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This page was last updated on: 18/01/01

WOW! I just realised its been over 6 months since I've touched this page, so I guess I'll be busy over the next few weeks updating this lot LOL.

I've finally got the basics of PSP happening so maybe, just maybe I'll have a go at some special effects as well.

As usual, if you see anything that shouldnt be here or you'd like to see something added, then by all means . Please sign my Guest Book too (Tut tut.. some of you haven't been!!!)

" A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out"


My Other Sites

~My Virtual Links Page~

~Private Emotion (Java)~

~Stilly's Oasis~

~Two Voices~

~The Garden~

~The Beach~

~May You Find Comfort Here~


~A Rose For You~


Friend's Pages

~Squizz's Home Page~

~WhiteWolf's Home Page~

~WolfDreamer's Page~

~Godster's Realm~

~Margi's WebSite~

~Ubiquity's Page~

~Blue's Files~

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