, two live CRIME shows (reputedly from 12-8-78 and 12-9-78) were discovered in the archives. With the bands permission, the best tracks from these two sets were assembled as a putative "official" live album including several unreleased tracks such as "Jo Anne" and the title track. The song "You Ain't Nothing" included here is not the same as that released on the "San Francisco's Doomed" LP, the title was later reused for another composition. All songs were digitally sampled and edited together (some tracks are assembled from fragments recorded on different nights). Following approval of the edit by the band, the album was then treated to a digital remix and mastering before being transfered to CD. Cadillac Faggot was originally considered to be released as 1000 professionally manufactured copies. However, financing the disc became an issue and the release was put on hold. Eventually, after a gentlemans agreement was reached with the band, 100 CD-R copies were produced as a numbered edition to support the launch of the CRIMEWAVE website. Three boxsets were also produced in series, numbered 1-3, containing 1 CD of each color (box #1 contained CDs #'d 1, 21, 41, 61, 81, box #2 contained CD#2, 22 etc.). The 5 CDs were housed in a 5lb steel security box featuring the CRIME logo and also contained a certificate of authenticity and an exclusive poster. Cadillac Faggot was sold exclusively via mail order from and was SOLD OUT in about 4 months.

Although 100 numbered colored copies were produced for general release, an additional 20 PROMO copies exist. Promo copies are not numbered, were produced on either black or silver CD-Rs to distinguish them from the colored series of 100 and were marked "promo" copies on the front cover, disc and inlay. Copies were sent to various punk fanzines including MRR, Punk Globe and Under the Volcano for review. In addition, 9 "personal" promo copies inscribed with their names were given to band members - 4 for STRIKE, 4 for RANK and 1 for LUCAS.

view CD               view LP

side 1: Frustration
           Crime wave
           I knew this nurse…
           San Francisco's doomed
           Rock 'n' roll enemy #1
           Piss on your dog
           Feel the beat
           I stupid anyway
           Murder by guitar
           Instrumental instrumental

side 2: Flyeater
           Rockabilly drugstore
           Dillinger's brain
           Emergency music ward
           Monkey on your back
           Rockin' weird

San Francisco's doomed
LP - Solar Lodge Records: doomed two
CD - Solar Lodge/Overground CD: doomed two:
1000 black vinyl and 1000 picture CD copies

Two old CRIME studio sessions rescued from the archives and officially released to the public for the first time.  Tracks 1-11 were recorded March 1 and 2nd 1978 at His Master's Wheel's and were produced by Eliot Maser.  Tracks 12-20  recorded July 31st 1979 at Time and Space Studios, San Francisco, CA with Henry Rosenthal producing.

Released in the UK on vinyl by punk reissue label Solar Lodge Records (run by John Balance aka Geff Rushton of Coil) and on CD as a split release on Solar Lodge/Overground.  Both formats were distributed (badly) by Southern.  The CD version features a 3 panel fold-out inlay card featuring pictures and liner notes by Michael Lucas.  The LP version does not come with an insert and has the liner notes printed on the reverse of the sleeve.


side 1: Raw rumble
           Hot wire my heart
           Oh yeah b-b-baby
           Dillinger's brain
           Terminal boredom
           Stuck on you
           Frankie and Amber+
           Rock 'n' roll enemy # 1*

side 2: Baby you're so repulsive
           Murder by guitar
           The crime manifesto#
           Pregnant and punished*

Hate us or love us we don't give a fuck
Repent/Planet Pimp records:
Quantity unknown, black vinyl

Two CRIME live performances on wax in all their raw glory.  All tracks recorded (bootlegged) September 16th 1977 at the Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA.  * recorded January 10th 1977 at the Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA with Ricky Tractor on drums.  + is a recording of Frankie Fix "interogating" a young CRIME fan, a six year old girl.  # is a radio broadcast from KSANs "Outcaste hour" (date unknown) where the two DJ's criticise the "CRIME manifesto", a list of conditions the band laid out before they would agree to appear on the show.

