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William Shatner- Admiral/ James T. Kirk
Leonard Nimoy- Captain Spock
DeForest Kelley- Cmdr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, M.D.
James Doohan- Cmdr. Montgomery "Scooty" Scott
George Takei- Cmdr. Hikaru Sulu
Majel Barrett- Dr. Christine Chapel
Walter Koenig- Lt. Pavel Chekov
Nichelle Nichols- Lt. Cmdr. Nyota Uhura
Ricardo Montalban- Khna Noonian Singh
Bibi Besch- Dr. Carol Marcus
Merritt Butrick- Dr. David Marcus (Kirk's son)
Kirstie Alley- Lt. Saavik
Ike Eisenmann- Peter Preston
John Vargas- Jedda
John Winston- Commander Kyle


Admiral Kirk's midlife crisis is interrupted by the return of an old enemy looking for revenge and a potentially destructive device.


In the second (and probably most popular) Star Trek movie, Admiral Kirk is now a Startfleet Academy instructor, while Captain Spock serves as a cadet training officer, while being in command of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Meanwhile, scientists aboard Space Station Regula I are conducting the Project Genesis experiment, and the U.S.S. Reliant is assigned to the Genesis project. While surveying a lifeless planet in the Ceti Alpha start system, Cmdr. Chekov and Capt. Clark Decker beam down to the sixth planet, and find a shocking discovery, in which cargo containers are located. Unknown to the Reliant crew was that the cargo containers housed refugees from the Eugenics Wars of 1990s Earth, with Khan Noonian Singh in charge. Khan later reveals that Ceti Alpha VI exploded, and shifted the orbit of the fifth planet as a Mars-like haven. Khan manages to hijack the Reliant, and manages to steal the Genesis Project, and is involved in a surprise attack, in which Khan vows to avenge his exile. Unfortunately, Captain Spock sacrifices himself to save the Enterprise from the premeditated arming of the Genesis torpedo, and after his death, his casket (which is a converted torpedo tube) is fired from the U.S.S. Enterprise...

10.0 Stars Out Of Ten