ShadowCat's BIO




I'm a Wizard. What's a Wizard, you say? To me a Wizard is someone who practices, teaches and studies the Science of Magic. The Science of Magic being the basic principals by which Magic seems to operate. In order to do this, first requires a study of Science. Wizards are a combination of the old and the new. It also helps that I am an information junky. I am always glad to help anyone with any questions, and I love picking up tid bits of new information.      I have studied many different religons and am a Minister of the Universal Life Church. I consider my religon best described as a Unitarian Universalist Taoist Pagan Priest of Bast.  Sorry, but it's the best I can do. I minister by spiritual counciling and divination. I use Tarot, I-Ching, Runes, Crystal and Mirror Gazing, and I am a Medium ( a large after holidays).  I live in a haunted house, so I have alot of experience with spirits.      As you can tell by the name, I am very much a cat person. I am owned by 2 cats and a weiner cat. My familiar's name is Magic. He tells me he is the Royal Ambassador to Bast.     I'm 40 years ancient, but still a kid at heart.  I was born on Valentine's Day and delivered by Dr. Heart. Married to Mrs. ShadowCat (a.k.a. Debra FitzGerald - She rules my heart like the Goddess she is.      If you are interested in corresponding or studying with me, feel free to e-mail me. I am on AOL and usually am logged on as ShadCat69.I can also be contacted via ICQ. My ICQ number is 8262025.You can also e-mail me at

Here is a pic of me at the Georgia Renessaince Festival.