============================================================================= The Complete Astrostein Manual Essential Information Needed to Understand: Spifferaneous' Astrostein Saga By Gerald "Spifferaneous" Heffner ============================================================================ 1.0 - The Story 1.1 - The Enemies 1.2 - New Weapons 1.3 - Other New Items 1.4 - Why? 1.5 - Wrapping it All Up * 1.0 - Story * Astrostein Trilogy Chapter 1: Astrostein On a routine survey mission of a Nazi base on the planet Omicron Theta IV, William J. Blazcowicz III was taken prisoner by a patrol officer. B. J. as he was known was thrown into the holding cells of the Nazi base. He overpowered his cell guard and was on his way to the exit of the Nazi base. Along the way he finds information about the rebirth of Operation: Eisenfaust. At the exit of the Nazi base B. J. meets up with the Robotic Hans Grösse. This robot has the brain of Hans and recognizes you as a descendent of the man who nearly killed him a century earlier. After a long battle with one of his grandfather's arch-enemies Hans dies . . . again. Chapter 2: The Return of Dr. Schabbs Following up from Astrostein 1 B. J. takes a Nazi freighter to a large Starbase somewhere in the Alpha Prime sector. This is rumored where Dr. Schabbs has been resurrected and continued his plan for Operation: Eisenfaust. Inside the large space station B. J. finds the horrific creations of the mad doctor. On the final top level of the station B. J. comes face to face with the doctor himself. He still is up to his old tricks of shooting B. J. with his syringes. Even though B. J. successfully destroyed his new hovering body Dr. Schabbs's head is ejected and salvaged by the Nazis. Perhaps someday Schabbs will return . . . Chapter 3: The Final Seig Heil After a few weeks of R. and R. B. J. gets a call from Allied HQ telling him that the Nazis have begun an all out invasion. The only way to stop it is to find and destroy the Nazi's new dictator: General Wolfgang von Braun. He is the grandson of Eva Braun, Hitler's wife and he's all mad because B. J. 's grandfather killed his Pappy. It's not nice when rival families fight. On board the huge battleship that houses him, B. J. finally meets up with the general. His body is destroyed but a fail-safe mechanism kicks in and the torso and head begin to float on some invisible energy field along with a chaingun. Finally, after about an hour of duck and dodge shooting, General Wolfgang von Braun dies and takes the 4th Reich with him. The Astrostein Prequel Trilogy Chapter 1: Return to Berlin B. J. Blazcowicz III was called into action one day and told to eliminate an immediate threat to the Earth known as "Welder's Reich" which rose up from the 20th century's Neo-Nazis. The battle takes place in Berlin, birthplace of Hitler's Reich and which now accommodates Welder's Reich. B. J.'s first battle comes between the guardian of the Reichstag, the Robotic Hans Grösse. This robot was built by some Nazi technicians who gave it the mind of Hans Grösse which in turn provided unique fighting skills. Equipped with lazer-guided rockets, this Robot Hans made short work of anyone who came near him. Too bad he didn't count on meeting B. J. He was easily dispatched. The next mission would take him to a strategic base that held the maps to Welder's secret hideout. Chapter 2: Escape from the Western Wall At the old "Western Wall" bunker in Germany, B. J. is captured for sneaking around. This is the base that holds the maps to Welder's hideout. The bunker is heavily guarded and can not be penetrated by normal weapons. We all know that B. J. is no normal weapon. After he slips past security B. J. is on his way to the top level of the bunker where the guardian of the maps waits for him. On the top level a minion of Welder waits in his lazer-chiangun, rocket-launching, hovering tank. If it weren't evil it would've been an awesome sight to see. It's a fierce battle that wounds B. J. but doesn't take him out of the game. Utilizing a nearby lazer-chaingun that some good Samaritan left for him he destroys the hovering units on the contraption. Unfortunately the blast also destroyed the weapons pod that held all of the rockets on the hovercraft and destroyed it before the man inside could be interrogated. Anyway, the maps say the Welder's base is only a few miles away and that Welder is a Colonel! That means that there is someone more powerful that Welder behind the whole operation. Then why call it "Welder's Reich?" Maybe to through B. J. off track. Chapter 3: Operation: Welder As B. J. makes his way across the German countryside he encounters some citizens that have been gunned down by an army of Nazi soldiers. They say that Welder is on the move and is heading towards England via the TransContinental Bridge. It's up to B. J. to stop the maniac from seizing control of England. Unfortunately B. J. falls just short of getting to Welder before