Although technically a bootleg LP, given the amount of effort put into this record I have listed it as a legitimate release.  The earliest possible generation copy of the September 16th 1977 show was found and the previously unreleased live tracks from January 10th 1977 and additional "interesting" recordings were included as a bonus.  Permission to release this LP was saught and granted from the members of CRIME who were "still ambulatory" at the time.  Permission to include the September 16th 1977 show was also obtained from Out of Darkness Records (although the Terminal Boredom release is a bootleg, copyright markings were included on the disc).


side 1: Rockin' weird
side 2: Lost soul
           If looks could kill

First blood
Punk Vault: pv 5
500 black vinyl copies
Different Fur Studios, San Francisco, CA

Fifth release in this Forced Exposure/Byron Coley series which also featured releases by Bad Brains, Weirdos, Rocket from the Tombs and more. Three previously unreleased studio tracks from August 10th 1979, produced by Huey Lewis (pre Huey Lewis and the News fame) and Shaun Hooper.  CRIME had 3 recording sessions at Different Fur, with known recordings surviving from 2 sessions.  These are the only tracks to surface from these recordings.


side 1: Hot wire my heart
           Baby you're so repulsive
side 2: Frustration
           Murder by guitar

Happy tunes 2
500 black vinyl copies

European bootleg of the first two CRIME 7 inchers on one slab.  The sound quality isn't bad which makes this an affordable way to obtain these first two releases.  Features reproductions of the front covers of both singles.  Photo quality is not as sharp as the original releases and whoever produced this single butchered a "Frustration" cover to reproduce the sleeve in white instead of black to match the "Hot wire my heart" side of the sleeve for an easier printing job.



The CRIME manifesto*
Hot wire my heart#
Baby you're so repulsive# 
Murder by guitar+
Gangster funk~
Terminal boredom**
Dillinger's brain**
If looks could kill§
Lost soul§
Lost soul§
Rockin' weird§
Funky blast off§
Raw rumble*
Hot wire my heart*
Oh yeah b-b-baby*
Dillinger's brain*
Terminal boredom*
Stuck on you*
Baby you're so repulsive*
Murder by guitar*
Pregnant and punished*
Rock'n' roll enemy #1*

All the stuff volume one
catalogue number unknown
quantity unknown

*taken from the "Hate us or ove us we don't give a fuck" LP, # taken from the "Hot wire my heart" 7 inch, + taken from the "Frustration" 7 inch, ~ taken from the "Gangster funk" 7 inch, ** recorded May or June 1977 at Mills College Recording Studio, Oakland, CA at the same session as the "Frustration" single (produced by Novak, previously unreleased), § unknown (information on CD insert disagrees with known recording sessions).

Part one in a series of three Italian bootlegs.  Volume 1 contains all the officially released singles, some additional session tracks never before released and the tracks from "Hate us or love us who gives a fuck" LP.



Live 8th December 1978,
Mabuhay Gardens, San
Francisco, CA
Murder by guitar
Crime wave
Good time
You ain't nothing
TV blues
Feel the beat
Rock-a-billy drug store
Rat rhythm
I don't care
Jo Ann
Live 4th February 1978,
Mabuhay Gardens, San
Francisco, CA
Crime wave
I knew this nurse...
Rock'n' roll enemy # 1
Piss on your dog
Feel the beat
I don't care
Baby you're so repulsive
Murder by guitar
San Francisco's doomed
I stupid anyway

All the stuff volume two
catalogue number unknown 
quantity unknown

Part two in this series of three Italian bootleg CDs.  This release feature two previously unavailable shows from the Mabuhay Gardens.



March 1st and 2nd 1978
His Masters Wheels 
Crime wave
I knew this nurse...
San Francisco's doomed
Rock'n roll enemy # 1
Piss on your dog
Feel the beat
I stupid anyway
Murder by guitar
Instrumental instrumental
Live June 4th 1978, Mabuhay
Gardens, San Francisco, CA
Rock'n roll enemy # 1
Piss on your dog
Feel the beat
Good time
I don't care
I knew this nurse
San Francisco's doomed
Murder by guitar

Studio from Time and Space
July 31 - 1979
Rockabilly drugstore
Dillinger's brain
Rockin' weird

All the stuff volume three 
catalogue number unknown
quantity unknown

Part three in this Italian CD trilogy, this release features many of the tracks from "San Francisco's doomed LP plus a previously unavailable show from the Mabuhay Gardens.



side 1: Raw rumble
           Hot wire my heart
           Oh yeah b-b-baby
           Dillinger's brain

side 2: Terminal boredom
           Stuck on you
           Baby you're so repulsive
           Murder by guitar

Terminal boredom
Out of Darkness Records: otd 5
1000 copies on red vinyl with picture sleeve

