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Welcome to Corey's page



The Simpsons

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If you like warcraftII go to the bottem of the Page, I have Some cheats.

About Me

I'm 13 years old. My name in Corey. I live in Canada some were.Looking for a PEN PAL. E-mail me and leave your age and where you live.I like all kinds of sports. I'm an the VollyBall team at school. I don't have a girl friend. I'm in grade 8.


Another one is Volano. I have a Link at the top of my page to get there.

Any one whats to meat in a chat room I would love to chat with you. I most like to chat with 12 to 15 year olds. E-mail me some time.

If you have a Comment(S) E-mail me at I will try to Up date it every chance I have.

Free E-mail
Links My cheats for Warcraft II