he gets to England. It would've been easier to sniper him while he was on the move but B. J. doesn't mind navigating through Welder's fortification at the new Parliament. Inside he encounters Colonel Welder. Surprisingly, it's easy to kill him. His armor isn't very resistant and he dies easily. But wait, something's wrong. Of course . . . clones. Welder's picture comes up on every monitor in the building and starts laughing at B. J. He challenges him to a duel at the top of the building, winner take all. As B. J. moves though Parliament he encounters more Welder clones as well as other denizens. He even comes upon another Hans Grösse robot but it's been disconnected. Finally on the top level of the House of Parliament B. J. confronts Colonel Welder. The battle rages on with both sides inflicting serious damage. Finally, B. J. ruptures a hose to the dome around Welder's head and it de-pressurizes. Welder's armor is damaged and his head shrinks to the size of a baseball. Welder is dead now but there is still the question of who it is that is behind all of it. You look at Welder's uniform and it has the word "Braun" on it. No, it can't be . . . * 1.1 - New Enemies * Guard- Grist of the Nazi mill in the future. Guards are weak for the most part and only carry small lazer pistols for defense. Shock Troopers- Bad boys of the Nazi brigade. They carry high power lazer pulse weapons that act alot like old Earth machine guns. They wear a special helmet with super enhanced vision visors. Officers- Special patrol officers roam the corridors of Wolfgang's ship. They carry more powerful lazers than the Guards and offer up a greater challenge. Commandos- The strongest of the Nazi force aside from the bosses themselves. They are armed with rapid firing lazer assault pistols. I would run. They are SILENT attackers. Robots- Patrolling corridors these futuristic "puppies" are guys that are easily taken down and a real nuisance if they get right in front of you. The Robot Hans- In the shuttle bay of the Nazi base on Omicron Theta waits a robot with the mind of Hans Grösse. He still carries his prized 2 chainguns that have been enhanced with "modern" bullets. (Lazers) Dr. Schabbs- The doctor is back and ready to do battle in his new hovering body. He's still armed with an array of serums which he fires at you through a special launcher in his new hovering body. (If you've beaten him, you notice that his head is ejected. That is because Schabbs is an awesome boss and can't die. His head will be put on a new body.) Wolfgang von Braun- The new dictator of the Nazis is truly a challenge for even the toughest opponent. Encased in a big suit of deuterium armor, he's ready to mow down opposition with a few lazer enhanced chainguns. The Robot Hans 2- An older version of the Hans robot. He guards the exit of the Reichstag. He still carries his enhanced chainguns The "Hover" Guy- He has no official name but "Hover" Guy. This guy patrols the exit of the "Western Wall" bunker in Germany. He is armed with some rockets which he'll use at his own discresion. Welder Clones- Clones of Colonel Welder that are found on every level of the Prequel Trilogy. They fire some sort of plasma energy at you. Colonel Heliarc Welder- The Colonel himself. He guards the exit to Parliament. Welder is armed with his rockets `o fury. He'll use them when necessary. Don't waste time admiring my artwork, destroy him! * 1.2 - New Weapons* Lazer Pistol- A small but powerful gun that can be used on a variety of opponents. Lazer Pulse Weapon- A new piece of 20'th century technology that replaces faulty old machine gun bullets with high charge lazer pulse shells. Lazer Enhanced Chaingun- The defining maxim in defense. E.D.F.'s new Lazer Chaingun can rip through Nazis like there was no tomorrow. Use sparingly though, it has a healty appitite for ammo. (also known as the Repeator.) * 1.3 - Other New Items * Booster Pack- 5% to 10% healing. Large Booster Pack- 15% healing. First Aid Kit- 25% healing. Ammo Pack- 5 lazer charges. Yellow Cross- 100/1000 points. Red Cross- 500/5000 points. Extra Life- Full healing, extra life, 25 lazer charges. Yellow/Blue Keycard- Used to open corresponding doors. * 1.4 - Why? * For years now since I saw the MAC version on Laz Rojas' webpage, I had an obsession with Astrostein. When I found the PC version at WolfAddict software and saw that it was unfinished, I wanted to kill someone. I knew something had to be done. I took it upon myself to create a series of episodes worthy of the name "Astrostein." While my levels and story do not correspond to the original came, I feel they capture the true essence of the greatest Wolfenstein addon of all time: The Astrostein Trilogy. * 1.5 - Wrapping it all up * Thanks for playing ny Trilogy and we hope to see you around our corner of the block again. There's a world of Wolfensteiners out there who want more, more, more. Thanks for playing. Come back soon. -Spifferaneous J. Heffner