September 16th 1977 performance from the Mabuhay Gardens committed to vinyl for the first time.  Presented in "poor stereo" and suffers greatly due to abysmal sound quality.  Red vinyl is beautiful and the sleeve is well produced.  A nice package overall but "Hate us or love us we don't give a fuck" is a better source for this recording.



side 1: Frustration
           Crime wave
           I knew this nurse…
           San Francisco's doomed
           Rock 'n' roll enemy #1
           Piss on your dog
           Feel the beat
           I stupid anyway
           Murder by guitar
           Instrumental instrumental
           Hot wire my heart
           Baby you're so repulsive

side 2: Flyeater
           Rockabilly drugstore
           Dillinger's brain
           Emergency music ward
           Monkey on your back
           Rockin' weird

San Francisco's first and only rock 'n' roll band
Criminal Records: 005
300 black vinyl copies

German bootleg of the San Francisco's doomed LP containing the "Hotwire my heart" single as a bonus.  Nothing new here, only desireable due to the limited pressing run.




Live at the Stardust Ballroom
Track listing unknown

Release date unknown
Producer unknown

First reported CRIME show outside of the San Francisco area.  Rare live footage from the "payback" show with the Weirdos on their home turf.



Live at San Quentin Sep 4 1978
Crime wave
Good time
Rock-a-billy drug store
Piss on your dog
Feel the beat
Rock 'n' roll enemy # 1

Live at San Quentin
Target Video

Infamous performance by CRIME at San Quentin Prison, San Rafael, CA.  Complete show in glorious technicolor.  Another great Target Video presentation.



side 1:
  *I wanna see you cry
  *New year
Dead Kennedys
  *California über alles
  *Man with the dogs
  *Murder by guitar

side 2: 
Pearl Harbor and the Explosions
Pink Section
  *Tour of china
Psycotic Pineapple
  *I wanna get rid of you
  *Ahead of my time

1980 - Various
No San Francisco 
Novak 021
Quantity unknown, yellow vinyl with 3 inserts

Early compilation LP featuring 6 singles by punk and wave artists from the San Francisco area.  Contains both original recordings from the "Frustration" single.  It is unknown if this release is a bootleg or not, or whether Novak had anything to do with its release.

The cover art for this release features a news article detailling the CRIME performance at San Quentin Correctional Facility, San Rafael, CA. 



Jim Basnight
  *She got fucked
  *Radiation sickness
Dennis Most and the Instigators
  *Destructive love
Hollywood Squares
  *Hollywood square
  *Be on top
Los Reactors
  *Be a zombie
  *Things that you do
Ed Davis Band
  *Magnetic heart
  *Bongo congo
Reind Dears
  *White christmas
Mutants (Michigan)
  *Piece o shit
  *Confidentialy, Renee
Familia Real

Brainkiller - Lost punk hits from the Americas 1977-1982
RIP Records: catalogue number unknown
Quantity unknown, black vinyl with insert.

Reasonable compilation in an all American Killed By Death vein, includes the single version of "Frustration".  Unsure if this is a bootleg or not but is for CRIME completists only.



Catholic block
Beauty lies in the eye
Stereo sanctity
Pipeline/kill time
Tuff gnarl
Pacific coast highway
Hot wire my heart
Cotton crown
White cross


Standard issue from these New York based alternative noisemongers.  Includes an excellent version of "Hot wire my heart".  Sonic Youths' Thurston Moore provided the liner notes for the reissue of the "Hot wire my heart" 7 inch on San Franciscos' Spirit Records.



side 1: Rub
           Murder by guitar
side 2: Snakes

Amphetamine Reptile: Scale 038
picture sleeve, some copies on yellow vinyl

Midwest noise rockers EP on the fabled Amphetamine Reptile label.



side 1: Clock wise
side 2: Frustration

Electric Frankenstein
Clock Wise
Junk Records: cat # unknown
clear vinyl with picture sleeve

Out of print classic from one of the hottest punk bands of the '90s.  Features a stonking version of "Frustration".



Bucket O' Blood
Rockabilly Rumble
If Looks Could Kill
Surf Zombies
Baby Blue
I Wanna Ride
Rockin' In The Cemetery
She's Lookin Better By The Minute
Nitro Ghouls
Livin' In The City
Mad Daddy

Land Of Demons
Year unknown
CD reissue
Planet Records: cat # unknown

The first Hellbillys LP released on the Japanese label Planet Records.  Recently repressed on CD, this release contains a version of "If looks could kill".